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Stop Spammer

Started by M-DVD, December 31, 2008, 07:31:43 AM

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Quote from: smartdeviceresource on April 19, 2010, 07:10:18 PM
My guess is that they got through reg and then were flagged, because they were not in the SFS database until just then.  Check the date next to the users name at and I bet the date is later than there signup

This is very true!
I've had several that slip through (like just now) and when checking SFS database there was only 2 entries, which were reported after they had registered at my site.

My suggestion would be to turn off the user name check. The email and IP seem to work just fine, for me anyway. Spammers seem to very their user and email but really aren't to good at changing their IP.


Duhhhhh..   I just reported and deleted a friend of mine's wife's logon..    How do I undo it?

[email protected]

Finding offense where none is intended is a form of selfishness.

When facts change, I change my mind.  What do you do?


Quote from: GadgetGeek on April 20, 2010, 12:08:14 PM

Duhhhhh..   I just reported and deleted a friend of mine's wife's logon..    How do I undo it?

[email protected]


Log in at SFS Then click on "My Spammers" and on the right you will see the reported spammers country flag then a icon to "delete/remove" that entry.

Don't feel bad! I did the same thing to MY wife's account! It wasn't a pretty sight.  :o


QuoteIt would be useful, if when I get an entry like this if I could flag it to say "Ignore this match on this field for this entry." This would still check the IPN and Email Address but NOT the Username for the entry on a recheck. Right now, the entry loses its authorization and must have it reissued.

Addition of this feature would allow periodical rechecks to catch entries that were OK at registration but went rogue after that (ie: Was not in the database at registration but now are). This would, I assume, require an additional flag for the entry which would be inspected at check time (if an entry is going to be marked bad) so this match can be overridden and the entry is left as good.

Agree with Robert's suggestion above, that would be really useful.

Overall though, brilliant mod when used in conjunction with mod httpBL - the two work brilliantly together !

I was  getting a sunstantial number of spam registrations every day. These mods have stopped them in their tracks but overall the actual number has decresed substantially. It's almost as if my site has been removed from someones list and the've gone elsewhere  :D


Quote from: Storman on May 02, 2010, 09:45:13 AM
QuoteIt would be useful, if when I get an entry like this if I could flag it to say "Ignore this match on this field for this entry." This would still check the IPN and Email Address but NOT the Username for the entry on a recheck. Right now, the entry loses its authorization and must have it reissued.

Addition of this feature would allow periodical rechecks to catch entries that were OK at registration but went rogue after that (ie: Was not in the database at registration but now are). This would, I assume, require an additional flag for the entry which would be inspected at check time (if an entry is going to be marked bad) so this match can be overridden and the entry is left as good.

Agree with Robert's suggestion above, that would be really useful.

Overall though, brilliant mod when used in conjunction with mod httpBL - the two work brilliantly together !

I was  getting a sunstantial number of spam registrations every day. These mods have stopped them in their tracks but overall the actual number has decresed substantially. It's almost as if my site has been removed from someones list and the've gone elsewhere  :D

A simple solution it to uncheck the "Check their username" setting.
A spammer may use 20, 30 or more different username and email combinations but only 1 or 2 IPs.
In other words, checking the IP is will catch the most with the least amount of false positives.

Hope that makes sence! I need more coffeeeee!  :P


QuoteIt's almost as if my site has been removed from someones list and the've gone elsewhere  :D

There are lists.
I happened to find one located in China. It was a photo blog that had several hundred links hidden in the source code. One of them pointed to my registration page.  >:(


Block china in your htaccess file!

Dp something like this list for your htaccess file.

I have been truly inspired by the SUGGESTIONS as I sit on my throne and contemplate the wisdom imposed upon me.


QuoteBlock china in your htaccess file!

I know we are going off topic but I've blocked several countries in my htaccess - works great !

best is to deny ip (or range) in cpanel !


I installed Stop Spammer last week and have been really enjoying its features.  Today however I ran into a small problem.  I clicked on the "you have one member awaiting approval" as usual, went to the member page to find no one on the list and the message, "No members currently await approval".    Any help on this would be appreciated.


Check if there's someone waiting for account deletion approval.


Thanks for your help.  There doesn't appear to be anyone awaiting deletion approval.  Earlier today after finding someone posting here about a similar problem, one of the members suggested removing any anti spam mods.  After trying this,  the member awaiting approval message disappeared.   Thinking I'd solved the problem, I re-installed Stop Spammer and the message returned.  I've also tried doing a recount of all forum totals and statistics without results. 


Quote from: Nunyafb on May 06, 2010, 12:27:51 AM
Thanks for your help.  There doesn't appear to be anyone awaiting deletion approval.  Earlier today after finding someone posting here about a similar problem, one of the members suggested removing any anti spam mods.  After trying this,  the member awaiting approval message disappeared.   Thinking I'd solved the problem, I re-installed Stop Spammer and the message returned.  I've also tried doing a recount of all forum totals and statistics without results.

This is a known bug. See page 1 of this thread (bottom of first post)
Quote!   Sort the bug about the members count  reported also many times.
The main page is still telling you there are members waiting for approval even after
you have approved or deleted all of them.

the work around for now is to approve the waiting members (spammer or not) then go to the member list, sort them by ID, makes it easier to find the latest joiners, then you can check, report and or delete them from there. This will get rid of the false member waiting message.


Just tried the workaround.  The message is gone.  Thanks for the help!


No prob.
I've used the work around so much I forgot it was a bug. LOL!



$txt['stopspammer_error'] = 'Помилка зв\\\'язку з БД Anti Spam. Не вдалося підключиться.<br /> Будь ласка пробуйте знову трохи пізніше, або зв\\\'яжіться з ВебМайстром ';
$txt['stopspammer_count'] = 'Спамери були заблоковані на сьогоднішній день';
$txt['stopspammer_title'] = 'Знайдіть більше інформації на Форумі `Stop Spam`';

$txt['stopspammer_enable'] = 'Увімкнути/Вимкнути Мод Stop Spammer';
$txt['stopspammer_show01'] = 'Показати, посилання "Більше Інформації" для всіх користувачів';
$txt['stopspammer_show01_sub'] = 'Ви можете перевірити будь-якого користувача в будь-який час, одним простим кліком';

$txt['stopspammer_faildb'] = 'Якщо сталася помилка зв\\\'язку з БД Anti Spam ...';
$txt['stopspammer_fail01'] = 'Показати Помилку та Зупинити Реєстрацію';
$txt['stopspammer_fail02'] = 'Дозволити Безпосередньо Реєстрацію';
$txt['stopspammer_fail03'] = 'Рейтинг клієнта користувача і показувати іконку для перевірки';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb1_sub'] = 'Ваш хост може зробити віддалене підключення до БД';
$txt['stopspammer_faildb2_sub'] = 'Ваш хост не може зроблять віддалене підключення до БД, Спробуйте пождже <br /> Якщо це продовжується перегляньте Тему Підтримки та пошукайте відповідь серед ';
$txt['stopspammer_not_translate'] = '<a href=""> <span class="error"> <b>Відомих проблем</b></span></a>';

$txt['stopspammer_leyd01'] = 'Not Spammer: Цих даних немає в БД. Але ви можете перевірити ';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd02'] = 'Підозрюваний: Цей користувач не перевірений. Перевірити зараз';
$txt['stopspammer_leyd03'] = 'Spammers: Подивіться більше інформації діяльності цього спамера';

$txt['in_stop_forum_spam'] = 'У Stop Forum Spam Web(SFS):';
$txt['spammers_checks'] =' Перевірити цих користувачів;
$txt['spammers_report'] = 'Повідомити про цих користувачів;
$txt['confirm_spammers_checks'] =' Ви впевнені, що хочете перевірити вибраннх користувачів? ';
$txt['confirm_spammers_report'] = 'Ви впевнені, що хочете повідомити про обраних користувачів?\nПодумайте, що, коли ви повідомите про користувача в SFS його Позначити як спамера в усьому світі,\nі він/вона не зможе використати будь-який з форумів , пов'язаних з SFS в усьому світі.\n\nЗробіть це, тільки якщо ви абсолютно впевнені, вони спамери і якщо з якої-небудь причини сталися помилки,\nповідомте якомога швидше розробникам модифікації, щоб вони якомога швидше виправили помилку всередині SFS даних.';

$txt['stopspammer_profilecheck'] = 'Перевірити цього користувача';
$txt['stopspammer_limitexceded'] = 'Ви перевищили ліміт перевірок (5000 API запитів на день). Ви повинні почекати до завтра, щоб перевірити ще раз.';

$txt['stopspammer_api_key'] = 'Ваш ключ API';
$txt['stopspammer_api_key_sub'] = 'Якщо ви хочете використовувати власний ключ API необхідно спочатку перейти до <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, щоб зареєструватися, отримати і написати його тут. Якщо у вас немає ключа залиште поле порожнім і модифыкація буде використовувати API ключ за замовчуванням.';

$txt['stopspammer_check_sub1'] = '<br />Якщо модифікація увімкнена, користувачів перевіряють увесь час:';
$txt['stopspammer_check_name'] = 'Перевірити ім\\\'я користувача';
$txt['stopspammer_check_mail'] = 'Перевірити email';
$txt['stopspammer_check_ip'] = 'Перевірити IP';
$txt['stopspammer_check_sub2'] = 'За замовчуванням кожен раз, коли ви перевіряете користувачів за допомогою MOD Stop Spammer він буде перевіряти їх ім\\\'я користувача, адресу електронної пошти та IP. Якщо ви отримуєте занадто багато помилкових спрацьовувань, цю опцію можна вимкнути. Ми не рекомендуємо вам відключити ще 2 варіанти опції (щоб перевірити їхню електронну пошту і IP), якщо ви знаєте, що робите.';


I've tried a few searches and don't seem to find an answer, but if its here, apologies in advance, and feel free to just point me to it...

If there a straight-forward way to get the Stop Spammer mod to work on custom themes? It appears to load into the default theme, and not to give a way to load it to custom ones? It works fine, but in the custom theme its missing images and various bits of text in the button and pop-up windows. probably missing other things I don't even know I'm missing.

Is it a straightforward copying of files over into the custom theme, or is there code changes to existing theme files involved?

Thanks in advance


No mod for 1.1.x installs on a custom theme, you will have to make the edits yourself.

If you got to the mod's page, you'll see a dropdown of SMF versions and a parse button - this will show you all the edits a mod makes, so you can replicate them yourself.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Thanks, will do, but when I go to get the 1.1.11 parse I get:

An Error Has Occurred!
Sorry, but the modification could not be parsed.


Make sure you check the radio button next to then choose 1.1.11 and then hit the parse button.
