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SMF 1.1 Beta 2 Released to Charter Members

Started by David, May 10, 2005, 01:48:36 PM

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As many of you have probably noticed, we've been running SMF 1.1 Beta 2 for the past few days live on this site.  It is with great excitement to let all of you know that we have now released this beta to Charter Members just one and a half months after the release of Beta 1.

Below is a list of the larger changes in this release: (most of them were smaller, but sum up to more...)

  • Added additional wireless functionality and some autodetection
  • Attachment thumbnails can now be expanded inline
  • Added function for reporting personal messages to administrators
  • Added interface for setting to count child posts in board index
  • Fixed problem with quick login not hashing passwords correctly
  • Fixed many issues with labelling and message counts in the personal messaging center
  • Fixed issues with week numbering on the calendar
  • Fixed broken link in the smiley management area

Thank you for your continued support,
The Simple Machines Team
This space for rent.

Omar Bazavilvazo

GREAT release (I love the thumbnails thing)

thanks for all the effort :)

Personal Signature:

NO me manden PM para soporte o dudas
...Leo los foros como todos...


I've not installed it on my forum yet, but I've got it ready for when I do, I'm glad to be a charter member, great work to the team. Keep it up ::thumbs up::
Gary M. Gadsdon
Do NOT PM me unless I say so
War of the Simpsons
Bongo Comics Fan Forum
Youtube Let's Plays

^ YT is changing monetisation policy, help reach 1000 sub threshold.

Tristan Perry

I haven't installed it yet, I'm still making a few changes to some of the files although I'm sure this version will be great  :) Reading the change log shows there's some good changes/bug fixes.


Roughly when can we expect 1.1 to go public?


Former Lead Support Specialist

Tarvitsetko apua SMF foorumisi kanssa? Otan työtehtäviä vastaan, lue:



When will the SMF 1.1 be released to the public?

-Dan The Man




I am glad to see it has been released. Funny, in my head I was just thinking when I thought Beta 2 would be released and I guessed in about a week. Fast release.  :P
Dev Consultant
Former SMF Doc Coordinator



Question, for those of us that are not Charter Members ( yet but soon hehehe), is there a list of changes, or additions that will be included when its released.?
I read what was above , is that the full list ?
I have mods like many others probably do and if
any are to be included etc. Might be helpful to know
even if its a far off plan.

Thank You.
Knowing your limitations makes you human, exceeding these limitations makes you worthy of being human.


Quote from: Diamondcomputer on May 10, 2005, 09:49:35 PM

Question, for those of us that are not Charter Members ( yet but soon hehehe), is there a list of changes, or additions that will be included when its released.?
I read what was above , is that the full list ?
I have mods like many others probably do and if
any are to be included etc. Might be helpful to know
even if its a far off plan.

Thank You.
Each change is carefully documented and will be included in the download package. Just like the current 1.0.x version, 1.1 will contain a changelog.txt

(the amount of documented changes since 1.0.3 is near a thousand lines, so it's detailed enough to give you an idea of what has changed ;))
Hendrik Jan Visser
Former Lead Developer & Co-founder
Personal Signature: -> / / WieIsDeMol.Com


Great to see this one released already to the charter members.  Now time to upgrade my test forum at to see what happens on it. :)


Hi Everybody

Where is this smf 1.1. beta 2 turkish language. I am sorry but I am little english and I not write but  I write to difficult.



Upgraded last night and it works like a charm, couple of packages dont work, but thats no biggie.
Gary M. Gadsdon
Do NOT PM me unless I say so
War of the Simpsons
Bongo Comics Fan Forum
Youtube Let's Plays

^ YT is changing monetisation policy, help reach 1000 sub threshold.
