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Started by lurkalot, February 12, 2005, 04:43:00 AM

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Luis "[darksteel]" Alvarado.
Spanish Support
¿Qué es el repair_settings?
No doy soporte por PM, publica tu duda en el foro y tendras respuestas mas rapidas.
My forum:


Quote from: maufonseca on February 13, 2005, 11:57:10 AM
I got an idea..... I was requesting this mod, but I think it can fit TinyPortal......... Something like the mod page in this site, where members can submit their reviews of something (I have a Gaming site, and I think it can be useful) and people can commet on it and rate it :D

It sounds like a good mean like a download section that also take comments/reviews?


Quote from: akabugeyes on February 13, 2005, 12:24:39 PM
Okay, so I really like this Portal but I have a few things that I think would make it better.

More options with the collapse/expand of the left and right sides of the portal
Options such as for the admin to select if they want to have the left side collapsed by default on the forum and also an option for it to be collapsed by default on the portal. Same goes for the right side.

So it could look something like this:

Use left bar: Yes/No
Expand left bar by default on forum: Yes/No
Expand left bar by default on portal: Yes/No

The reason I want this, is because I would like for the right side to be expanded by default on the portal index but collapsed by default when viewing the forum.

Also I noticed that the theme changer for the portal doesn't keep the changed theme with it. So if I changed my theme to something else using the theme changer on the portal, once I log back in it will be showing the theme I was using before I changed the theme using the theme changer from the portal.

And also the Block permissions system doesn't seem to really work right. If I make a block appear only to a group I am in, it will show the block twice and it will still show the block to everyone else still, but the block will only come up once for those people.

- Yes, the options of pre-collapsed  when viewing the forum is something I will add. Good suggestion.
- The permissions of blocks I have to check upon further.
- the theme more of a "try-out" changer, it does not render the change permanent. But I can make it try-out for guests and permanent for members. That would be logical.

Thanks for the feedback.  :)


Quote from: devinshade on February 13, 2005, 04:26:23 PM
Hi Bloc,

Great work on the mod. I've been getting these errors though:

Whenever I click on any of the TPAdmin settings, it automatically logs me out. Hence I can't never get to change any of the settings. Do you have any ideas how to fix that problem ? Thanks.

That is mysterious...I am not sure what can cause it.

Do you get any error messages at the same time? What about the error log in SMF - do that show any errors reported around the time you try to change settings?


Quote from: [darksteel] on February 13, 2005, 05:08:25 PM
Ready to use in SPANISH language :P

By me :P

Great! I will further put all the text strings into the language files, so any translation help is welcome.


Quote from: Bloc on February 13, 2005, 05:32:59 PM
Quote from: maufonseca on February 13, 2005, 11:57:10 AM
I got an idea..... I was requesting this mod, but I think it can fit TinyPortal......... Something like the mod page in this site, where members can submit their reviews of something (I have a Gaming site, and I think it can be useful) and people can commet on it and rate it :D

It sounds like a good mean like a download section that also take comments/reviews?
Yeah, I dont know if you have seen it, but something like the "News" section in Php-Nuke, that there are categories, and each one have a diferent icon


Quote from: OIDanTheManIO on February 12, 2005, 12:53:04 PM
Quote from: Bloc on February 12, 2005, 12:00:21 PM
Quote from: OIDanTheManIO on February 12, 2005, 10:11:47 AM
I am extrememely frustrated right about now. I installed the mod and hate it, so I try to uninstall it, that doesn't work. Then I try deleting the files, THAT works but the stuff on the index page is STILL THERE! HOW DO I REMOVE THIS THING PLEASE!

-Dan The Man
Try to replace with the original Load.php, Index.template.php and index.php, those files are modified by the mod.

If you have files in the root folder named  index.bak, load.bak and index.template.bak, those are YOUR original files and could just be renamed to php and put in again:

- load.bak => rename to Load.php - put in Sources folder
- index.bak => rename to index.php - put in forum root folder
- index.template.bak => rename to index.template.php - put in themes/default folder.

I will check into why it wont un-install properly.

Great, now my forums are F**KED UP!

-Dan The Man

Its BETA.  Never use it on a real site unless your not worried about fuk ups.  Bloc is doing a great job! Thanks man for this option. I myself am still in the hunt for a portal to fit all my needs. thanks again!


Turkish Translations:


// Version: 1.0 ; TPortal

$txt['tp-by'] = 'by';
$txt['tp-readmore'] = 'Devamı...';
$txt['tp-comments'] = 'Yorumlar';
$txt['tp-nonews'] = 'Yeni haber yok';
$txt['tp-changetheme'] = 'Değiştir';



// Version: 1.0 ; TPortalAdmin

$txt['tp-by'] = 'Gönderen';
$txt['tp-adminonly'] = 'Bu bölüme erisiminiz yok. Sadece yöneticiler bu bölüme girebilir.';
$txt['tp-generalsettings'] = 'Genel Ayarlar';
$txt['tp-shoutboxsettings'] = 'Ses Kutuus';
$txt['tp-shoutboxheight'] = 'Ses kutusunun genisligi';
$txt['tp-shoutboxlimit'] = 'Ses kutusunun limiti:';
$txt['tp-settings'] = 'Ayarlar';
$txt['tp-editblocks'] = 'Bloklari Düzenle';
$txt['tp-editarticles'] = 'Maddeleri Düzenle';
$txt['tp-editshoutbox'] = 'Ses Kutusunu Düzenle';
$txt['tp-shoutboxitems'] = 'Son gönderileni sil/düzenle:';
$txt['tp-fixedwidth'] = 'Genisligi ayarla';
$txt['tp-fixedwidth2'] = '( piksel olarak - 100% icin width 0 for olmali )';



Thanks, Midgard..I may need more translations for the next release. :) Not all strings were translated, just some to get the system started.


this mod looks very nice. i think it has the potential to become one of THE smf-powered CMS/portal systems out there.  my suggestion would be the integration of a wide range of already great other mods into this.... just a thought.

keep up the great work



i have 2 errors

8: Undefined index: mystart
File: /home/sportman/public_html/smf/Themes/default/TPortalBlocks.template.php (eval?)
Line: 15
8: Undefined index: mystart
File: /home/sportman/public_html/smf/Themes/default/TPortalBlocks.template.php (eval?)
Line: 62

These errors are filling up my error log. Can you fix them or should i just reinstall it


They should not appear in the latest yes, try to re-install. Just overwrite with the php files from the archive .


Yo, Bloc.

I gave a quick look at one of the files, TPortalBlocks.template.php, and found something that could be optimized a bit. I didn't check the other functions, but will later if you want.

It's about the TPortal_leftbar() and TPortal_rightbar() functions. They are the same, except for the side, so I put them together in one. Just specify left/right in the call.

I didn't test it, though, so I leave that to you. HIH.

// TPortal side bar, left or right.
function TPortal_sideBar($side)
global $context;

foreach ($context['TPortal'][$side . 'block']['blocks'] as $block)
$theme = $block['frame'] == 'theme';
echo '<div', ($theme ? ' class="tborder"' : ''), ' style="margin-bottom: 5px;">';
if ($theme || $block['frame'] == 'title')
echo '<div class="titlebg" style="padding: 4px; font-weight: bold;">', $block['title'], '</div>';
echo '<div', ($theme ? ' class="windowbg"' : ''), ' style="padding: 4px;">';

$func = 'TPortal_' . $block['type'];
if (function_exists($func))
echo doUBBC($block['body']);

echo '</div></div>';
Cristián Lávaque


Thanks. :) That is one of the things I meant with optimizing..I will test it and use it.


thanks, i reinstalled it under 1.0.2 and it works fine


Bloc, I changed the foreach with a for, since it will probably be a tiny bit faster, so why not? :P

// TPortal side bar, left or right.
function TPortal_sideBar($side)
global $context;

for ($i = 0, $n = count($context['TPortal'][$side . 'block']['blocks']); $i < $n; $i += 1)
$block =& $context['TPortal'][$side . 'block']['blocks'][$i];
$theme = $block['frame'] == 'theme';

echo '<div', ($theme ? ' class="tborder"' : ''), ' style="margin-bottom: 5px;">';
if ($theme || $block['frame'] == 'title')
echo '<div class="titlebg" style="padding: 4px; font-weight: bold;">', $block['title'], '</div>';
echo '<div', ($theme ? ' class="windowbg"' : ''), ' style="padding: 4px;">';

$func = 'TPortal_' . $block['type'];
if (function_exists($func))
echo doUBBC($block['body']);

echo '</div></div>';

BTW, did it work? :)
Cristián Lávaque



Yes, worked like a charm. :)


Bloc I LOVE YOU! :) :) :D :D :D ;)

This mod excellent/super/great/amazing and more

Thank you very very much
