captcha on bridge registration form

Started by afaufio, August 12, 2009, 09:58:45 PM

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Hello, i have here an issue that´s really being difficult to fix and i still have no idea of what to do. I would appreciate very much to the friends that could give me some help.

url: [nonactive]

This website is a joomla that has an smf forum integrated on it, with a bridge.
I´m using the bridge registration form and not the smf registration form. Although the captcha is default on the smf i´m having problems on putting it on the bridge registration form. I´m a newbie on this things so i urgently ask for your help.

What i´ve done:

I copied the html code from the admin panel captcha level selector and pasted it to the file com_smf_registration.html.php

The result:

Captcha showed up but after some time it disappears. When that happens i go to the forum admin panel and set the verification level again to a different level. After this, captcha is again there. Then it´s gone again, then i go to the admin again and make the same thing and so on and so on.

Another thing is that when the captcha is there it doesn´t verify and accepts no matter what letters we write.

Please help me to fix this problem. I would be very very thankfull to you.


Warm regards



Implementing CAPTCHA in the bridge registration is far more complex than just adding the filed to the form.

You'd be best to use SMF registration.  If you were using Mambo 4.6.x and the associated bridge, you could also use Mambo registration with CAPTCHA.


I Orstio first of all i would like to thank you but, anyway, could you tell me how to install it on the bridge? What do i have to do?




You're going to have to add the javascript to the page as well as adding the verification code check to the receiving page.

As I said, you're better off just using SMF registration.  You'll have so much code to change in the bridge registration that it won't be worth the time.


The problem is that if i use the smf regitration, there are some components that i have like letterman don´t work autommaticaly. For lettrman, i would have to insert all the registrers by hand. And i also have amodule for stats on the homepage that doesn´t count if i use the smf registration. Would you explain me where do i get that code and in what files do i put it?


Many many thanks



You can't just get the code anywhere -- You'll have to write it.


Ok orstio. I don´t know how to write it. I can´t give up cause i really need to use the bridge because letterman is the foundation of my business on this website and also the stats are very important for this kind of members and users.
If there is any more help you can give me i will be very very thankfull to you. If don´t, many thanks anyway.

Warm regards



Do you still require help with this?
As our joomla bridge is no longer supported, you might want to look at converting to one of our supported platforms. Alternatively if you're using an unofficial bridge you might get a better response by posting in the support site for the bridge that you're using
Former Support Team Lead
                              I recommend:
Namecheap (domains)
Fastmail (e-mail)
Linode (VPS)
