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Minimum Charcters required for Search

Started by Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail, July 26, 2010, 03:20:01 PM

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Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

Minimum Characters for Search - Link to Mod

Taken over by: BurkeKnight - BurkeKnight Enterprises from: Joker™

For Support: The mod's Support topic at SMF, or at BurkeKnight Enterprises.

This mod will give an option to Admins to set the minimum required characters per word for search to get accomplished.

In SMF by default it's 2 characters. You can now change it by using this mod.

Install the mod and go to
Admin > Forum » Search > Settings

Number of minimum characters required for search (fill it as per your liking, by default I've kept it to 2).

Change Log

Version 1.2.1
Mod updated and added to Github. - Github Link
License changed to MPL 1.1

Version 1.2
- Mod updated for SMF 2.0 final and SMF 1.1.14

* This SMF Modification is subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this SMF modification except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at



Thank you :) , was trying to change search url and made this mod in between ;D
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Excellent mod. Installed on RC3 with no problems and works great. :)


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translatıon ın turkısh

<file name="$languagedir/Search.turkish.php">
  <search position="end" />
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by
    $txt['search_min_char'] = 'Arama için gereken minimum karakter sayısı gerekli.';
    $txt['default_search_min_char'] = '(Varsayılan minimium karekter sayısı en az iki.)';
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by
<file name="$languagedir/Errors.turkish.php">
  <search position="end" />
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by SirtLanVadisi.nett
    $txt['error_search_string_small_words'] = 'Minimum karakter arama için her kelimenin gerekli ';
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by

tanslatıon ın turkısch.utf8

<file name="$languagedir/Search.turkish-utf8.php">
  <search position="end" />
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by
    $txt['search_min_char'] = 'Arama için gereken minimum karakter sayısı gerekli.';
    $txt['default_search_min_char'] = '(Varsayılan minimium karekter sayısı en az iki.)';
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by
<file name="$languagedir/Errors.turkish-utf8.php">
  <search position="end" />
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by SirtLanVadisi.nett
    $txt['error_search_string_small_words'] = 'Minimum karakter arama için her kelimenin gerekli ';
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by

translatıon ın german

<file name="$languagedir/Search.german.php">
  <search position="end" />
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by
    $txt['search_min_char'] = 'Anzahl der Zeichen minimum für die Suche erforderlich.';
    $txt['default_search_min_char'] = '(Standardmäßig Zeichen sind minimum 2 erforderlich.)';
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by
<file name="$languagedir/Errors.german.php">
  <search position="end" />
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by SirtLanVadisi.nett
    $txt['error_search_string_small_words'] = 'Minimum an Zeichen in jedem Wort für die Suche erforderlich sind ';
// Minimum Chartesrs Mod translation by

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Thank you for the wonderful mod!  I thought I'd let everybody know that when I updated my forum from 2.0 RC5 to 2.0 Gold, I had to reinstall all my mods.  This mod installed without issues and using 2.0 RC5 emulation.  Hope this info helps someone!

Hj Ahmad Rasyid Hj Ismail

Hiya all.

I am entrusted with this mod now but I haven't have time to look into it deeply yet. I also believe that my brother Joker is a better coder than I am. I will try to do my best in handling this mod.

Thank you for supporting this mod and do feel free to ask for support.


I'm using this Mod, and very happy with it.

But I think I've found a bug: if I do a search with nothing in it I get the following error: "Did you forget to put something to search for?4"

The number 4 is what I just set as the "number of minimum characters required for search", if I change the setting to another number, that number is shown.

Is there a way of getting rid of this?
(I tried to dabble in the php-files myself, but couldn't find the culprit).
