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SimplePortal vs TinyPortal - Which do you PREFER?

Started by Douggy, July 29, 2009, 05:30:01 PM

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Which do you prefer?

227 (48.6%)
136 (29.1%)
104 (22.3%)

Total Members Voted: 455

Jade Elizabeth

Quote from: hotchildxox on August 03, 2009, 11:06:15 PM
Quote from: Jade Elizabeth on August 03, 2009, 10:50:32 PM
I want photographic proof you two exist.

I need a sign that says "We love Al!" held up too ;D

LMAO  I think we have made sure all of simplemachines know we exist ha ha...   Sometimes not so favorably  ::)
all though,  ???  we could be bots?  :-\  I don't think so (pssst robbie are we bots?)  :o


You could be one very deranged person :D.
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


Well...  I'm not a bot  :D and I know you're not a bot  ;D ,  but what I really want to know is ...  who the hell is Al?   8)

Quote from: Jade Elizabeth on August 03, 2009, 10:50:32 PM

I need a sign that says "We love Al!" held up too ;D

Jade Elizabeth

Me. Jade Elizabeth, aka Alundra. Al is short for Alundra.

Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


well... If I am a bot, I'm the pretty bot  :-* and as for al?   Who the hells kitchen cares?  Let Al get his
own topic...  :)






Errrrrm...  cough cough  :o  ( whispers to hotchildxox...  Jade is Alundra...  Alundra is Jade Elizabeth...  and Al is short for Alundra...  Al is Alundra man :D ...  and she isnt a guy either...  look down there. )  ;)



Quote from: robbie93 on August 03, 2009, 11:24:21 PM
Errrrrm...  cough cough  :o  ( whispers to hotchildxox...  Jade is Alundra...  Alundra is Jade Elizabeth...  and Al is short for Alundra...  Al is Alundra man :D ...  and she isnt a guy either...  look down there.  ;)


  :o  :(  Opps....    :D  Here Jade you can have my princess crown,  (um just for the day though)
SOOOOO  sorry  about that, erm  cough cough you beat me to the post...



I like them both. Seems this topic has steered away from the original question. I use TinyPortal, but they both have their merits.
Always be a little kinder than necessary.
- James M. Barrie



Quote from: TheDisturbedOne on July 30, 2009, 02:09:21 AM
Quote from: diplomat. on July 30, 2009, 01:53:07 AM
My question is: Whats with the easy and small-adjective named portals? Im waiting for a DifficultPortal or a LargePortal to be released...
I'm on the dev team for ComplicatedPortal.

ComplicatedPortal is no match for RubeGoldbergPortal.  :P


My personal favourite is InsanelyBadlyDocumentedPortal. Their motto is "We hide everything to drive you mental".

Jade Elizabeth

Quote from: Antechinus on August 15, 2009, 05:01:29 PM
My personal favourite is InsanelyBadlyDocumentedPortal. Their motto is "We hide everything to drive you mental".

Well I prefer BadPortal which is even hosted off site ;D.
Once proud Documentation Writer and Help Squad Leader | Check out my new adult coloring career: Color With Jade/Patreon.


Tiny portal very good.


Simple portal also very good.

(I use SP simply because it works with SMF 2.x)


After having read literally all posts I am still a bit confused. Some people say "Simple Portal", simply because it's simpler. Other people say "Tiny Portal" because it's more powerful or whatever...

Let's see: what I for one would love to know is which one is better in what in terms of features and functionality.
As you might imagine, each person will have different needs and will take advantage differently from each Portal...

so, what I need is a list of features (modules, for instance) that one has and the other don't. Bugs that each one may have... Why simple Portal is simpler... Which one integrates better (themes, etc...) and how? Do they both have a Blog? Do they both have or support Galleries? Downloads, Shops?? How does articles work? Is the possibility of installing standalone a big advantage of SP? What are the available Modules for TP??.. TP website is not that descriptive in terms of features... And although SP website is slightly more descriptive, people reading this thread really could use a descriptive/detailed comparison between each Portal's features.

Please descriminate/list as much strong/weak points in detail for each Portal so that people may choose what better suits their needs... Please, don't just say "I loooove TP!.. But I never used SP." or vice-versa, for that matter...


Ok, you want a detailed comparison. How about you write it? Somebody has to and it would be a good way of answering your own questions while making the information available to others.

I can answer a few of them though.

1/ Neither of them have a blog.
2/ Simple Portal is simpler because it has less functionality.
3/ Tiny Portal has a built-in download system. Not sure about SP.
4/ Galleries and shops are not included in either portal. You still need extra mods for those.
5/ Articles are just what they say. Tiny Portal has a better article system IMO because in SP articles are just standard forum posts that are called articles. Tiny Portal does articles on their own full-size pages and you can assign them to categories of articles.

Oh and for 2.0 I still reckon PortaMx is better than both of them. 

Eliana Tamerin

I would have to refute number 2 of your points, Antechinus. The simplicity of SimplePortal (one word, not two) is in its design and usability. Sure, we have users who request X or Y feature similar to Z portal's, but our main goal is to make the software itself simple to use. It's intention is not to be restrictive or crippling in features, a 'dumb' portal so to speak, but to be as robust as its competitors while simultaneously having an intuitive and easy usability.

Also as for number 5, SP's newest version brings custom pages to its portal, similar to TP's article system. While not exactly the same, for the most part, TP's articles and SP's pages function very much in the same fashion: to store static information which would normally be a forum post, but is more important or referenced enough to require its own top-level location.

While I don't intend to debate, I simply wished to clarify those points so that readers will have an accurate view of each competitor's features.
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QuoteOh and for 2.0 I still reckon PortaMx is better than both of them. 

I've never used PortaMx, can you briefly state why you think so?


Well the first is not a refutation but an opinion. I have looked into both. ;) You admit yourself that your goal is to make things simple, which is fair enough, but it does place limitations on what you can do.

The second: last I looked they were basically just forum posts by another name. That was 2.2.2 I think, or 2.2.3 or whatever. Couple of weeks ago anyway.


Quote from: kai920 on August 19, 2009, 11:58:08 PM
QuoteOh and for 2.0 I still reckon PortaMx is better than both of them. 

I've never used PortaMx, can you briefly state why you think so?
Combination of good functionality, a good interface that is easy to use without needing to be dumbed down in any way, and infinite styling possibilities for custom pages. That's the short version.
