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Stop Spammer

Started by M-DVD, December 31, 2008, 07:31:43 AM

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Full language package updated with these new translations:

  • All the missing lines from Arabic language thanks to islam2hamy & JoeB. Arabic is now fully translated.
  • All the missing lines from Ukrainian language thanks to ZeUsSaN. Ukrainian is now fully translated.
  • All the missing lines from Polish language thanks to flapjack. Polish is now fully translated.
  • 21 lines from Hungarian language thanks to subcor. Hungarian is still missing 9 lines.
  • 12 lines from Norwegian language thanks to Skoen. Norwegian is still missing 18 lines.

The full language package has now these languages:

QuoteLanguages (normal & utf-8)
Translation completed:

  • English
  • English_british
  • Spanish_es
  • Spanish_latin

Missing 7 lines:
Missing 9 lines:
Missing 18 lines:
  • Included in MOD package
  • Included in and translation complete
  • Included in but translation incomplete

Thanks again to everybody helping with the mod and again sorry for not updating it earlier.

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


Full language package updated again with the missing lines from Hungarian language thanks to subcor. Hungarian is now fully translated.

QuoteLanguages (normal & utf-8)
Translation completed:

  • English
  • English_british
  • Spanish_es
  • Spanish_latin

Missing 9 lines:
Missing 18 lines:
  • Included in MOD package
  • Included in and translation complete
  • Included in but translation incomplete

Köszönet subcor

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


Complete Norwegian translation:

Quote$txt['stopspammer_error'] = 'Kunne ikke koble til Anti-SPAM-database. Tilkobling feilet.
Prøv igjen senere eller kontakt webmaster';
$txt['stopspammer_count'] = 'Blokkerte spammere til nå';
$txt['stopspammer_title'] = 'Finn mer informasjon i "Stop Forum Spam"';

$txt['stopspammer_enable'] = 'Aktiver/Deaktiver Stop Spammer-mod';
$txt['stopspammer_show01'] = 'Vis link "Mer info" for alle medlemmer';
$txt['stopspammer_show01_sub'] = 'Du kan huke av hvert medlem når du vil bare med et klikk';

$txt['stopspammer_faildb'] = 'Hvis ingen forbindelse med Anti-Spam-databasen...';
$txt['stopspammer_fail01'] = 'Vis feilmelding og stopp registrering';
$txt['stopspammer_fail02'] = 'Tillat øyblikkelig registering';
$txt['stopspammer_fail03'] = 'Medlemsgodkjenning og vis ikon for avhuking';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb1_sub'] = 'Din vert kan koble til eksternt til databasen';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb2_sub'] = 'Din vert kan ikke koble til databasen. Prøv igjen senere<br />
Dersom problemene fortsetter, sjekk ut følgende link for hjelp ';
$txt['stopspammer_not_translate'] = '<a href=""><span class="error"><b>Known Issues</b></span></a>';

$txt['stopspammer_leyd01'] = 'Ikke spammer: Denne informasjonen var ikke i datamasen. Men du kan sjekke';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd02'] = 'Mistenkt: Kunne ikke sjekke dette medlemmet. Sjekk nå';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd03'] = 'Spammere: Se mer informasjon til disse spammerne';

$txt['stopspammer_profilecheck'] = 'Sjekk dette medlemmet';
$txt['stopspammer_limitexceded'] = 'Du har nådd grensen for antall sjekker (5000 forespørsler hver dag).<br />
Du får vente til i morgen før du sjekker igjen.';

$txt['in_stop_forum_spam'] = 'På Stop Forum Spams nettside:';
$txt['spammers_checks'] = 'Sjekk disse medlemmene';
$txt['spammers_report'] = 'Rapporter disse medlemmene';
$txt['confirm_spammers_checks'] = 'Er du sikker på at du vil sjekke de valgte medlemmene?';
$txt['confirm_spammers_report'] = 'Er du sikker på at du vil rapportere de valgte medlemmene?\n\n
Når du rapporterer et medlem til SFS vil vedkommende bli markert som spammer i hele verden og vil ikke få muligheten til å bruke noen av foraene tilknyttet SFS.\n\n
Gjør dette bare når du er helt sikker på at de er spammere, og dersom du mener du har gjort en feil, kontakt utvikleren av denne moden for å rette feilen i SFS-databasen.';
Alf Otto 'Skoen' Fagermo
Retired Norwegian translator


Quote from: Skoen on July 05, 2010, 05:19:27 AM
Complete Norwegian translation:


Thanks for your help Skoen.

Anyway your translation is not complete. You have translated the 23 lines we were using in version 2.3 (from December 2008) and the actual version 2.3.7 (from February 2010) have 30 lines.

It means you are not using the updated version of the mod so I would recommend you to update it as soon as you can, because the new version fixes a few important things.

In case you don't see them, the 7 missing lines you have are these ones:

$txt['stopspammer_api_key'] = 'Your API key';
$txt['stopspammer_api_key_sub'] = 'If you want to use your own API key you must go first to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to sign up for one and write it here. If you haven\'t got one just leave it blank and the mod will use the default API key.';

$txt['stopspammer_check_sub1'] = '<br />If MOD Stop Spammer is enabled, every time we check a member:';
$txt['stopspammer_check_name'] = 'Check their username';
$txt['stopspammer_check_mail'] = 'Check their email';
$txt['stopspammer_check_ip'] = 'Check their IP';
$txt['stopspammer_check_sub2'] = 'By default, every time you check a member with MOD Stop Spammer it will check their username, email and IP. If you are getting too many false positives because of their usernames you can turn that option off. We wouldn\'t recomend you to turn off the another 2 options (to check their email and IP) unless you know what you are doing.';

Thanks again.

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


Thanks for this mod, its awesome!


El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


A very helpful mod - thank you!

To give something back, I translated the whole thing to Finnish (UTF-8).

$txt['stopspammer_error'] = 'Anti SPAM tietokannassa oli virhe. Yhteys ep&#228;onnistui.<br />
Yrit&#228; my&#246;hemmin uudestaan tai ota yhteytt&#228; yll&#228;pitoon';
$txt['stopspammer_count'] = 'sp&#228;mm&#228;&#228;j&#228;&#228; estetty t&#228;h&#228;n p&#228;iv&#228;&#228;n asti';
$txt['stopspammer_title'] = 'Etsi lis&#228;&#228; tietoja `Stop Forum Spam` -sivustolta';

$txt['stopspammer_enable'] = 'Aktivoi Stop Spammer -modi';
$txt['stopspammer_show01'] = 'N&#228;yt&#228; tarkistuskuvake kaikkien j&#228;senien vieress&#228;';
$txt['stopspammer_show01_sub'] = 'Voit tarkistaa kenen j&#228;senen tahansa milloin tahansa vain yhdell&#228; klikkauksella.';

$txt['stopspammer_faildb'] = 'Jos yhteys Anti SPAM tietokantaan ep&#228;onnistuu...';
$txt['stopspammer_fail01'] = 'N&#228;yt&#228; virheilmoitus ja pys&#228;yt&#228; rekister&#246;ityminen';
$txt['stopspammer_fail02'] = 'Salli v&#228;lit&#246;n rekister&#246;ityminen';
$txt['stopspammer_fail03'] = 'Edellyt&#228; j&#228;senen hyv&#228;ksyminen ja n&#228;yt&#228; keltainen kuvake';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb1_sub'] = 'Yhteys tietokantaan onnistui.';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb2_sub'] = 'Yhteys tietokantaan ep&#228;onnistui. Yrit&#228; my&#246;hemmin uudestaan.<br />
Jos ongelma jatkuu, etsi apua t&#228;&#228;lt&#228;:';
$txt['stopspammer_not_translate'] = '<a href=""><span class="error"><b>Known Issues</b></span></a>';

$txt['stopspammer_leyd01'] = 'Ei ole sp&#228;mm&#228;&#228;j&#228;: Vastaavia tietoja ei l&#246;ytynyt tietokannasta, mutta voit silti tarkistaa';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd02'] = 'Ep&#228;ilty: T&#228;m&#228;n j&#228;senen tarkistaminen ei onnistunut - tarkista nyt';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd03'] = 'On sp&#228;mm&#228;&#228;j&#228;: Lue lis&#228;&#228; t&#228;m&#228;n sp&#228;mm&#228;&#228;j&#228;n toiminnasta';

$txt['stopspammer_profilecheck'] = 'Tarkista t&#228;m&#228; j&#228;sen';
$txt['stopspammer_limitexceded'] = 'Olet ylitt&#228;nyt tarkistus rajan (5000 API pyynt&#246;&#228; p&#228;iv&#228;ss&#228;).<br />
Yrit&#228; huomenna uudestaan.';

$txt['in_stop_forum_spam'] = 'Stop Forum Spam sivustolla:';
$txt['spammers_checks'] = 'Tarkista n&#228;m&#228; j&#228;senet';
$txt['spammers_report'] = 'Reportoi n&#228;m&#228; j&#228;senet';
$txt['confirm_spammers_checks'] = 'Haluatko varmasti tarkistaa valitut j&#228;senet?';
$txt['confirm_spammers_report'] = 'Haluatko varmasti reportoida valitut j&#228;senet?\n\n
Kun reportoit j&#228;senen, heid&#228;t merkit&#228;&#228;n sp&#228;mm&#228;&#228;j&#228;ksi kaikkialla maailmassa\n
ja he eiv&#228;t en&#228;&#228; pysty k&#228;ytt&#228;m&#228;&#228;n foorumeita, jotka ovat yhteydess&#228; SFS-sivustoon.\n\n
Tee n&#228;in vain, jos olet t&#228;ysin varma. Jos teet virheellisen raportin,\n
kerro v&#228;litt&#246;m&#228;sti modin tekij&#228;lle.';

$txt['stopspammer_api_key'] = 'API avain';
$txt['stopspammer_api_key_sub'] = 'Jos tahdot k&#228;ytt&#228;&#228; omaa API avaintasi, sinun t&#228;ytyy ensin menn&#228;
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> sivulle saadaksesi sen. J&#228;t&#228; kentt&#228; tyhj&#228;ksi k&#228;ytt&#228;&#228;ksesi oletusavainta.';

$txt['stopspammer_check_sub1'] = '<br />Jos Stop Spammer -modi on aktivoitu, j&#228;seni&#228; tarkistaessa:';
$txt['stopspammer_check_name'] = 'Tarkista k&#228;ytt&#228;j&#228;tunnus';
$txt['stopspammer_check_mail'] = 'Tarkista s&#228;hk&#246;posti';
$txt['stopspammer_check_ip'] = 'Tarkista IP-osoite';
$txt['stopspammer_check_sub2'] = 'Stop Spammer -modi tarkistaa oletuksena sek&#228; k&#228;ytt&#228;j&#228;tunnuksen, s&#228;hk&#246;postin ett&#228; IP-osoitteen.
Jos moni j&#228;sen virheellisesti merkit&#228;&#228;n sp&#228;mm&#228;&#228;j&#228;ksi heid&#228;n k&#228;ytt&#228;j&#228;tunnuksiensa takia, voit j&#228;tt&#228;&#228;
sen kohdan rastimatta. Emme suosittele poistamaan kahta muuta valintaa, ellet tied&#228; mit&#228; teet.';


Full language package updated again with Finnish language thanks to Taija299:

QuoteLanguages (normal & utf-8)
Translation completed:

  • English
  • English_british
  • Spanish_es
  • Spanish_latin

Missing 7 lines:
Missing 9 lines:
  • Included in MOD package
  • Included in and translation complete
  • Included in but translation incomplete

Kiitos Taija

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.



Stop Spammer is working fine for me...

I had someone that I know attempt to log on to my board and his IP address was caught by Stop Spammer.  I had already done my morning maintenance and had both checked and deleted him after reporting to Stop Spammer, so I had him log on again.

I do not want his IP address to be on the terrific Stop Spammer database, how do I notify the owners/writers of Stop Spammer to pull his name and information off from the database..

As you can probably tell I am fairly new at this and need all the help I can get..  Stop Spammer has sure saved me a lot of time.

thanks in advance

[email protected]

Finding offense where none is intended is a form of selfishness.

When facts change, I change my mind.  What do you do?


Quote from: GadgetGeek on July 14, 2010, 02:46:37 PM
I do not want his IP address to be on the terrific Stop Spammer database, how do I notify the owners/writers of Stop Spammer to pull his name and information off from the database..

If you make a mistake an report somebody who is not a spammer you need to log inside StopSpammer website to sort it. More exactly inside their forum: with the username and password you used when you asked for your own API key.

Once you are already logged in, you will see the link to "My Spammers": and there you will see a list of all the spammers you have reported, with a button next to each one to delete it from the database.

If you are not using your own API key and you are reporting spammers using the default API key inside the mod you cannot do it yourself, so you will need to contact M-DVD and ask him to do it, because that API key belong to him.

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


Quote from: snoopy_virtual on July 15, 2010, 05:47:34 AM
Quote from: GadgetGeek on July 14, 2010, 02:46:37 PM
I do not want his IP address to be on the terrific Stop Spammer database, how do I notify the owners/writers of Stop Spammer to pull his name and information off from the database..

If you make a mistake an report somebody who is not a spammer you need to log inside StopSpammer website to sort it. More exactly inside their forum: with the username and password you used when you asked for your own API key.

Once you are already logged in, you will see the link to "My Spammers": and there you will see a list of all the spammers you have reported, with a button next to each one to delete it from the database.

If you are not using your own API key and you are reporting spammers using the default API key inside the mod you cannot do it yourself, so you will need to contact M-DVD and ask him to do it, because that API key belong to him.

Well surprise, surprise..  when I attempted to logon to Stop Spammer it says I am blacklisted.. Also when I attempted to "contact" them it didn't allow it saying I was blacklisted..   Good grief, I am a board operator and have no idea (sure I'm a novice but........) how I got to be blacklisted on the SPAMMER software forum..  ?

Oh well, I give up for today..   I have spent an hour or two attempting to unravel this and just DO not know how.. ?

Finding offense where none is intended is a form of selfishness.

When facts change, I change my mind.  What do you do?


Quote from: GadgetGeek on July 15, 2010, 01:40:51 PM
Well surprise, surprise..  when I attempted to logon to Stop Spammer it says I am blacklisted.. Also when I attempted to "contact" them it didn't allow it saying I was blacklisted..   Good grief, I am a board operator and have no idea (sure I'm a novice but........) how I got to be blacklisted on the SPAMMER software forum..  ?

Well, I'm not blacklisted there, so I can contact them, find out why you are blacklisted and ask them to whitelist your name again.

I can think of a few reasons why you may be blacklisted:

  • It may be because of the username you chose. Maybe a spammer is using that username as well and they think it's you.
  • Or maybe because you have a dynamic IP (the kind of IPs changing every few days whenever you re-start your router) and you had yesterday an IP that belonged to a spammer before.
  • Or maybe because of your email address. A trojan may have caught your address and it's using it to send spam.
  • Or a combination of the 3 or maybe even because other reasons I don't know just now.


So to try to sort this I will need to know as much personal information you can give me from yourself:

  • The username and the email address you were using to log into their site (NOT the password. Never tell passwords to anybody, doesn't matter what).
  • The IP you had yesterday when you were trying to log in.
  • The date you registered your account with them in the first place.
  • The forum where you have the mod installed.
  • Etc. Anything else you think maybe relevant.


Of course, as this is an open forum and anybody could be reading it, I think it would be better if you send me all this personal information via a "Personal Message" or an email instead of writing it here.

Just in case you don't know it, my email is: info [at] snoopyvirtualstudio [dot] com

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


Having successfully implemented the mod on my 1.1 smf forum, I am now preparing for the v2 upgrade and have built a test forum on my home machine running v2.0RC3.

Its all looking good apart from one small piece - that is the stuff at the bottom of the members list has somehow screwed over to the right.

I attach a screenshot (at 50% fullsize) of the area to show the problem.  This is the default "Curve" theme with the colours modded by me to make a new theme.

I made a few simple changes as shown below in Sources/ManageMembers.php

!$modSettings['stopspammer_enable'] ? '' :
'position' => 'below_table_data',
'value' => '
<div style="margin: auto" class="leyend_stopspammer">
<img src="' . $GLOBALS['settings']['default_images_url'] . '/icons/moreinfo.gif" alt="Icon MoreInfo" style="vertical-align: middle" /> ' . $txt['stopspammer_leyd01'] . '<br />
<img src="' . $GLOBALS['settings']['default_images_url'] . '/icons/suspect.gif" alt="Icon Suspect" style="vertical-align: middle" /> ' . $txt['stopspammer_leyd02'] . '<br />
<img src="' . $GLOBALS['settings']['default_images_url'] . '/icons/spammer.gif" alt="Icon Spammer" style="vertical-align: middle" /> ' . $txt['stopspammer_leyd03'] . '<br />
// 'class' => 'titlebg',
!$modSettings['stopspammer_enable'] ? '' :
'position' => 'below_table_data',
'value' => '
<label>' . $txt['in_stop_forum_spam'] . '</label>
<input type="submit" name="spammers_checks" value="' . $txt['spammers_checks'] . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $txt['confirm_spammers_checks'] . '\');" class="button_submit" />
<input type="submit" name="spammers_report" value="' . $txt['spammers_report'] . '" onclick="return confirm(\'' . $txt['confirm_spammers_report'] . '\');" class="button_submit" />',
// 'class' => 'titlebg','titlebg',
'style' => 'text-align: right;',

And this seems to resolve them.


Hi akc42:

I wouldn't worry too much about how it looks like in RC3. Please remember SMF v2 is not stable yet. They have been changing it a lot with every new RC version, so I will wait for the stable version before doing any changes there.

At least, for me, the more important thing is if the mod works and no how it looks like.

I mean: I don't care too much if the buttons are on the right, the middle or the left, but if they are working or not.

Whenever SMF 2 becomes stable I will change all my forums from 1.1.11 to 2 and then I will worry about how it looks like. But I don't think this will be happening in a near future, so in the mean time I will continue using 1.1.11 in all my important forums and I will keep only a test forum with RC3.

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


i tried installing this on my dutch forum (smf1.1.11),
did everything "by the book"

but when it was done i got an error in the dutch modification file. (can't remember the error, something wrong in line ??

also it changed my theme settings to default.

thought you should know and hoping you can tell me what went wrong :)


Quote from: fullmetalgirl on August 03, 2010, 08:50:15 AM
i tried installing this on my dutch forum (smf1.1.11),
did everything "by the book"

but when it was done i got an error in the dutch modification file. (can't remember the error, something wrong in line ??

also it changed my theme settings to default.

thought you should know and hoping you can tell me what went wrong :)

With these few details it's a little difficult to tell what went wrong.

I will need to take a look at your SMF installation to find and sort the error.

Send me a PM with your Skype ID and tell me at what time I can contact you and I will sort it.

PS: If you haven't got Skype, install it:

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


What does this mod add/change in the Database?   I uninstalled the mod,   so now I just want to make sure all remnants are deleted from my database.



Quote from: GohighVoltage on August 03, 2010, 11:39:59 AM
What does this mod add/change in the Database?

Inside the table members it adds the column is_spammer

And then, inside the table settings it adds these 8 variables:


Of course I'm talking about the latest version 2.3.7

If you had a different version tell me which one and I will check it.

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


The latest version of this mod appears to be broken. It will not install. Seems the .xml files are missing. ???
