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Auto Merge Double Post

Started by M-DVD, December 03, 2008, 10:18:25 AM

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Quote from: Aspera on December 04, 2008, 09:16:34 PM

$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = 'Dozvoliti dupli post';
$txt['permissionhelp_doublePost'] = 'Uključujući ovo dozvoljavate dupli post.';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div'] = 'Dodati tekst prilikom spajanja postova';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div_sub'] = 'Možete koristiti BBC i $date variable';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time'] = 'Vrijeme nakon kojeg se postovi neće automatski spajati';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time_sub'] = '0 za isključivanje MOD-a i 9999 za spajanje postova u svakom vremenskom razdoblju';


Quote from: netoya on December 05, 2008, 10:33:06 AM
realy greate mod, but I can't run the update script, maualy added settings in datebase
Here is russian:
$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = 'Разрешить отправлять двойные посты';
$txt['permissionhelp_doublePost'] = 'Включая, Вы разрешаете отправку двойных постов.';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div'] = 'Добавлять текст при слиянии сообщений';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div_sub'] = 'Вы можете использовать BB код и переменную $date';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time'] = 'Время, после которого сообщения не будут склеиваться';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time_sub'] = 'Время до которого происходит слияние сообщений. Установите 0, чтобы выключить мод, 9999 чтобы склеивалось всегда, не поднимая тему';

Oh, Thanks you, Soon update (tomorrow).  :D

Quote from: AlenNS on December 04, 2008, 09:45:08 PM
QuoteMerge Post are a new topics?
When your mod merge two posts there is no new post link anywhere and when some member write something after himslef there is no sign of new post, no link, no picture, nothing.

I hope that you understand what I want to say.

I had to uninstall your mod untill there is better solution for that. :-[

Ok, now i understand.

Yes, you're right. (And Good Idea)

I thought, it would be good (that the Forum) when be changed the last message of the topics, place a 'notice' to all members who have already seen the topic.

It's good, whether it is used or not used this MOD.

I can do.


The Rule Forum: "No double post, edit your messages"

This MOD "not merge post", "not create new post and delete last post", etc, etc.

This MOD Edit Last Post. It is simple and effective.

When the flooder, post a new reply, the MOD change the Request and now the Flooder Modify his Post XD LOL

If no sign of new post, no link, no picture, nothing, it's because when editing the last post, there are no signs of any kind, regardless of the situation as it is, with MOD or without MOD.

It would be a good feature in the Forum.

Quote from: villasg on December 05, 2008, 07:21:42 AM
Hi this is the error that i have after mod install.
The Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/xxxx/xxx/xxxx/Sources/Load.php(1749) : eval()'d code on line 32

shows in the first line of my site
After of this line start my site correctly
have this error after mod install .
I upload the file the sunday because i am aout of my base now

Ok, i wait.

But i have used in SMF 1.1.4, 1.1.7 and SMF 2.0 b4 and I get no error.

And Also I see no relationship between the MOD code and it new log errors.

Perhaps the cause of this new error, is the same as the previous ones.

Quote from: netoya on December 06, 2008, 03:16:00 AM
Is it a bug?
My time zone is +3
And user has -3
So, if his post is merged: i see the correct post date, but the added text time is -3.

bug?  :-\  you can call it that.

I would say. "Bug" -> Yes, Problem -> Not.

The date in "Merge Text", isn't timestamp, is Text. This text is create (with the timestamp) when the user Doble Post with his time zone.

Quote from: Alpay on December 05, 2008, 03:12:15 PM
Very good mod. Thanks M-DVD .

Quote from: EgAr on December 05, 2008, 09:24:05 PM
Exelente  ;)

Thanks for yours comments.  :D


Install again and work perfect ....



Translate =) Turkish..

//   MOD Auto Merge Double Post
$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = 'Flood Mesajı Aktif Et';
$txt['permissionhelp_doublePost'] = 'Flood Mesajları engellemek icin izin butonu.';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div'] = 'Flood mesajları ne kadar sürede birleştirilsin?';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div_sub'] = 'Mesaj da başlık ve $date görünümü ayarlama';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time'] = 'Flood mesajın birleştirilme süresi';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time_sub'] = 'Eğer 0 yaparsanız zamanı hiç bir zaman birleştirilmez ancak 9999 yaparsanız her zaman birleştirilir.';


M-DVD Thanks for the attention. I'm glad that you like my idea. I'll wait for this change because this mod is great.



villasg, Aspera, netoya, Alpay Thanks for yours Translations.

I question if I've done good conversion, because in my text editor I had two problems.

1.- When I save texts with my editor, the characters are transformed to  ----> ???????

I applied a script and made a conversion, but is correct? I can not tell if it is good, because I get (see) characters senseless. Example: Î?ιÏ?λο. (In Greek and Russian languages).

2 .- I made the conversion to UTF-8 and also wanted to know whether it was correct.

Could you review both?

When they are revised, put it in the Custom Zone Download.



Quote from: villasg on December 07, 2008, 02:54:58 PM
I make the update


I have problems with the text editor.

If I copy.

$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = 'Επιτρέπετε το ΔιπλοΠοστάρισμα';

Paste.  >:(

$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = '?p?t??pete t? ??p????st???sµa';

Then I made a conversion with a script, very wrong :P



I have errors in forum log, it is a global moderator using Opera browser, others dont have such a problem.
Hacking attempt...

UPDATE smf_messages
SET posterName = 'Uschka', posterEmail = '[email protected]', icon = 'xx', subject = 'Re: АвтоСкандинавия'2008 - Клубные поездки в ФИНЛЯНДИЮ.', body = 'А вот мои планы насчет коттеджа с Корса-клубом похоже меняются. Не удается уговорить +1 на поездку  :-\ А одна я не поеду...  :'(
В общем, скорее всего получится, что без меня...  :'(
Добавлено: 07 декабря 2008, 20:16:18
Quote from: Maximus on December 07, 2008, 10:31:06 AM
В Дьютиках - просто давка!!!! Никогда такого не видел!! В магазин очередь на улице!! Пускают человек по 20-25 и закрывают на 15 минут, пока все не пройдут через кассы, затем новых людей запускают! Жесть  :D
Это еще что!.. В январе в дютиках нас ждут пустые полки...  :\'( Причем опустошение просиходит каждый год и почему сразу не сделать стратегический запас, который мы не сможем растащить - мне лично не понятно  :-\\... ', modifiedTime = 1228670178, modifiedName = 'Uschka', ID_MSG_MODIFIED = 280740, smileysEnabled = 1
WHERE ID_MSG = 280717
Файл: /html/forum/Sources/Subs-Post.php
Строка: 1898

and other regular user, but in same file
QuoteОшибка базы данных: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '2008 - Клубные поездки в ФИНЛЯНДИЮ.', body = 'Maximus, КорсаСоня в суббот' at line 2
Файл: /html/forum/Sources/Subs-Post.php
Строка: 1898

1893 // Change the post.
1894 db_query("
1895 UPDATE {$db_prefix}messages
1896 SET " . implode(', ', $messages_columns) . "
1897 WHERE ID_MSG = $msgOptions[id]
1898 LIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);

// Lock and or sticky the post.


Polish translation:

//Double post merger
$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = 'Pozwól na podwójny post';
$txt['permissionhelp_doublePost'] = 'Przez włączenie tego, pozwolisz na podwójne posty';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div'] = 'Dodaj tekst po połączeniu postów';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div_sub'] = 'Możesz używać tagów BBC i zmiennej $date';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time'] = 'Czas, po którym pozwoli userom na podbicie wątku';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time_sub'] = 'Ustaw 0, by modyfikacja była nieaktywna i 9999 by nigdy nie pozwolić na podbijanie wątków';


Quote from: villasg on December 07, 2008, 03:10:18 PM
I dont know
I use notepad ++

Yes, me too  :'(.  (is good text editor :D)

Quote from: netoya on December 08, 2008, 05:28:00 AM
I have errors in forum log, it is a global moderator using Opera browser, others dont have such a problem.

Error 1: Found, thank for report.
Error 2: Found. thank for report.
Error 2: Not found. You have asked your users they were doing at that time?

Sorry, bugs fix, soon update :)


Thanks to these tests, I found a small bug (other :P), which will soon corrected in v1.1. Wait for it to resolve this mystery it out (Error 2)  :-\

Quote from: saneone on December 08, 2008, 05:30:53 AM
Polish translation:

//Double post merger
$txt['permissionname_doublePost'] = 'Pozwól na podwójny post';
$txt['permissionhelp_doublePost'] = 'Przez włączenie tego, pozwolisz na podwójne posty';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div'] = 'Dodaj tekst po połączeniu postów';
$txt['AutoMergePost_div_sub'] = 'Możesz używać tagów BBC i zmiennej $date';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time'] = 'Czas, po którym pozwoli userom na podbicie wątku';
$txt['AutoMergePost_time_sub'] = 'Ustaw 0, by modyfikacja była nieaktywna i 9999 by nigdy nie pozwolić na podbijanie wątków';

Thank for Translate  :D


QuoteError 2: Not found. You have asked your users they were doing at that time?
No, I was just viewing the errors log. I hope too that fix will solve both problems.


Update Auto Merge Double Post v1.1:

New features:

  • Fixed bug with Subject without slashes and errors in Log - Thanks netoya & villasg for report.
  • Fixed bug when the Post Merge exceced limit characters in post.

How do I upgrade?

  • Uninstall the previous version
  • Install the new
  • Isn't neccesary reedit your custom templates files


Características Nuevas:

  • Reparado bug con títulos con comillas sin escapar, que generaba errores en el log.
  • Reparado bug cuando el Post Merge excedía los caracteres máximos.

¿Como actualizar?

  • Desinstalar la anterior versión
  • Instalar la nueva
  • No es necesario editar archivos de tu tema personalizado


No update for New post notification?


No, not yet. The bug above, should be resolved urgently.

For the report and notification, I should investigate more, besides, I think it should be an independent feature, whether it is used or not used this MOD.



Quote from: M-DVD on December 10, 2008, 09:05:45 AM
No, not yet. The bug above, should be resolved urgently.

For the report and notification, I should investigate more, besides, I think it should be an independent feature, whether it is used or not used this MOD.
To bad. :(
Great mod but I can't use it like this. My members complained for this bug.


Really great Mod bu has alot of bugs, please PM me when the general BUGs are  solved i really want it (I am using a the last version and dont want to keep updating)
"The man who smiles when things go wrong has though of someone to blame things on"
I forgot the name
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Quote from: AlenNS on December 10, 2008, 09:50:43 AM
To bad. :(
Great mod but I can't use it like this. My members complained for this bug.


That "bug" is not "bug". And if it were, then it would not be of this MOD.

1 .- You do not have installed this MOD.
2 .- A member changes the latest message in a topic, and add any text. (which is how it should happen, and not Flood).
3 .-  Will continue topic mark as topic read. Not display sign of new post or icon, nothing (whether it is used or not used this MOD).

So always happens in SMF. Then, no is bug of this MOD. Nor would it be a feature of this MOD; modify the last post, is something that always happens.


I made a code that fixes this, but I'm testing.

Quote from: taha116 on December 10, 2008, 07:42:53 PM
Really great Mod bu has alot of bugs, please PM me when the general BUGs are  solved i really want it (I am using a the last version and dont want to keep updating)


has alot of bugs? general BUGs?

The two bugs already have been fixed in v1.1.

You can download, install and use without bugs.
