SMF Quiz

Started by Diego Andrés, February 18, 2009, 01:08:19 PM

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Question :
How do I use the same questions on two forums. I have one local and one regional site that will use the same questions and answers. So is there a way to transfer one quiz to another? I saw you created sample quizes is there a system to making these ??

Thank You.
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


You can export the quiz's questions, edit the XML file if and as needed to fit the other site's quiz mod, then import them.

For example, I wanted to combine two quizes into one quiz.  I exported both, then copy/pasted just the questions from the one into the other, then reimported it.


Thank you I will give this a try :)
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


this one is perfecit  ;D thanks


Question I want to change the menu name to say Training not quiz, and in the quiz are to say training not smfquiz in the large bold.

Thank You
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


Believe you can change those in the /languages/SMFQuiz.english.php file.  Might have to dig around in some of the other files to find the text, but most of the text for this mod is in the languages file.  Hope this helps.


Hi there, thank you very much I will check that out for sure. 
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


Hi I installed on 2.0.9 no install issues, no error logs, game plays fine but wont save score or update plays.
Is there a setting wrong or, poked around and cant figure it seems to work well other then that, but cant seem to figure this out.

Thank You
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


Is it not saving scores for just you, or for everyone?

Note it will NOT save scores for the "Admin" member(s) of your forum, because, well, admins have access to the answers, after all :)

Try it with a non-admin forum account and see if the problem continues.  :)

If it's still not saving scores, try clearing caches and double-checking settings/permissions. 

Hope this helps!



Ok yes was on my admin ok great I will test it but sure that was it :)
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.

Dave J

If you installed the quizzes with your own admin account you cannot play them. What I did was create an account called 'Admin' then installed them using the ID number for that account., I'm pretty dure that somewhere in this thread there is a script you can use in the database to change it for all quizzes with your member ID number.

Hope that helps,

Happy new year to one and all


Quote from: Greygal on December 24, 2014, 03:05:45 PM
Believe you can change those in the /languages/SMFQuiz.english.php file.  Might have to dig around in some of the other files to find the text, but most of the text for this mod is in the languages file.  Hope this helps.
Poked around was not able to find the area to change it , any one with ideas where it is located ?
PS. Found the language file, but found no edits for the menu item QUIZ to be edited.
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


Looking at the mod's parser, I see these:


//Begin SMFQuiz
'quiz' => array(
'label' => 'Quiz',

Could be that. But, I doubt it...


//Begin SMFQuiz
$txt['SMFQuiz'] = 'Quiz';
//End SMFQuiz

Could well be that second line, methinks.


//Begin SMFQuiz
$txt['quiz'] = 'Quiz';

Could well be that one.

Suck 'em and see. :)

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

Should be just this one for menu: $txt['SMFQuiz']


 Your a Rock Star thank you for the time you put and found it was:

Code: [Select]

//Begin SMFQuiz
$txt['SMFQuiz'] = 'Quiz';
//End SMFQuiz

Thank is appreciate greatly  ;D ;D ;D
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


how to do that: there were several correct answers

QuoteUstawa Prawo geodezyjne i kartograficzne reguluje sprawy dotyczące:
a) państwowego zasobu geodezyjnego i kartograficznego,
b) rozgraniczania nieruchomości,
v) numeracji porządkowej nieruchomości,
d) uprawnień do wykonywania prac geodezyjnych i kartograficznych.

all the answers correct, but in other one or two - possible to set the quiz?



no. the quiz depends on one correct answer, as far as I know

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


there is a chance to quiz marked the few correct answers



if you are asking a question....   then no.. the mod author has not made any revisions in a while - so it is unlikely that there will be any changes to how the mod works

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


sad, very few correct answers to me in handy

