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SMF Quiz

Started by Diego Andrés, February 18, 2009, 01:08:19 PM

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I have installed this Mod successfully but would like to move the copy right and add it in the bottom/footer of the page.

Please guide how I can do the same.


Sorry, for some reason I didn't receive the notifications about this topic (or I received it and I didn't see it... O:))

Quote from: on March 13, 2014, 07:03:05 AM
I am not a programmer, so my current question: Would it require to change

// Load the language file

to something like

if(loadLanguage('SMFQuiz') == false)
loadLanguage('SMFQuiz', 'english');

in SMFQuiz.php, to keep it changeable for the particular user in language regards of the forum ?
No, the code you posted is a practice use in SMF 1.x, SMF 2.0 takes care automatically to load the English before any other language.

Quote from: suresh1983 on April 25, 2014, 02:59:09 PM

I have installed this Mod successfully but would like to move the copy right and add it in the bottom/footer of the page.

Please guide how I can do the same.
If it is enough to move it on the user-accessible pages and not the admin ones, you can open SMFQuiz.template.php, then find:
Code (find) Select
echo '
<table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><a href="" title="Free SMF Mods" target="_blank" class="smalltext">SMFQuiz ' , isset($modSettings["SMFQuiz_version"]) ? $modSettings["SMFQuiz_version"] : '' , ' &copy; 2009, SMFModding</a></td></tr></table>

and replace with:
Code (replace with) Select
echo '

Then in index.template.php find:
Code (find) Select
<li class="copyright">', theme_copyright(), '</li>
and replace it with:
<li class="copyright">', theme_copyright(), '</li>', !empty($context['SMFQuiz']) ? '
<li><span class="smalltext"><a href="" title="Free SMF Mods" target="_blank" class="smalltext">SMFQuiz ' , isset($modSettings["SMFQuiz_version"]) ? $modSettings["SMFQuiz_version"] : '' , ' &copy; 2009, SMFModding</a></span></li>' : '', '

It should work.

Take a peek at what I'm doing! ;D

Hai bisogno di supporto in Italiano?

Aiutateci ad aiutarvi: spiegate bene il vostro problema: no, "non funziona" non è una spiegazione!!
1) Cosa fai,
2) cosa ti aspetti,
3) cosa ottieni.

Bret Bork

 Emanuele.... Are you still involved with this project? I am thinking about using it but it has some bugs.

Bret Bork

Is anyone here involved with this project? I have gone through the frontend and cleaned it up. I could use some assistance with some other bugs and issues that have cropped up. Thanks in advance.


Hi everyone,
i'm using smf 2.0.8

i have just installed the quiz mod,  which seems to be working fine,
with one exception, which is the categories section,

i downloaded the quiz question pack from davejo's site after following the link in an earlier post,
and can import the quizzes ok,
but cannot find any method of getting them into the categories i have created for them,
i get just a top level category, with all the quizzes lumped into that category,

what am i missing here? (assuming its not a problem with the quiz package itself?)

any pointers in solving this would be great, as i want to ensure all is working as it should before the site goes public,


Dave J

If you have downloaded the quiz pack of mine then you can do one of 2 things:

1. Create the same categories as I have in our Quiz on the website in my signature. If you do this then uninstall all the quizzes, then create the categories then import the quizzes again and they will all go into the categories themselves.

2. Create your own categories and then assign those quizzes to your new categories. To assign a quiz to a new category you need to go into the 'Quiz Admin' and then chose 'Quizzes' then click on the little pencil icon at the far right of the quiz (see attachment below) then when the new window opens click on the drop box for 'Category' (see attachment below)and then choose the new category you want that quiz to be in. Once you have done that click 'Update Quiz' at the bottom of the page.


Quote from: davejo on July 19, 2014, 12:35:15 PM
If you have downloaded the quiz pack of mine then you can do one of 2 things:

1. Create the same categories as I have in our Quiz on the website in my signature. If you do this then uninstall all the quizzes, then create the categories then import the quizzes again and they will all go into the categories themselves.

2. Create your own categories and then assign those quizzes to your new categories. To assign a quiz to a new category you need to go into the 'Quiz Admin' and then chose 'Quizzes' then click on the little pencil icon at the far right of the quiz (see attachment below) then when the new window opens click on the drop box for 'Category' (see attachment below)and then choose the new category you want that quiz to be in. Once you have done that click 'Update Quiz' at the bottom of the page.

Many thanks for that, i knew it would be something simple in the end :-[  :-[
but as always, this forum delivers the best support you could hope to find anywhere  8)

so thanks again for your help and also for a brilliant mod too  ;D



I have a problem with Quiz League. I can't create a quiz league when i clicked create new league , nothing happens it returns same page that is letting me create a new league but nth happens :)


Ok never saw this Mod pretty amazing, the software XF is struggling to get such and add on that seems mastered here well done integrated fantastic.
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


This is an amazing mod, just what I need for my forum!

It installed without any errors or issues.  All the admin functions work.  In fact, everything seems to work beautifully, except when I actually attempt to take a quiz, I get the blank quiz window and endless "loading." 

I've read every page of this thread.  The most common causes of this type of issue are the lightbox mod and the PrettyURLs mod.

I do not have the lightbox mod installed.  I do have PrettyURLs, but I added SMFQuiz to the list of actions that PrettyURL is to ignore.

I also tried deactivating DreamPortal and still had the same issue.

The forum I have installed this at is www dot affirmativealliance dot com - I have set it so "Guest" members can access the quiz module.
I am using SMF 2.9.  I installed the beta release of this mod.

I know this mod is old and it looks like it's not under current development, but if anyone has any suggestions or ideas that I could try to fix this, I sure would appreciate it!

Here is a list of the mods I do currently have installed:

1.   Eve Events Importer   0.4
2.   Characters remaining of post   1.0.4 
3.   Board Icons   1.0 
4.   Voter Visibility   2.0 
5.   Like Posts   1.3.1     
6.   Profile Statuses   3.1     
7.   Simple Youtube Video Embedder/BBC   1.1 
8.   Remove Reply Prefix   1.0   
9.   Event Registration Mod for SMF2   2.26     
10.   SMF Quiz   1.1.1 beta1     
11.   Fanfics System   1.3     
12.   Country Flags   2.1     
13.   Separate the sticky topics   1.0.0     
14.   Quick Spoiler   0.9.4     
15.   open mod reports   1.0 
16.   Curve_centered_menu   1.4     
17.   SMF 2.0.8 Update   1.0
18.   Additional Instant Messengers   1.0.1     
19.   RSS Feed Poster   4.1     
20.   Gamer IDs   1.4 
21.   Drafts   2.0.5     
22.   Custom Form Mod   1.7 
23.   New Layout for Last Post Info   1.5.1     
24.   FantasticSmileys   1.0 
25.   Best Answer Intergration   1.4 
26.   SMF 1.1.20 / 2.0.9 Update   1.0 
27.   Footer Menu   1.1.2     
28.   Dream Portal   1.1     
29.   EFTMod   0.2.0     
30.   AdditionalMembergroups   1.01     
31.   Temars EVE API   1.3.1 r5 
32.   Post Notifier   1.0     
33.   Tapatalk SMF 2.0 Plugin

Thanks in advance!


Dave J

Quote from: Greygal on November 20, 2014, 08:36:24 AM
This is an amazing mod, just what I need for my forum!

It installed without any errors or issues.  All the admin functions work.  In fact, everything seems to work beautifully, except when I actually attempt to take a quiz, I get the blank quiz window and endless "loading." 

I've read every page of this thread.  The most common causes of this type of issue are the lightbox mod and the PrettyURLs mod.

I do not have the lightbox mod installed.  I do have PrettyURLs, but I added SMFQuiz to the list of actions that PrettyURL is to ignore.

I also tried deactivating DreamPortal and still had the same issue.

The forum I have installed this at is www dot affirmativealliance dot com - I have set it so "Guest" members can access the quiz module.
I am using SMF 2.9.  I installed the beta release of this mod.

I know this mod is old and it looks like it's not under current development, but if anyone has any suggestions or ideas that I could try to fix this, I sure would appreciate it!

Here is a list of the mods I do currently have installed:

1.   Eve Events Importer   0.4
2.   Characters remaining of post   1.0.4 
3.   Board Icons   1.0 
4.   Voter Visibility   2.0 
5.   Like Posts   1.3.1     
6.   Profile Statuses   3.1     
7.   Simple Youtube Video Embedder/BBC   1.1 
8.   Remove Reply Prefix   1.0   
9.   Event Registration Mod for SMF2   2.26     
10.   SMF Quiz   1.1.1 beta1     
11.   Fanfics System   1.3     
12.   Country Flags   2.1     
13.   Separate the sticky topics   1.0.0     
14.   Quick Spoiler   0.9.4     
15.   open mod reports   1.0 
16.   Curve_centered_menu   1.4     
17.   SMF 2.0.8 Update   1.0
18.   Additional Instant Messengers   1.0.1     
19.   RSS Feed Poster   4.1     
20.   Gamer IDs   1.4 
21.   Drafts   2.0.5     
22.   Custom Form Mod   1.7 
23.   New Layout for Last Post Info   1.5.1     
24.   FantasticSmileys   1.0 
25.   Best Answer Intergration   1.4 
26.   SMF 1.1.20 / 2.0.9 Update   1.0 
27.   Footer Menu   1.1.2     
28.   Dream Portal   1.1     
29.   EFTMod   0.2.0     
30.   AdditionalMembergroups   1.01     
31.   Temars EVE API   1.3.1 r5 
32.   Post Notifier   1.0     
33.   Tapatalk SMF 2.0 Plugin

Thanks in advance!


Did you install any quizzes yet?

I know you have signed up on the site where the questions are, but did you download and install them? I not sure if it makes any difference but the quizzes on myvsite are already in Categories, have you created Categories for them on your site?

If you have then the only other thing I would suggest is to uninstall your mods one at a time doing a database back up in between each one and see if anything changes.

Sorry I cant help any more than that



Yes, I set up some categories, and installed some of your quizzes.  At first, I thought it may be some sort of weirdness with importing the quizzes, so I tried different ones, and I also tried just making one from scratch.

I'll go through uninstalling the mods one-by-one next :hassle: and hopefully will find the trouble-maker.

It's not generating any error messages, and other than some missing image 404 errors (issue with image directory, already fixed), I also don't see anything wrong using Chrome's "Inspect Element" and other debugging tools. 

Thanks for your help, and all your work on this mod and the quiz packs - it's fantastic! I really hope I can get it to work, it's so perfect for a project I've been too-long procrastinating on!


P.S. Really like your website, think I'll be spending quite a bit of time on it come springtime!

Dave J

Quote from: Greygal on November 20, 2014, 01:27:35 PM
Yes, I set up some categories, and installed some of your quizzes.  At first, I thought it may be some sort of weirdness with importing the quizzes, so I tried different ones, and I also tried just making one from scratch.

I'll go through uninstalling the mods one-by-one next :hassle: and hopefully will find the trouble-maker.

It's not generating any error messages, and other than some missing image 404 errors (issue with image directory, already fixed), I also don't see anything wrong using Chrome's "Inspect Element" and other debugging tools. 

Thanks for your help, and all your work on this mod and the quiz packs - it's fantastic! I really hope I can get it to work, it's so perfect for a project I've been too-long procrastinating on!


P.S. Really like your website, think I'll be spending quite a bit of time on it come springtime!

Thanks for the kind words...most of the credit has to go to Emanuele as he is the one who did the coding... I know very little about php code

All the best and I hope you get it working OK.



Well, I'm not entirely sure how I got it working, but it's working!

I uninstalled all mods, and it still didn't work.

I reinstalled all mods, and it still didn't work.

So since I was messing around anyways, I took the opportunity to update a few of them that I'd not updated in a year or more. 

I checked the quiz after each one, and it didn't work, until I had updated both "Like Posts" and "Quick Spoiler."   Updating one or the other, no joy.  Updating both, joy.  I've no idea why, to be honest!

But the quiz mod is working!  And it's beautiful ... I can't wait to start loading it up with quizzes for my guys!

Thanks all who keep this fabulous mod alive and kicking!


Ron Austin

I have installed this mod on my smf 2.02 system and it seems to be working very well so far.  I do have a couple of questions.  First of all there does not seem to be a way for a person to edit a quiz they created unless I give them full admin privileges to the Quiz program.  This means that anyone who has these privileges can not only modify their quizzes, they can also modify everyone else's quizzes.  Am I missing something here?

Second, the Play, Home and Favorite buttons are small with no tool tips and some of my members can't start the quizzes.  Could someone please tell me which file I need to modify to change the buttons and to add tool tips to them.

Thanks in advance,



you do need to upgrade your SMF installation ASAP. You are 7 revs behind...

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Ron Austin on November 29, 2014, 03:32:27 PM
I have installed this mod on my smf 2.02 system and it seems to be working very well so far.  I do have a couple of questions.  First of all there does not seem to be a way for a person to edit a quiz they created unless I give them full admin privileges to the Quiz program.  This means that anyone who has these privileges can not only modify their quizzes, they can also modify everyone else's quizzes.  Am I missing something here?

Second, the Play, Home and Favorite buttons are small with no tool tips and some of my members can't start the quizzes.  Could someone please tell me which file I need to modify to change the buttons and to add tool tips to them.

Thanks in advance,


You can create new images and replace the buttons with those new images.  The images for those buttons are found at ..Themes/default/images/quiz_images - the "play" button, for example, is Play-24.png

Just look through that directory, find the image you want to change, create a new image, name it the same name as the old image, and replace the old file with the new file.  Pretty simple.

I'm fairly certain that the creator of a quiz can always edit their quiz up until the time it is approved by a quiz admin.  Once it's approved and "live," I don't believe it can be edited by anyone other than an admin (haven't played with it that much as a non-admin though, so I may be wrong).

As to Quiz Admin rights, yes, if someone has the rights to admin the quizzes, they have access to admin all quizzes.  Looking at the code, it'd be kind of a pain to make it so people could only admin certain categories of quizzes, for example. 

And finally, as posted above by Kindred, you seriously need to update your SMF installation ASAP.  Multiple security fixes, stability patches, bug fixes, and other changes have been made to SMF.  Update to 2.09 asap, don't leave your forum at risk.

Hope this helps!


Ron Austin

I did find the spot in the SMFQuiz.template.php where I could change the size of the images.  There were no tool tips so people who didn't recognize the play button didn't realize that they had to hit it.  I ended up leaving the buttons the same but added title to make tool tips.

Some where I read that if you upgraded smf it would mess up all the mods so I have resisted updating my site.  I guess I will back everything up and give it a go.


Depending upon the mods you have installed, many have been updated to work with SMF 2.09, and most of the ones that are updated to work with 2.02 will work smoothly with 2.09, but likely have already been updated.  Continuing to use 2.02 means not only your core forum is out of date, but many of your mods are likely out of date, too.

I recently updated from 2.07 to 2.09, and I did it in two update steps - first to 2.08 then to 2.09.  I had only one minor manual edit I had to make when I updated to 2.08, and none for 2.09. 

I then went and looked up each of the mods I had installed, and the overwhelming majority of them had been updated - some several times! - so I updated those mods.  Entire project took less than two hours for me, but my core installation wasn't as out of date as yours.  At least you're not still using the 1.x series!

You could just step-update it from 2.02 to 2.09, or you could do a fresh install then reinstall all your mods.  Whichever works easier for you.

Backup everything, twice :)  That's my motto!

BTW I also found those buttons non-intuitive, and replaced them with new buttons that were a lot more obvious and had text on them :)

Good luck!


Ron Austin

Thanks for the reply and info.  I put text on the buttons but it was so tiny I couldn't read it so I went with the tool tips.  I have yet to see what Add to Favorites does.  I have not seen any place where favorites are indicated.  I am thinking about removing that button all together.
