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Stop Spammer

Started by M-DVD, December 31, 2008, 07:31:43 AM

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I can explain this as simply as possible.. If I do it & implement I guarantee it.
If I do it and you implement it its a crap shoot.


Quote from: manicbe on February 17, 2009, 06:05:45 AM

I've tried your solution: adding myself the php.ini file with the line safe_mode = off in it
but unfortunatelly it didn't work ... still the same error:
"Your host couldn't make connection to the DB, Try again later
If it continue see Topic of Support and search Known Issues"
I've added the file in:
- forum rootfolder
- sources
- forum/Themes/default/
but no luck
Another suggestion because I could realy use the mod ...

My first suggestion will be to try to contact the admin of your server.

He/she must know your server configuration and could help you out trying to make cUrl work for you.

Anyway I know it's usually difficult to contact server admins, so in the mean time here is another suggestion:

To contact the database inside SFS this mod is using the function fetch_web_data()

This function is not a native PHP one. It's a function defined by SMF inside the file Subs-Package.php and it tries to get the contents of a URL using different PHP methods, depending on the server configuration.

That's why M-DVD has used it for his mod, because it's very general and usually it works in a lot of different servers.

Anyway, apparently this function is not working for you, so I think you should try with other PHP functions instead.

For example try with the function file_get_contents()

To do that, open the file Subs-Members.php inside the Sources folder.

More or less at the end of the file you will find the function checkDBSpammer():

// This function Check Spammer in DB - MOD StopSpammer
function checkDBSpammer($check_ip, $check_name, $check_mail, $test = false)

Inside this function look for the lines:

// Try to download.
require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php');
$down_ok = fetch_web_data($remoteXML);

Replace them with this:

// Try to download.
//require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php');
$down_ok = file_get_contents($remoteXML);

Now look for the function checkreportMembers() (it's just underneath the another one in the same file Subs-Members.php)

Inside it look for the lines:

if ($report)
fetch_web_data('', 'username=' . $row['memberName'] . '&ip_addr=' . $row['memberIP'] . '&email=' . $row['emailAddress'] . '&api_key=O0Ys3RHtDZPMfB');

Replace them with this:

if ($report)
file_get_contents('', 'username=' . $row['memberName'] . '&ip_addr=' . $row['memberIP'] . '&email=' . $row['emailAddress'] . '&api_key=O0Ys3RHtDZPMfB');

Save the file and upload it to your server.

If this doesn't work either let us know.

There are a lot of ways of getting content from a URL and maybe you can try some more until you find one that is working for you.

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


Quote from: HR on February 17, 2009, 01:19:47 PM
Quote from: snoopy_virtual on February 14, 2009, 06:47:19 PM
Quote from: HR on February 14, 2009, 04:36:06 PM
You have got to be kidding


About what?

THe PD joke above.. no way that is real

Of course it's a joke, and a very old one. The first time I heard that joke was 20 years ago.

And anyway, you know that when I'm not talking seriously I'm always joking.  8)

"I'm a joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker ..." >:(

El verdadero sabio es aquel que lo ve todo, lo estudia todo, lo analiza todo y molesta poco.
A true wise man is he who sees everything, studies everything, analyses everything and hardly ever annoys.


Somehow the total number has not been listed properly.

I've a open thread here


I think the mod works fine, but its very irritating that the icons in the member admin area do not seem to work.  perhaps becuase I am not using the default theme


Quote from: mrwilson on February 27, 2009, 10:15:18 AM
I think the mod works fine, but its very irritating that the icons in the member admin area do not seem to work.  perhaps becuase I am not using the default theme

Possibly. In this case, you only need copy images to the folder


No need to edit any files.

Also, you must enable this icon in:

Admin > Members > Registration > Setting

and enable Show Link "More Info" for All Member

Quote from: mrwilson on February 27, 2009, 10:15:18 AM
I think the mod works fine, but its very irritating that the icons in the member admin area do not seem to work.  perhaps becuase I am not using the default theme

Ok, i will check.

This difference might be in users "waiting for approval" (this includes the spammers that have been disabled).

Have you checked if in this case the numbers match?


thank you for this great mod
Arabic Version can be found in the Arabic support site;sa=view;down=5

Arabic Translator - Web Designer
My Mods / My Themes  //  GfxLand


Registered this member to test it out (boubcowmebtem) lets him straight on into my forum  :'(

"The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do. "


Dirt.. drop me a PM please

I can explain this as simply as possible.. If I do it & implement I guarantee it.
If I do it and you implement it its a crap shoot.


"The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do. "


Quote from: DirtRider on March 07, 2009, 11:26:24 AM
Registered this member to test it out (boubcowmebtem) lets him straight on into my forum  :'(

Sorry for delay.

Have you registered the user from the ACP(bad) or from the ?action=register(correct)?

Way ACP, the MOD don't check (because, isn't necesary)

Quote from: islam2hamy on March 07, 2009, 07:35:24 AM
thank you for this great mod
Arabic Version can be found in the Arabic support site;sa=view;down=5

Thanks for translate. PM sent.



Yhanks for this great mod.

Proposal for a French translation

$txt['stopspammer_error'] = 'Erreur avec la base de donnée de référence Anti SPAM. La connexion a échoué.<br />
Essayez plus tard ou contactez le Webmaster.';
$txt['stopspammer_count'] = 'Spammeurs ont été bloqués jusqu\'à aujourd\'hui';
$txt['stopspammer_title'] = 'Chercher plus d\'information sur `Stop Forum Spam`';

$txt['stopspammer_enable'] = 'Activer/Désactiver le MOD Stop Spammer';
$txt['stopspammer_show01'] = 'Montrer les icônes "Plus d\'infos" pour tous les membres';
$txt['stopspammer_show01_sub'] = 'Vous pourrez vérifier n\'importe quel membre à tout moment d\'un simple clic';

$txt['stopspammer_faildb'] = 'Si la connexion échoue avec la base de donnée Anti SPAM...';
$txt['stopspammer_fail01'] = 'Montrer un message d\'erreur et stopper l\'inscription';
$txt['stopspammer_fail02'] = 'Autoriser l\'inscription immédiate';
$txt['stopspammer_fail03'] = 'Placer le membre en attente d\'approbation pour vérification';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb1_sub'] = 'Votre hébergeur peut se connecter à la base de donnée';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb2_sub'] = 'Votre hébergeur ne peut pas se connecter à la base de donnée, réessayez plus tard.<br />
Si cela persiste, consultez le forum du support du MOD et cherchez dans les ';
$txt['stopspammer_not_translate'] = '<a href=""><span class="error"><b>problèmes connus</b></span></a>';

$txt['stopspammer_leyd01'] = 'Pas un Spammer: Les données de ce membre ne sont pas dans la base de donnée de référence. Mais vous pouvez les contrôler.';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd02'] = 'Suspect : les données de ce membre ne peuvent pas être vérifiées. A contrôler.';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd03'] = 'Spammeur : Vérifiez les messages et actions de ce membre.';

$txt['in_stop_forum_spam'] = 'Dans le site Stop Forum Spam :';
$txt['spammers_checks'] = 'Contrôler ces membres';
$txt['spammers_report'] = 'Inscrire ces membres comme spammeurs dans la base de donnée de référence';
$txt['confirm_spammers_checks'] = 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir vérifier les membres sélectionnés ?';
$txt['confirm_spammers_report'] = 'Etes-vous sûr de vouloir inscrire les membres sélectionnés comme spammeurs dans la base de donnée de référence ?\n\nGardez à l\'esprit que quand vous inscrivez un membre dans cette base de donnée mondiale "Stop Forum Spam", il/elle sera référencé-e- comme spammeur dans le monde entier\net il/elle ne pourra plus utiliser aucun forum utilisant cette base de donnée.\n\nNe faites cela que si vous êtes absolument sûr que ce membre est un spammeur, et si par malchance vous faites une erreur, contactez dès que possible le créateur de ce MOD pour corriger l\'erreur dans la base de donnée mondiale "SFS".';


Hi, your translation have been uploaded, thanks :D


Thank you , very good mod ,

Arabic translation :

      <file name="$languagedir/Modifications.arabic-utf8.php">
         <search position="end" />
//   MOD Stop Spammer
$txt['stopspammer_error'] = 'خطاء فى قاعدة بيانات كاشف السبام  . غير قادر على الاتصال.<br />
رجاء حاول فيما بعد, أو راسل المدير';
$txt['stopspammer_count'] = 'تم منع الاسبام حتى يوم';
$txt['stopspammer_title'] = 'البحث عن المزيد من المعلومات فى  `Stop Forum Spam`';

$txt['stopspammer_enable'] = 'تفعيل/تعطيل مود كاشف السبام';
$txt['stopspammer_show01'] = 'إظهر رابط "المزيد من المعلومات" لجميع الأعضاء';
$txt['stopspammer_show01_sub'] = 'يمكنك فحص أى عضو فى أى وقت بضغط واحدة و بكل بساطة';

$txt['stopspammer_faildb'] = 'إذا حدث خطاء أثناء الإتصال بفاعدة بيانات موقع Anti SPAM...';
$txt['stopspammer_fail01'] = 'إظهر رسالة خطاء و اوقف التسجيل';
$txt['stopspammer_fail02'] = 'تفعيل التسجيل الفورى';
$txt['stopspammer_fail03'] = 'ضعه فى قائمة إنتظار التفعيل و إظهر أيقونه لفحصه';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb1_sub'] = 'يمكن للمستضيف الخاص بك عمل اتصال عن بعد بقاعدة البيانات';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb2_sub'] = 'يمكن للمستضيف الخاص بك عمل اتصال عن بعد بقاعدة البيانات, حاول فيما بعد<br />
إذا تكرر هذا الخطاء رجاء تابع موضوع الدعم  ';
$txt['stopspammer_not_translate'] = '<a href=""><span class="error"><b>Known Issues</b></span></a>';

$txt['stopspammer_leyd01'] = 'ليس سبام: هذه البيانات ليست فى قاعدة بيانات السبام. لكن يمكنك فحصها إذا أردت';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd02'] = 'مشتبه به: غير قادر على فحص هذا العضو. إفحصه الأن';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd03'] = 'سبام: شاهد مزيد من التفاصيل عن نشاط هذا السبام';

$txt['in_stop_forum_spam'] = 'فى موقع Stop Forum Spam :';
$txt['spammers_checks'] = 'فحص هؤلاء الأعضاء';
$txt['spammers_report'] = 'الإبلاغ عن هؤلاء الأعضاء';
$txt['confirm_spammers_checks'] = 'هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد فحص هؤلاء الاعضاء الذين تم إختيارهم؟';
$txt['confirm_spammers_report'] = 'هل أنت متأكد من أنك تريد الإبلاغ عن هؤلاء الأعضاء الذين تم إختيارهم؟';]]></add>

please before put the translation in the file be sure that the file encode is UTF-8

Arabic Translator - Web Designer
My Mods / My Themes  //  GfxLand


Mod is perfect!

And this is my Bulgarian translation of mod

$txt['stopspammer_error'] = 'Грешка при DB Анти спам. Връзката е неуспешна. <br />
Моля опитайте отново по-късно или се свържете с Webmaster';
$txt['stopspammer_count'] = 'Спамери са били блокирани до този момент';
$txt['stopspammer_title'] = 'Търсене на повече информация в `Stop Forum Spam`';

$txt['stopspammer_enable'] = 'Включване / Изключване на MOD Stop Spammer';
$txt['stopspammer_show01'] = 'Показване на линка "Още Инфо" за всички потребители';
$txt['stopspammer_show01_sub'] = 'Можете да проверявате всеки член по всяко време с едно просто кликане върху';

$txt['stopspammer_faildb'] = 'If the Connection Fail with DB Anti SPAM...';
$txt['stopspammer_fail01'] = 'Покажи грешката и спри регистрацията';
$txt['stopspammer_fail02'] = 'Разреши незабавна регистрация';
$txt['stopspammer_fail03'] = 'Member Approval and show icon for check';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb1_sub'] = 'Твоя хост не може да направи отдалечена връзка с DB';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb2_sub'] = 'Твоя хост не може да направи връзка с DB, опитай по-късно<br />
If it continue see Topic of Support and search ';
$txt['stopspammer_not_translate'] = '<a href=""><span class="error"><b>Известни проблеми</b></span></a>';

$txt['stopspammer_leyd01'] = 'Не е Спамер: Тази информация я няма в БД. Но можете да проверите';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd02'] = 'Заподозрян: Този потребител може да е спамер. Проверете сега';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd03'] = 'Спамери: Вижте повече информация за дейността на тази спамери';

$txt['in_stop_forum_spam'] = 'В Stop Forum Spam Web:';
$txt['spammers_checks'] = 'Проверка на тези членове';
$txt['spammers_report'] = 'Докладвай тези членовете';
$txt['confirm_spammers_checks'] = 'Сигурни ли сте, че искате да проверите избраните потребители?';
$txt['confirm_spammers_report'] = 'Сигурни ли сте, че искате да съобщите за избраните членове? Помислете когато докладвате потребител до SFS, че той / тя е маркирана като спамер в цял свят, защото той / тя няма да можете да ползва никой от форумите, свързани с SFS в цял свят. Направете го само ако сте напълно сигурни, че те са спамери и ако име някаква грешка кажете  в най-кратки срокове на създателят на модификацията да коригира грешката в SFS база данни.';


next week I make fool translation


I install this mod, seems 16 members waiting approve,  but i try the click link, but doesn't appear any members? Where am doing wrong?
So Long


Quote from: islam2hamy on April 04, 2009, 02:38:03 AM
Thank you , very good mod ,

Quote from: 6aro on April 04, 2009, 06:25:10 AM
Mod is perfect!

And this is my Bulgarian translation of mod

Thanks for yours comments and thanks for translate. Yours translation have been uploaded :D

Quote from: Özgür´ on April 04, 2009, 07:39:58 AM
I install this mod, seems 16 members waiting approve,  but i try the click link, but doesn't appear any members? Where am doing wrong?

Before installing the MOD, do you have members waiting for approval?

If you don't have, should be that "for some strange reason" the counter members's isn't zero.

Go to phpmyadmin, table smf_setting and search for: unapprovedMembers and set to 0


And translation for this tow things.

1. $txt['stopspammer_faildb'] = 'If the Connection Fail with DB Anti SPAM...'; --> $txt['stopspammer_faildb'] = 'Ако връзката с DB Anti SPAM  не e успешна ...';

2.  $txt['stopspammer_fail03'] = 'Member Approval and show icon for check'; --> $txt['stopspammer_fail03'] = 'Одобряване на потребител и показва иконата за проверка';

Bob Mueller

I wanted to add my thanks and appreciation for this mod - it's saved me a lot of time just in the last couple of days.

I do have a couple of questions:
If I reject a user based on the report from SFS, does that rejection also submit them as a hit to the SFS database?

If I reject a user, does that (or can it) also ban them? My main interest is in banning the IP address they registered from, to prevent someone else at that IP from registering.
Bob M.

Sometimes it takes therapy to put the past behind you. Other times, it takes a 20 gallon trash bag and a couple of cinder blocks.
