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[Updated for SMF 2.0 RC4!] Enhanced Dropdown

Started by Nibogo, February 08, 2009, 06:40:40 AM

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Enhanced Dropdowns v1.2 - NIBOGO
Add preview for each option in posting screen for selection options like font size, font color and font face.

Important Info:
o This Mod was created by - The #1 Website for the Customization of your SMF. Provides Other Great Packages:
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o Add a preview of all the colors in the font color dropdown
o Add a preview of all the size in the font size dropdown
o Make the editor a little bit advance and user friendly
o Support SMF 2.0
o Support SMF 1.1.X also the Font and Size Dropdown Mod

- All the languages

- SMF 2.0 RC4
- SMF 1.1.12


Version 1.2 - Jan 19, 2011
- Added support for SMF 2.0 RC4.

Version 1.2 - July 31, 2010
- Added support for SMF 2.0 RC3.

Version 1.1.2 - Oct 08, 2009
- Now supporting SMF 1.1.10

Version 1.1 - Feb 10, 2009
- Added support for SMF 1.1.X Font Color dropdown and Font size plus fon face if the Font and Size Dropdown Mod is installed

Version 1.0 - Feb 07, 2009
- Modification Release


Very nice modification. I like :)


Let us know if 1.1.8 will get this.



yes, please convert this for 1.1.8. It looks like a awesome mod.



yes............... we need it in 1.1.8...................


I like Thanks
Good Job!

would it be really hard to make it preview the font too though?

SMF 2.0 RC5

Webhost to New Webhost file transfer service, PM me - Fast transfers


1.1.8 Version???

I can't do that , SMF 1.1.8 dont have the Dropdown for the font size in the editor , I will add support for the "Font and Size Dropdown Menu" Mod ;)

Quote from: aldo on February 08, 2009, 11:33:33 AM
Very nice modification. I like :)

Glad to hear that ;)


I love this mod but... it comes out in reverse on my forum.  The font heading shows the sizes and the sizes heading shows the font faces.  I am attaching an example.  What can I do to fix this?  I am a novice so please don't use big words   :) 

Also, are there any other fonts that can be used?  Some of these aren't great.


Simplemachines Cowboy


Replace with this:

// Print a drop down list for all the fonts are available!
    if (!isset($context['disabled_tags']['font']))
echo ' <select onchange="surroundText(\'[font=\' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value.toLowerCase() + \']\', \'[/font]\', document.forms.', $context['post_form'], '.', $context['post_box_name'], '); this.selectedIndex = 0; document.forms.', $context['post_form'], '.', $context['post_box_name'], '.focus(document.forms.', $context['post_form'], '.', $context['post_box_name'], '.caretPos);" style="margin-bottom: 1ex;">
    <option value="" selected="selected">', $txt['font_face'], '</option>
    <option value="Arial" style="font-family: Arial;">', $txt['font_arial'], '</option>
    <option value="Times New Roman" style="font-family: Times New Roman;">', $txt['font_times'], '</option>
    <option value="Comic Sans MS" style=font-family: Comic Sans MS";>', $txt['font_comic'], '</option>
    <option value="Verdana" style="font-family: Verdana;">', $txt['font_verd'], '</option>
    <option value="Haettenschweiler" style="font-family: Haettenschweiler;">', $txt['font_heatt'], '</option>
    <option value="Tahoma" style="font-family: Tahoma;">', $txt['font_taho'], '</option>

// Print a drop down list for all the fonts sizes are available!
    if (!isset($context['disabled_tags']['size']))
echo ' <select onchange="surroundText(\'[size=\' + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value.toLowerCase() + \']\', \'[/size]\', document.forms.', $context['post_form'], '.', $context['post_box_name'], '); this.selectedIndex = 0; document.forms.', $context['post_form'], '.', $context['post_box_name'], '.focus(document.forms.', $context['post_form'], '.', $context['post_box_name'], '.caretPos);" style="margin-bottom: 1ex;height: 20px;">
    <option value="" selected="selected">', $txt['font_size'], '</option>
    <option value="9pt" style="font-size: 9pt;">', $txt['size_9'], '</option>
    <option value="10pt" style="font-size: 10pt;">', $txt['size_10'], '</option>
    <option value="11pt" style="font-size: 11pt;">', $txt['size_11'], '</option>
    <option value="12pt" style="font-size: 12pt;">', $txt['size_12'], '</option>
    <option value="13pt" style="font-size: 13pt;">', $txt['size_13'], '</option>
    <option value="14pt" style="font-size: 14pt;">', $txt['size_14'], '</option>

He has each of these lines in the opposite place:

    <option value="" selected="selected">', $txt['font_size'], '</option>
    <option value="" selected="selected">', $txt['font_face'], '</option>

Can't help you with new / different fonts, sorry.
My SMF forum: The Open Range


@MaryLouW: Open your Post.template:


<option value="" selected="selected">', $txt['font_size'], '</option>


<option value="" selected="selected">', $txt['font_face'], '</option>

and viceversa


Thank you so much!!!!  I'm uneasy about changing things but this one was so simple!! It worked, now I'm a happy camper!!



Nice mod, thanks Nibogo. Although I am using the new Hack's Park Colour Picker, this mod is great for size and face.

I installed the original size and face dropdown mod first and then yours and it works perfectly.

For those of you who find the dropdown titles are around the wrong way, open up your post.english.php file and change $txt['font_face'] = 'Font Size'; & $txt['font_size'] = 'Font Face'; to match up correctly and it should be fine.


I would LOVE to have that Hacks Park Color picker but it won't install for me.  It fails at one point.  Not sure if you can help with this or not.  I tried to post on their board but I can't find anywhere to post a message even after I've registered and logged in so I was going to just give it up. Here's what happens:


Installing this package will perform the following actions:
      Type    Action    Description
*    1.    Execute Modification    ./index.php    Test successful
      1.    Replace    ./index.php    Test successful
*    2.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/ManagePermissions.php    Test failed
      1.    Replace    ./Sources/ManagePermissions.php    Test successful
      2.    Replace    ./Sources/ManagePermissions.php    Test failed
      3.    Replace    ./Sources/ManagePermissions.php    Test successful
*    3.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/MessageIndex.php    Test successful
      1.    Add After    ./Sources/MessageIndex.php    Test successful
*    4.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/MessageIndex.template.php    Test successful
      1.    Replace    ./Themes/default/MessageIndex.template.php    Test successful
      2.    Replace    ./Themes/default/MessageIndex.template.php    Test successful
*    5.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php    Test successful
      1.    Add Before    ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php    Test successful
   6.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english-utf8.php    Skipping file
*    7.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/Admin.php    Test successful
      1.    Add After    ./Sources/Admin.php    Test successful
   8.    Extract File    ./Sources/Announcements.php    
   9.    Extract File    ./Themes/default/Announcements.template.php    
   10.    Extract File    ./Themes/default/languages/Announcements.english.php    
   11.    Extract File    ./Themes/default/images/admin/yagam.gif    
   12.    Execute Code    install.php

im running 2.0 RC 1 and it comes up with that when i upload it


Quote from: MaryLouW on February 11, 2009, 04:45:27 PM
I would LOVE to have that Hacks Park Color picker but it won't install for me.  It fails at one point.  Not sure if you can help with this or not.  I tried to post on their board but I can't find anywhere to post a message even after I've registered and logged in so I was going to just give it up. Here's what happens:

Try the manual edit , I will not give support for that mod , because I dont have the time to do it

@Allen09: This is the Enhanced Dropdown Mod Support not yagam


I have installed this on 1.1.8.
But, it only shows Color pick, no Font type and size !

Any help ?

