Tidy Child Boards

Started by Arantor, December 09, 2009, 04:00:36 AM

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1 column is planned in next release.

Quote from: IRC
Roph> I just finished a double 1/2lb cheese, bacon & salad beef burger
Roph> no woman on earth could satisfy me as much as I am satisfied right now by this burger
... later on ...
Roph> how could ensie go about satisfying me =o
<Ensiferous> Roph: Merely looking at me would yield far more pleasure than a burger can provide.



Okay i have the original one that arantor did and that is in board. i just recently upgraded to 2.0 rc3 and the mod is still in there
how do i take that one out when there is no uninstall just [ List Files ] [ Delete ] ..I want to add the new one that is available?

also on another note when i go to Features and Options it doesnt show up in the Layout section at all

can i just upload it over the existing one and will that over write it.
Would you believe it that i live in gods country


did that arantor and the mod work beautifully thanks for your help
Would you believe it that i live in gods country


echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/', ($child['new'] ? 'on' : 'off'), '.png" width="12" height="12" alt=""> ';

Both in MessageIndex.template.php and BoardIndex.template.php

this error fails to get validate in W3C Xhtml test .... as it is not getting closed properly , it think it should be

echo '<img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/', ($child['new'] ? 'on' : 'off'), '.png" width="12" height="12" alt="" /> ';

i'll ask the author of the mod to look into the case .
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Yes sid2varun, I noticed this too.


As far as I remember it was mentioned once more before I posted it.


I have little doubt it was posted - by which point I'd stopped supporting the mod...
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


very neat mod.... ;D
like it!

but how to make it also works on Home Page..?

this is the screen shoot:
not tidy:hxxp:img8.imageshack.us/img8/5999/nottidy.jpg [nonactive]

tidy:hxxp:img138.imageshack.us/img138/7558/tidyg.jpg [nonactive]


Your theme has a custom BoardIndex.template.php, you will have to add the changes yourself to it.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on May 08, 2010, 03:42:41 PM
Your theme has a custom BoardIndex.template.php, you will have to add the changes yourself to it.

thx u for a very quick reply...
i'm using SMF 1.1.11
and in this mod, it did not change boardindex.template.php,
<install for="1.1 - 1.1.99">
<modification type="file">1-1-x/install11.xml</modification>
<modification type="file">1-1-x/11-core.xml</modification>
<modification type="file">languages/english.xml</modification>
<modification type="file">languages/english_british.xml</modification>
<modification type="file">languages/german.xml</modification>
<require-file name="tidyboards.css" destination="$themes_dir/default" /><!-- one specific place since it's entirely common! -->

please explain how should modify my boardindex.template.php...
i'm a newbie...  :-[



Excuse me, I only wrote the mod. The instructions in 11-core.xml describe the changes in BoardIndex.template.php for the default theme. You apply the same changes to your custom theme's BoardIndex.template.php

Don't believe me? Go to the mod's page, pick 1.1.11 in the dropdown and select Parse. It'll show you the edits made!
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on May 08, 2010, 04:13:02 PM
Excuse me, I only wrote the mod. The instructions in 11-core.xml describe the changes in BoardIndex.template.php for the default theme. You apply the same changes to your custom theme's BoardIndex.template.php

Don't believe me? Go to the mod's page, pick 1.1.11 in the dropdown and select Parse. It'll show you the edits made!
i'm sorry...
thx for all explaination, but i can't find :    // Find all boards
where should i add this code:
if(empty($context['added_tidy_header']) && !empty($modSettings['tidy_child_boards']) && $modSettings['tidy_child_boards'] > 1) {
$context['html_headers'] = '';
$context['html_headers'] .= '
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $settings['default_theme_url'] . '/tidyboards.css?1110" />
<style type="text/css">.tidy_child { width:' . floor(100/$modSettings['tidy_child_boards']) . '%; }</style>';
$context['added_tidy_header'] = 1;

i really sorry ...


So you have a custom theme file. If you can attach it I'll take a look as to where it's supposed to be added.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


sorry, i fell asleep.
it was 4 am here...
and i just found out i was editing the wrong file  :P

but, my boardindex.template.php file i think it's fine...
all tidy board code is there.
i'm using free themes from hxxp:www.dzinerstudio.com/ [nonactive] , OUTLINE
i attach my boardindex.template.php in this post.
but i tried to change the themes to one of the defaut theme, and the result is the same..
the child board is not tidy in Home Page.

thx for your help


Tidy Child board for Indonesian Language / Bahasa Indonesia
SMF ver 1.1.11

in /Themes/default/languages/Modifications.indonesian-utf8.php

Find (at the end of the file):
Add Before:
$txt['tidy_child_boards'] = 'Atur Anak Board dalam Kolom';
$txt['tidy_child_boards_no'] = 'Jangan tampilkan dalam Kolom (default)';
$txt['tidy_child_boards_2col'] = 'Dua Kolom';
$txt['tidy_child_boards_3col'] = 'Tiga Kolom';
$txt['tidy_child_boards_4col'] = 'Empat Kolom';
$txt['tidy_child_boards_icon'] = 'Tampilkan icon board mini di sebelah anak board';
$txt['tidy_child_boards_bold'] = 'Tampilkan anak board yang belum terbaca dalam cetakan tebal';
$txt['tidy_child_boards_new'] = 'Tampilkan gambar [new] disebelah anak board yang belum terbaca';


After the code was added to BoardIndex.template.php you *did* actually configure the mod in Features and Options, right?

* Arantor isn't sure why he's supporting the mod, that was part of the reason he gave all his mods away!
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on May 09, 2010, 11:39:41 AM
After the code was added to BoardIndex.template.php you *did* actually configure the mod in Features and Options, right?

i did the configure the mod in feature and control.
the mod works fine on child board
but not working in Homepage..
i'll try to find the problem, i'll let you know if i find the solution.
maybe it because other mod i install.
i'll try to uninstall other mod and see if it works

thx alot..

* Arantor isn't sure why he's supporting the mod, that was part of the reason he gave all his mods away!



I can't seem to find where I'm to enable this mod. ACP > Boards > Settings has nothing and if I modify each boaerd and goto settings it's not there either.
SMF 2.0.1

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Where does it say it's in the board configuration area? In fact had you read the mod's own page, it even TELLS you where to look.

QuoteOnce installed, you'll find these options in the Features and Options page of the admin panel:
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on May 09, 2010, 06:17:04 PM
Where does it say it's in the board configuration area? In fact had you read the mod's own page, it even TELLS you where to look.

QuoteOnce installed, you'll find these options in the Features and Options page of the admin panel:

I checked and I couldn't find it so I figured it might be in there. Geeze dude. You don't gotta sound so annoyed when someone asks a question.
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