Hide Tag Special

Started by enik, April 11, 2005, 03:41:07 PM

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Quote from: johncccccc on August 13, 2009, 10:32:35 PM
Just on a hunch, Do you think it could be made possible to auto hide certain data, like a link for example


*meaning wild card

This would be a nice addition, would probably require an option for adding the information to auto hide and would be an addition to another version released in the near future ( next hopefully :p ).
What you hope for and what i do are two different things ;).
But i will see...
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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


I've problem with HideTagSpecial235_(ONLY FOR 2.0RC1-X)_Fix.zip

It's failed with this step.

But I've manually replace it with myself =w="

I want you to fix it >//<

Thank you  ;D


If you fixed it yourself what should i do? *g*

tip search for $newtopic = empty(
and add the complete part after that line into you're file...
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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


desahabilitar option hide in some sub forums? could be?


Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


I can't use this mod on my forum (i have the 2.0RC1.2 the latest)
Could you make a update for us or something that will work.
Because i really like this.


it does't shows the text on the option thing!


Quote from: djkavaa on September 02, 2009, 11:29:37 AM
I can't use this mod on my forum (i have the 2.0RC1.2 the latest)
Could you make a update for us or something that will work.
Because i really like this.
The Version 2.3.5 should work with 2.0 RC1.2

Quote from: 20junior on September 05, 2009, 08:08:45 AM
it does't shows the text on the option thing!
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My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


20junior: what version are you using, and are you using English in your forum?
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


when trying to install 2.3.5 on smf2.0 rc1.2

i get a error saying cannot add to sources/subs.php

and i opened up subs.php file, and cannot find

Quotestatic $disabled;

to replace it so it works, cause its not workin..


Installed SMF 2.0 RC1.2 HideTagSpecial235.
After a user logs hidden text displayed. The user presses the "Print" and the text is hidden again. What?
I speak Russian will use an interpreter. Thank you.


Nice mod, i'm been using it and i really like it.
Could you please update this mod to the last smf version (1.1.10) so i could use it again?


Quote from: kanderson88 on September 07, 2009, 09:41:59 AM
when trying to install 2.3.5 on smf2.0 rc1.2

i get a error saying cannot add to sources/subs.php

and i opened up subs.php file, and cannot find

Quotestatic $disabled;

to replace it so it works, cause its not workin..
Strange i looked into the code the line exist...

// Parse bulletin board code in a string, as well as smileys optionally.
function parse_bbc($message, $smileys = true, $cache_id = '', $parse_tags = array())
   global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings, $user_info;
   static $bbc_codes = array(), $itemcodes = array(), $no_autolink_tags = array();
   static $disabled;

   // Never show smileys for wireless clients.  More bytes, can't see it anyway :P.

Quote from: oep on September 08, 2009, 04:06:44 AM
Installed SMF 2.0 RC1.2 HideTagSpecial235.
After a user logs hidden text displayed. The user presses the "Print" and the text is hidden again. What?
I speak Russian will use an interpreter. Thank you.

Thats normal i never check on other positions than the thead itself if a userpost exist.

Quote from: Broken_System on September 09, 2009, 11:21:04 PM
Nice mod, i'm been using it and i really like it.
Could you please update this mod to the last smf version (1.1.10) so i could use it again?
It allread work with that version oO.

Support only via MOD Thread! NO PM Support!
My Forum: ayu][kult Forum
My Mods: My Small Mod Collection
My Parser: DIN1031's ModParser
Current Info: More away the next days, because i've to much work to do :x


hello, i just use 2 of your mod


and every time i use it , its generate an error on my log

Quote8: Undefined index: bbc_hide
File: /home1/gis4unet/public_html/forum/Themes/default/languages/Post.english-utf8.php (main sub template - eval?)
Line: 795

please need a guidance

regards, GISfreak
Me fail English? That's unpossible.


Are you using a language other than English, gisfreak?
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on September 15, 2009, 04:58:01 AM
Are you using a language other than English, gisfreak?

nah, in my forum, its set to english-UTF8  :D

any clue on this ? i desperately need my forum cleanest as possible  :(

regards, GISfreak

Me fail English? That's unpossible.


That's the problem. The mod makes changes to some of the files in languages/*.english.php - but not to *.english-utf8.php.

You'll have to make those edits yourself - go to the mod pages, find your version of SMF in the dropdown, select Parse, and you'll get a list of edits to the different files. Find those that affect .english.php files and do those on the matching .english-utf8.php files.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Me fail English? That's unpossible.


have this test failed on 2.0 rc 1.2

Execute Modification     ./Sources/Post.php     Test failed
     5.     Replace     ./Sources/Post.php     Test failed
*     7.     Execute Modification     ./Sources/Subs.php     Test failed
     1.     Add After     ./Sources/Subs.php     Test failed

please help to fix this

