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Contributions in Boards

Started by M-DVD, January 16, 2009, 10:46:57 AM

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ok thats all well said, but even when making new threads within the 1st contributed board, its still not updated, and even with random setting, it always stays the same

what can be done to make it work?

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


you will have to wait till he releases update for this mod to fix all the errors


yea, i guess so, but it was way off though, it looks great, but dont work lol...

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


This makes the last contributions you added show up in the list.

In display.php find
AND b.contributionsEnable
   ORDER BY {string:order}


  AND b.contributionsEnable
   ORDER BY t.id_first_msg DESC

Its a small change so go ahead and try it for yourself..
If your unsure wait for M-DVD aproval its hes mod.

Hope it helped out, it works for me :)


ok thanks for been helpfup :)

is there any small edit for the random one to work  :-\

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


thanks a lot M3THOD workes fine now! now we have to figure out how to make it display random posts.


Quote from: scenerip2k on January 21, 2009, 02:03:45 PM
good thing im not the only one with that problem! i thought i was going crazy! lol

LOL, now i thought i was going crazy.

Only works well for me?  :P

Quote from: M3THOD on January 21, 2009, 07:16:00 PM
This makes the last contributions you added show up in the list.

In display.php find
AND b.contributionsEnable
   ORDER BY {string:order}


  AND b.contributionsEnable
   ORDER BY t.id_first_msg DESC

Its a small change so go ahead and try it for yourself..
If your unsure wait for M-DVD aproval its hes mod.

Hope it helped out, it works for me :)

Great, thanks.  :D

This case is crazy, is not it.  :P

Use t.id_topic or t.id_first_msg, is exactly the same. The topics most recent, have t.id_topic greater, and t.id_first_msg too. The topics most old, have smaller.

I have a couple of questions:

does this he has worked at all? If so, I make the correction.

Are all using SMF 2.0?


Randon issue and Order issue.

The problem don't seems to be the Query, but the new function db_query doesn't make something that I thought yes.

you can try


ORDER BY {string:order}

And replace:

ORDER BY ' . ($modSettings['contributionsinRand'] ? 'RAND()' : 't.id_topic DESC') . '

work it?  :-\

They tell me if this worked, to make the update. And thank you very much everybody for reporting this error, I never would have noticed; and to help testing.


Thanks the 1st fix for latest contributions worked

maybe the radom one would too but i cant find this text:

                                                 ORDER BY {string:order}

i found many ORDER BY though, if you could guide me which line it is supposed to be near that would be great :)

or do i replace {string:order} with something else ???

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


No this fix will not work for the random one..

The code i posted basicly simple mysql  order by topic desc to show last topics eg latest ones..

The reason the code you coded wasnt working is becuase you wasnt being specific enough, it needed topic to be defined then orderd to show latest.

Your code pretty much works ok unless you specify 20 + boards.

Your not testing your mod heaverly enough to see this issue occur..


well i have more than 20+ contributed

i like the latest contributions as its working, i can wait for a complete fix,

Thanks, Working great!

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


Quote from: M3THOD on January 22, 2009, 03:36:26 PM
The code i posted basicly simple mysql  order by topic desc to show last topics eg latest ones..

The reason the code you coded wasnt working is becuase you wasnt being specific enough, it needed topic to be defined then orderd to show latest.

No, this is not the mistake.

In this post I show because it is identical to use one or the other. Also I say what the problem is in that reply.

Quote from: M3THOD on January 22, 2009, 03:36:26 PM
Your code pretty much works ok unless you specify 20 + boards.

Your not testing your mod heaverly enough to see this issue occur..

It means that if the error appears just over 20 boards ¿I not checked enough?

Then, if I had reviewed with 20 boards, but the error had occurred 40+ boards ¿then it means that, I not checked enough?

And you can put the numbers you want, to infinity. And never I have checked enough.

You know why in this cases there is a development team, and a team of testing, and phases alpha and phases beta, etc? Of course, under my circumstances, all these tasks must make one person.

PD: I am grateful for the help, but I want clarify this misconception


Already the error is identified, but also I will make a small addition, so I will soon update.



You a coder? I see that you know your sh*t bro


MOD Contributions in Boards v1.1

New features:

  • Add 'View Member Contributions' link in Profile, in SMF 2.0b.
  • Fix issue with order contributions in Minilist in SMF 2.0b.

How do I upgrade?

  • Uninstall the previous version
  • Install the new


Características Nuevas:

  • Añadido link 'Ver Aportes del Usuario' en el Perfil, solo para SMF 2.0b.
  • Reparado problema con el orden de los aportes en la Minilista en SMF 2.0b.

¿Como actualizar?

  • Desintalar la anterior versión
  • Instalar la nueva


Turkish Translation

$txt['mod_show_member_contributions'] = 'Üyenin paylaşımlarını göster';
$txt['showPosts;contributions'] = 'Paylaşımlar';
$txt['my_contributions'] = 'Paylaşılarım';
$txt['latest_contributions'] = 'Son paylaştıkları:';
$txt['show_member_contributions'] = 'Üyenin paylaşımları';

$txt['mboards_contributionsEnable'] = 'Paylaşım bölümü yap';
$txt['mboards_contributionsEnable_desc'] = 'Burada açılan başlıklar aynı zamanda üyelerin paylaşımlarında listelenecek.';

$txt['contributionsinTopic']= 'Konuyu başlatanın son paylaşımlarını minilist şeklinde göster';
$txt['contributionsinTopic_sub']= 'Konuyu başlatan kişinin imzasında son paylaşımlarını gösterir';
$txt['contributionsinPost']= 'Herkesin son paylaşımlarını minilist şeklinde göster';
$txt['contributionsinPost_sub']= 'Tüm üyelerin imzalarında son paylaşımlarını gösterir';
$txt['contributionsinList']= 'Minilistde kaç konu gösterilsin?';
$txt['contributionsinList_sub']= 'MiniListde kaç adet konu gösterileceğini belirler';
$txt['contributionsinRand']= 'Paylaşımları rastgele göster';
$txt['contributionsinRand_sub']= 'Seçilmezse en son paylaşımları sırayla gösterir';
So Long


que bueno que consideres esa opción  es muy útil

actualizando a la nueva versión



Great job on releasing the final version bro! works great!!!


Quote from: minos on January 23, 2009, 08:56:45 PM
que bueno que consideres esa opción  es muy útil

actualizando a la nueva versión

Quote from: scenerip2k on January 24, 2009, 02:15:21 AM

Great job on releasing the final version bro! works great!!!

Thanks for yours comments.  :D

Quote from: Özgür´ on January 23, 2009, 08:40:14 PM
Turkish Translation

Thanks for translate, updated  :D


Upgraded to smf 2.0 RC1 and when I try to [Apply Mod] I get the following errors:

  Type Action Description
1. Execute Modification ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php Test failed
  1. Add Before ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php Test failed
  2. Add After ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php Test failed
  3. Add After ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php Test successful
  4. Replace ./Themes/default/Profile.template.php Test failed

2. Execute Modification ./Sources/Profile.php Test failed
  1. Add After ./Sources/Profile.php Test failed

3. Execute Modification ./Sources/Profile-View.php Test failed
  1. Add Before ./Sources/Profile-View.php Test successful
  2. Replace ./Sources/Profile-View.php Test failed

I like you modules and hope you can get this one on RC1.




QuoteI like you modules and hope you can get this one on RC1.


Yap, me too  O:)
