Captcha Verification Code not showing anymore !

Started by pokerullz, January 10, 2010, 10:09:52 AM

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I have some problems with the captcha verification code. I have seen that for a while I was not getting new members and I tried to sign out and register a new account and I saw that there is no image to take the letters from for verification. I tried on IE and Firefox and instead the picture with the letters, there is an X.

I don't know why the verification code disappeared. I tried in the settings as well and when I try to set different difficulties, it says Sample and that's it.

I installed and uninstalled some mods and I thought this might be the problem. I don't know. I also tried to install other captcha verification mods and it's the same. No image.

Where should I be able to find the code that is responsible for showing the image and how should I modify it back at how it was?

Any help will be appreciated!
my website xttp:// . Now i disabled the verification method.

SMF Version 1.1.11



i checked this link : xttp://

and the problem was that I had a space in the index.php before the <p

Ty for the solution in that post.
