
Started by lurkalot, February 12, 2005, 04:43:00 AM

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Quote from: lurkalot on June 02, 2020, 03:17:24 AM
Quote from: jbridges87 on June 02, 2020, 12:30:44 AM
Is it possible to use Tiny Portal as your ad interface?

I was playing around with Tiny Portal, and got the idea that maybe there's a way to stick the provided code that advertisers give you, right into TinyPortal Panel Blocks?
There is the option for javascript afterall.

Has anyone used Tiny Portal in this way, and been happy with the result?

I run all my adsense code in TP blocks for example, and yes it works ok.    ;) 

Just turn off all the visual stuff from the blocks so nothing shows.

Do not use title/frame styles
Do not allow block to collapse

Make sure it's viewable to Guests.
Make sure you have it displayed on all desired pages.
Awesome. If I ever get approved for ads, I will get it a try!  ;D
Come by and check out my sports forum, here.
Running SMF v2.0.17


Hey guys, so I was recently approved for adsense, and started using tiny portal to display, and it's been great. I love the UI and layout.

I'm wondering what the differences are between regular forum posts and TP articles.
This seems like an incredibly powerful mod, and I was just hoping to maybe see someone using the full set of features on their forum, so I could get an idea of what it can do.

I'm going to install it on my test forum as well and play around, but if someone could link me to their site using multiple features of TP, I would love to check it out!
Come by and check out my sports forum, here.
Running SMF v2.0.17


Take at look at the TP site. It uses a pretty comprehensive set of the features.


Wow, don't I feel like a dork!  :o
I didn't even realize that their was a dedicated site for TP. I guess I need to clean my glasses!

Come by and check out my sports forum, here.
Running SMF v2.0.17


Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at www.fjr-club.nl


Beta Testers Wanted

As it seems TinyPortal version 2.0.0 is now ready for beta testing.
Tino finished the updates he was planning to do, so it is now time to do some proper testing on the current package.

Below the changes made to the branch labeled 2.0.0

This includes the following updates and fixes:
Relevant to SMF 2.0 and 2.1:

Technical updates:
- major updates to codebase, cleaned up sources, templates and language files
- changes to database tables and fields
- removed the unused code sections for plugins and modules
- removed non-functional permission 'always approved'
- fixed a number of hard-coded language strings
- updated language string usage in for easier translation

New functionality:
- added setting to Disable the PHP eval function for templates
- added configurable paths for TinyPortal images, downloads and blockcodes
- added setting that allows the removal of Tinyportal menu option for all users but admins
- added setting to allow / disallow links in comments
- updated article comments display and added comments counters
- replaced 5-boards option with multi-select for news boards topics frontpage
- added 'include or exclude boards' option to recent topics block
- updated block sorting function to resolve issues when moving blocks up and down
- added extra css option for custom css
- allow for over 30 search results and pagination on article search
- replaced general settings with checkboxes instead of radio buttons
- updated TinyPortal menu option allowing direct access to settings pages
- added option in TPdownloads to create a downloadable item with a link to a file

Relevant to SMF 2.1 only:
- added Mentions to Shoutbox and article comments for SMF2.1

NOTICE!  because of the database changes in this version there's no going back to TP 1.x.x after installing version 2.0.0. You can install previous versions, but by doing that you WILL lose TP data and you will need to manually fix or recreate your content!!!

If you would like to help us test this version of TinyPortal please pop over to the official TinyPortal support site for assistance.



I have installed Tinyportal 2.0 on my test forum:


The calendar block does not appear properly  ::) The width of the panel is set to 230 pixels.
In my working forum with Tinyportal 1.6.6, the calendar is working properly, with width set to 220 pixels.


Quote from: Hatshepsut on June 19, 2020, 06:20:59 AM
I have installed Tinyportal 2.0 on my test forum:


The calendar block does not appear properly  ::) The width of the panel is set to 230 pixels.
In my working forum with Tinyportal 1.6.6, the calendar is working properly, with width set to 220 pixels.

Try this blockcode:

global $scripturl, $smcFunc;

$now = time();
$today = date('j',$now);
$year = date("Y",$now);
$month = date("n",$now);
$days = array($today => array(NULL, NULL, '<a class="smalltext" style="color: steelblue; font-weight: bold; border: solid 1px black; background-color: white;" href="'.$scripturl.'?action=calendar;sa=view;month='.$month.';year='.$year.';day='.$today.'" target="_self">'.$today.'</a>'));

$day_name_length = 2;
$month_href = $scripturl . '?action=calendar';
$first_day = 1;
$pn = array();

$first_of_month = gmmktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year);
//remember that mktime will automatically correct if invalid dates are entered
// for instance, mktime(0,0,0,12,32,1997) will be the date for Jan 1, 1998
// this provides a built in "rounding" feature to generate_calendar()

$day_names = array(); //generate all the day names according to the current locale
for($n=0,$t=(3+$first_day)*86400; $n<7; $n++,$t+=86400) //January 4, 1970 was a Sunday
$day_names[$n] = ucfirst(gmstrftime('%A',$t)); //%A means full textual day name

list($month, $year, $month_name, $weekday) = explode(',', gmstrftime('%m,%Y,%B,%w', $first_of_month));
$weekday = ($weekday + 7 - $first_day) % 7; //adjust for $first_day
$title   = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars'](ucfirst($month_name)).' '.$year;  //note that some locales don't capitalize month and day names

//Begin calendar. Uses a real <caption>. See http://diveintomark.org/archives/2002/07/03
@list($p, $pl) = each($pn);
@list($n, $nl) = each($pn); //previous and next links, if applicable
$p = '<span class="smalltext">'.($pl ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($pl).'">'.$p.'</a>' : $p).'</span> ';
$n = ' <span class="smalltext">'.($nl ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($nl).'">'.$n.'</a>' : $n).'</span>';
$calendar = '<table>'."\n".
'<caption >'.$p.($month_href ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($month_href).'">'.$title.'</a>' : $title).$n."</caption>\n<tr>";

if($day_name_length){ #if the day names should be shown ($day_name_length > 0)
//if day_name_length is >3, the full name of the day will be printed
foreach($day_names as $d)
$calendar .= '<th class="smalltext" abbr="'.htmlentities($d).'" style="padding: 4px 2px;">'.htmlentities($day_name_length < 4 ? substr($d,0,$day_name_length) : $d).'</th>';

$calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr style=\"text-align:right;\">";

if($weekday > 0)
$calendar .= '<td class="smalltext" colspan="'.$weekday.'"> </td>'; //initial 'empty' days
for($day=1,$days_in_month=gmdate('t',$first_of_month); $day<=$days_in_month; $day++,$weekday++){
if($weekday == 7){
$weekday   = 0; #start a new week
$calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr style=\"text-align:right;\">";
if(isset($days[$day]) and is_array($days[$day])){
@list($link, $classes, $content) = $days[$day];
$content  = $day;
$calendar .= '<td '.($classes ? ' class="'.htmlspecialchars($classes).'" style="padding:1px 6px 1px 1px;">' : ' style="padding:1px 6px 1px 1px;">').
($link ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($link).'?">'.$content.'</a>' : $content).'</td>';
$calendar .= "<td class=\"smalltext\" style=\"padding:1px 5px 1px 4px;font-size: 0.85em;\"><a";
if(((($weekday+$first_day) % 7)==0)||((($weekday+$first_day) % 7)==6))
$calendar .= ' style="color:#C00000;"';
$calendar .= " href=\"".$scripturl."?action=calendar;sa=view;month=".$month.";year=".$year.";day=".$day."\" target=\"_self\">$day</a></td>";
if($weekday != 7)
$calendar .= '<td class="smalltext" colspan="'.(7-$weekday).'"> </td>'; //remaining "empty" days

echo $calendar."</tr>\n</table>\n";
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at www.fjr-club.nl


The test website here - http://www.sub.wylek.ru/
Did not find a preference to allow/deny links in comments :)


Quote from: @rjen on June 19, 2020, 10:38:29 AM
Quote from: Hatshepsut on June 19, 2020, 06:20:59 AM
I have installed Tinyportal 2.0 on my test forum:


The calendar block does not appear properly  ::) The width of the panel is set to 230 pixels.
In my working forum with Tinyportal 1.6.6, the calendar is working properly, with width set to 220 pixels.

Try this blockcode:

global $scripturl, $smcFunc;

$now = time();
$today = date('j',$now);
$year = date("Y",$now);
$month = date("n",$now);
$days = array($today => array(NULL, NULL, '<a class="smalltext" style="color: steelblue; font-weight: bold; border: solid 1px black; background-color: white;" href="'.$scripturl.'?action=calendar;sa=view;month='.$month.';year='.$year.';day='.$today.'" target="_self">'.$today.'</a>'));

$day_name_length = 2;
$month_href = $scripturl . '?action=calendar';
$first_day = 1;
$pn = array();

$first_of_month = gmmktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year);
//remember that mktime will automatically correct if invalid dates are entered
// for instance, mktime(0,0,0,12,32,1997) will be the date for Jan 1, 1998
// this provides a built in "rounding" feature to generate_calendar()

$day_names = array(); //generate all the day names according to the current locale
for($n=0,$t=(3+$first_day)*86400; $n<7; $n++,$t+=86400) //January 4, 1970 was a Sunday
$day_names[$n] = ucfirst(gmstrftime('%A',$t)); //%A means full textual day name

list($month, $year, $month_name, $weekday) = explode(',', gmstrftime('%m,%Y,%B,%w', $first_of_month));
$weekday = ($weekday + 7 - $first_day) % 7; //adjust for $first_day
$title   = $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars'](ucfirst($month_name)).' '.$year;  //note that some locales don't capitalize month and day names

//Begin calendar. Uses a real <caption>. See http://diveintomark.org/archives/2002/07/03
@list($p, $pl) = each($pn);
@list($n, $nl) = each($pn); //previous and next links, if applicable
$p = '<span class="smalltext">'.($pl ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($pl).'">'.$p.'</a>' : $p).'</span> ';
$n = ' <span class="smalltext">'.($nl ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($nl).'">'.$n.'</a>' : $n).'</span>';
$calendar = '<table>'."\n".
'<caption >'.$p.($month_href ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($month_href).'">'.$title.'</a>' : $title).$n."</caption>\n<tr>";

if($day_name_length){ #if the day names should be shown ($day_name_length > 0)
//if day_name_length is >3, the full name of the day will be printed
foreach($day_names as $d)
$calendar .= '<th class="smalltext" abbr="'.htmlentities($d).'" style="padding: 4px 2px;">'.htmlentities($day_name_length < 4 ? substr($d,0,$day_name_length) : $d).'</th>';

$calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr style=\"text-align:right;\">";

if($weekday > 0)
$calendar .= '<td class="smalltext" colspan="'.$weekday.'"> </td>'; //initial 'empty' days
for($day=1,$days_in_month=gmdate('t',$first_of_month); $day<=$days_in_month; $day++,$weekday++){
if($weekday == 7){
$weekday   = 0; #start a new week
$calendar .= "</tr>\n<tr style=\"text-align:right;\">";
if(isset($days[$day]) and is_array($days[$day])){
@list($link, $classes, $content) = $days[$day];
$content  = $day;
$calendar .= '<td '.($classes ? ' class="'.htmlspecialchars($classes).'" style="padding:1px 6px 1px 1px;">' : ' style="padding:1px 6px 1px 1px;">').
($link ? '<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($link).'?">'.$content.'</a>' : $content).'</td>';
$calendar .= "<td class=\"smalltext\" style=\"padding:1px 5px 1px 4px;font-size: 0.85em;\"><a";
if(((($weekday+$first_day) % 7)==0)||((($weekday+$first_day) % 7)==6))
$calendar .= ' style="color:#C00000;"';
$calendar .= " href=\"".$scripturl."?action=calendar;sa=view;month=".$month.";year=".$year.";day=".$day."\" target=\"_self\">$day</a></td>";
if($weekday != 7)
$calendar .= '<td class="smalltext" colspan="'.(7-$weekday).'"> </td>'; //remaining "empty" days

echo $calendar."</tr>\n</table>\n";

Thanks, now the calendar block is displayed properly :)


Quote from: wylekk on June 19, 2020, 10:41:00 AM
The test website here - http://www.sub.wylek.ru/
Did not find a preference to allow/deny links in comments :)

Look in TP admin panel => Articles => Settings

Click =>


Quote from: Hatshepsut on June 19, 2020, 11:14:51 AM
Thanks, now the calendar block is displayed properly :)

Th updated blockcode will be in 2.0.0
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at www.fjr-club.nl


Errors in language files

$txt['tp-allow-links-article-comments'] = "Allow article comments to contain links";

$txt['tp-membergrouphelpdesc'] = 'Choose your membergroups that will able to see this block. Note that if none are chosen, it will only display it to admin.';$txt['tp-membergrouptext'] = 'Choose your membergroup access after the block is saved. Blocks are always set to OFF upon creation.';


Quote from: wylekk on June 19, 2020, 01:50:20 PM
Errors in language files

$txt['tp-allow-links-article-comments'] = "Allow article comments to contain links";

$txt['tp-membergrouphelpdesc'] = 'Choose your membergroups that will able to see this block. Note that if none are chosen, it will only display it to admin.';$txt['tp-membergrouptext'] = 'Choose your membergroup access after the block is saved. Blocks are always set to OFF upon creation.';

what errors are you finding? I cannot tell what's wrong from just the text strings...
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at www.fjr-club.nl


double quotes

$txt['tp-allow-links-article-comments'] = "Allow article comments to contain links";

It is necessary so

$txt['tp-allow-links-article-comments'] = 'Allow article comments to contain links';

Here so

$txt['tp-membergrouphelpdesc'] = 'Choose your membergroups that will able to see this block. Note that if none are chosen, it will only display it to admin.';
$txt['tp-membergrouptext'] = 'Choose your membergroup access after the block is saved. Blocks are always set to OFF upon creation.';


Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at www.fjr-club.nl


Is there a switch and/or setting to make URL links show up in articles?

For example, if I link a specific phrase to a URL, such as SMF Forums, the words don't change a different color, or underline, to show that there's a linked source.
I'm simply using the option 'insert a link', under the +HTML article.
Come by and check out my sports forum, here.
Running SMF v2.0.17


Quote from: jbridges87 on June 24, 2020, 08:50:07 PM
Is there a switch and/or setting to make URL links show up in articles?

For example, if I link a specific phrase to a URL, such as SMF Forums, the words don't change a different color, or underline, to show that there's a linked source.
I'm simply using the option 'insert a link', under the +HTML article.

It should really behave the same way it does if you post a link in the forum posts.  You could right click and inspect a link in your articles, and that will show you where to make the colour change etc in the css. 


In the forum SMF adds a special class to the urls: class="bbc_link". This adds the underlined style. TinyPortal articles do the exact same thing in BBC articles.
It does not do that in HTML articles though: you need to add that manually if you want it...

For a color change TP follows the style of your theme...
There will be something like this in the css, and it does that for all types of articles...

a:link, a:visited
color: #346;
text-decoration: none;
Running SMF 2.1 with latest TinyPortal at www.fjr-club.nl


Ah okay, so it's a bbc vs html thing.
If I could just get the html articles in TP to show up the same as the bbc articles, that would be good.

Where exactly would I add the class=bbc_link, so that my html articles are shown the same way as bbc?
Come by and check out my sports forum, here.
Running SMF v2.0.17
