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ST Shop

Started by Diego Andrés, June 13, 2009, 06:06:35 AM

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Diego Andrés

From your screenshot this particular item works well as it correctly changed the user title to Donna Abramova.
To delete after using you need to check that option when editing/creating the item, is this enabled for that item?

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Sorry for our late reply, but yes we do have that enabled for those items. I'll attach the screenshot that shows it being enabled as well.

Diego Andrés

I think this item has an issue in the installer, that's all. So you also need to edit the value in the stshop_modules table, and set can_use_item to 1 for this item.

And also need to fix this line in /Themes/default/languages/Shop/Modules.english.php
$txt['Shop_cut_success'] = 'Successfully changed title to <strong>%2$s</strong>';
Should be
$txt['Shop_cut_success'] = 'Successfully changed title to <strong>%s</strong>';

I tested with a new item after the fix, and manually fixing a broken one (like you did), and seems to work fine now.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Thanks for your help, it works now.


I had a skim over your github and the waybackmachine but I was unable to find a build for smf 2.0  :( It would be handy to have a copy for this version even if you don't want to provide active support for it.

Diego Andrés

I never had it on GitHub it was SA Shop and I wasn't really developing that MOD.
You could probably find it using the internet archive, just paste the mod site URL and try somewhere around 2019 or lower.

Although depending on what you're looking for, SA Shop had pretty much the same features as SMF Shop, plus the games room so you could just simply use SMF Shop for SMF 2.0.x...

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Quote from: Diego Andrés on July 07, 2024, 05:09:32 PMso you could just simply use SMF Shop for SMF 2.0.x.
That's good to know; sadly nothing on WBM exists before 2021 and it seems like it was already 2.1 only at that point.


Hello Diego,

We were playing with the standard modules for your shop, and it seems like the sticky topic module is broken as well, since it's giving a database error. We just wanted to let you know about this one. But we'll add some screens to show you what error we exactly get after using sticky topic module.

Diego Andrés

Thanks, could you also check the error log so it provides a bit more of info?

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.

Diego Andrés

Quote from: TeamKC on July 09, 2024, 06:15:03 PMHello Diego,

We were playing with the standard modules for your shop, and it seems like the sticky topic module is broken as well, since it's giving a database error. We just wanted to let you know about this one. But we'll add some screens to show you what error we exactly get after using sticky topic module.

Right, so assuming you fixed this broken module in the database table, next would be in Sources/Shop/Modules/StickyTopic.php

Code (Find) Select
$this->_topics = Database::Get('', '', '', 'topics AS t', ['t.id_member_started', 't.id_topic', 't.is_sticky', 't.id_first_msg', 'm.id_msg', 'm.subject'], 'WHERE t.id_member_started = {int:mem} AND t.is_sticky = 0 AND t.id_topic = {int:id_topic}', true, 'LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS m ON (m.id_msg = t.id_first_msg)', ['mem' => $user_info['id'], 'topic' => $this->_topic]);
Code (Replace) Select
$this->_topics = Database::Get('', '', '', 'topics AS t', ['t.id_member_started', 't.id_topic', 't.is_sticky', 't.id_first_msg', 'm.id_msg', 'm.subject'], 'WHERE t.id_member_started = {int:mem} AND t.is_sticky = 0 AND t.id_topic = {int:topic}', true, 'LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS m ON (m.id_msg = t.id_first_msg)', ['mem' => $user_info['id'], 'topic' => $this->_topic]);
Code (Find) Select
function onUse()
global $user_info;
Code (Replace) Select
function onUse()
global $user_info, $scripturl;

Code (Find) Select
' . sprintf(Shop::getText('st_success'), $this->_topic, $this->_topics['subject']) .'
Code (Replace) Select
' . sprintf(Shop::getText('st_success'), $scripturl . '?topic='. $this->_topic . '.0', $this->_topics['subject']) .'

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Hello Diego,

Thank you soo much for your help, it works propperly now.

Are we allowed to suggest something for a future module or a future update?

Diego Andrés

Sure, I still keep a list of suggestions.

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Hello Diego,

At this moment we're using change primary usergroup(and that's a little bit in the area we need it), but we'd love it if there was a module that requires them to buy from different categories and that that combination gives them the access to a board. That could happen via a usergroup but even then they would need multiple items.
Moreover change primary group doesn't change the primary group but puts them in an extra group, which for our goal is totally fine, but we wanted you to know about it.

Further on, but we don't think that's a module, we think it would be nice if we could set the buy items only to open in their given categories instead of all categories. For example, the shop opens in the bookshop so we only see the things that are being sold in the bookshop, instead of seeing all the items and having to go through a bajillion pages to get everything they need.
We know there is a dropdown menu, but in our opinion it would look nicer if the shop opens on a certain categorie instead of all categories.

Duban Black

Quote from: Diego Andrés on July 10, 2024, 10:01:50 AMSure, I still keep a list of suggestions.

I would like to leave a suggestion as well.
Is it possible to show the assigned items in their category?

Something like this

Currently they are all shown mixed by date of purchase.
Having available the option to divide them into category or to sort them based on some criteria could be very beneficial.

I hope it is possible
Thank you very much in advance


Hello All...

This is such a beautiful mod, TY for all this amazing work.

Has anyone figured out this fix to not display in posts (icons of items)?

Tried all kinds of stuff; disable signatures, in profile only, different display area even when toggled to profile only. No go.

Checked the display template for multiple or similar on add custom to signatures.

It is a pesky bug for sure.

Has anyone found a code of like = don't display on posts they can share?

Thank you,


Diego Andrés

Isn't that just an option in the settings? Choosing "None" for displaying inventory?

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Quote from: Diego Andrés on September 24, 2024, 12:51:59 PMIsn't that just an option in the settings? Choosing "None" for displaying inventory?

Oh do I wish that was the case... When clicking none - no profile or posts..

When I click only profile, shows up in posts no matter what... See attached.


Thinking there is something in display template that can say, don't display shop mod icons? Any any signature placement?

Diego Andrés

You need to apply the following fix:
Code (Search) Select
// Inventory
if (empty($this->_profile['shopInventory_hide']) && !empty($modSettings['Shop_inventory_enable']) && !empty($modSettings['Shop_enable_shop']) && !empty($topic) && allowedTo('shop_viewInventory') && !empty($user_field_inventory = $this->_inventory->display($user)))
Code (Replace) Select
// Inventory
if (empty($this->_profile['shopInventory_hide']) && !empty($modSettings['Shop_inventory_enable']) && ($modSettings['Shop_inventory_enable'] == 1 || $modSettings['Shop_inventory_enable'] == 3) && !empty($modSettings['Shop_enable_shop']) && !empty($topic) && allowedTo('shop_viewInventory') && !empty($user_field_inventory = $this->_inventory->display($user)))

SMF Tricks - Free & Premium Responsive Themes for SMF.


Quote from: Diego Andrés on September 25, 2024, 01:40:16 AMYou need to apply the following fix:
Code (Search) Select
// Inventory
if (empty($this->_profile['shopInventory_hide']) && !empty($modSettings['Shop_inventory_enable']) && !empty($modSettings['Shop_enable_shop']) && !empty($topic) && allowedTo('shop_viewInventory') && !empty($user_field_inventory = $this->_inventory->display($user)))
Code (Replace) Select
// Inventory
if (empty($this->_profile['shopInventory_hide']) && !empty($modSettings['Shop_inventory_enable']) && ($modSettings['Shop_inventory_enable'] == 1 || $modSettings['Shop_inventory_enable'] == 3) && !empty($modSettings['Shop_enable_shop']) && !empty($topic) && allowedTo('shop_viewInventory') && !empty($user_field_inventory = $this->_inventory->display($user)))

Holy crap, that made it perfect and looks soooo clean now...


Thanks a million... Been goofing with that for days, wow...
