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SA Facebook Integration

Started by Team, February 12, 2010, 01:36:11 PM

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search is your freind :) try this

  if you login to your server and see if the fbc dir is there pleasde if it is what are the permissions set to files should be 644 folders should be 755

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Quote from: Dismal Shadow on April 25, 2010, 11:49:00 PM
Quote from: choloman05 on April 25, 2010, 11:35:14 PM
Quick question: 

What happens when someone registers on the forum using FB connect and then deletes his account on FB?  Will he still be able to login to the forum?
Yes, by using the same account and password when you register with FB connect.

Thank you.


I have a really great question i have not seen asked here yet.. I need to change the facebook user id in the forum profile because i connected to the wrong profile. When i go and edit the id it does not save it, I takes it and show success but still has the wrong id when i look at it again.

My board is still in maint mode so i will not be leaving a link to it. But if its needed i would be happy to give.


in the members table look for your user name click the wee pencil to edit then look for fbname and the user id is there

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Perfect thanks, I just deleted the info and clicked the facebook connection button all over again. Great mod thanks i like it.


Great mod. Can anyone tell me where to find the language file?


Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Great! Norwegian translation:

$txt['fb_enable_fbc_menu'] = 'Vis Facebook i menyen <div class="smalltext">Hvis denne ikke er valgt vil den vises over avataren</div>';
$txt['sa_fbc_live'] = 'SA Mods Live';
$txt['sa_fbc_version'] = 'Versjon info';
$txt['sa_fbc_cversion'] = 'Gjeldende Versjon';
$txt['sa_fbc_lversion'] = 'Siste Versjon';
$txt['sa_fbc_smfversion'] = 'SMF Versjon';
$txt['sa_fbc_downloadl'] = 'Last ned n&aring;';
$txt['sa_fbc_credits'] = 'Takk til';
$txt['fb_admin_main2'] = 'Hoved';
$txt['fbc_crdits'] = '<p><b>Utvikler:</b> <a href="">SA Mod Development Site</a></p>
<p><b>Spesiell takk til:</b><br />
<a href=";u=53"><º}}}>( </a> Beta testing<br />
<a href="">Dismal Shadow</a> Beta testing<br />
<a href=";u=115">NIBOGO</a> Beta testing<br />
<a href=";u=91">Spoogs</a> Beta testing<br />
<a href=";u=179">Nend</a> Beta testing<br />
<a href="">??t? </a> Tyrkisk oversetter<br /><br />
Om noen er glemt, takk til dere ogs&aring;!';
$txt['fb_dispwp'] ='Aktiver sp&oslash;rsm&aring; om &aring; poste til Facebook ved innlogging';
$txt['fb_regusername'] ='Brukernavn';
$txt['fb_regpass1'] ='Passord';
$txt['fb_regpass2'] ='Gjenta passord';
$txt['fb_regallready1'] ='Allerede registrert? Klikk';
$txt['fb_regallready2'] ='her';
$txt['fb_regallready3'] ='for &aring; logge inn';
$txt['fb_make_sure_avs'] ='Oppdater avataren med facebookbildet!';
$txt['fb_make_sure_sync'] ='Synkroniser Forumet og Facebook kontoen!';
$txt['fb_admin_nofb_user'] ='Det finnes ingen registrerte Facebookbrukere';
$txt['fb_custom_fbr'] ='Facebook referanse link';
$txt['fb_custom_regdischo'] = 'Velg et navn';
$txt['fb_custom_enable_ref'] = 'Aktiver mulighet for jblazes Referals Mod<div class="smalltext">Krever <a href="">Referrals Mod </a>installert</div>';
$txt['fb_reg_real_name_error'] = 'beklager men valgt navn er i bruk. Velg et annet!';
$txt['fb_admin_logs'] = 'Facebook logg';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_member'] = 'Medlem';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_memberid'] = 'Membes ID';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_dr'] = 'Dato registrert';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_fuid'] = 'Facebook brukerid';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_name'] = 'Facebook navn';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_pro'] = 'Facebook profile';
$txt['fb_admin_commets_box'] = '<div align="center">Kommentarboks</div>';
$txt['fb_admin_commets_post'] = 'Antall kommentarer som skal vises i boksen';
$txt['fb_app_comments_boxid'] = 'Kommentarboks XID<div class="smalltext>Unik identifikasjon for dette settet med kommentarer. Kommentarer kan inneholde alfanumeriske tegn (Aa-Zz, 0-9), bindestrek (-), prosent (%), punktum (.), og understrek (_) . </div>';
$txt['fb_admin_setsh1'] = 'Aktiver deling av tr&aring;der til Facebook';
$txt['fb_admin_setsh2'] = 'det vil vises en del p&aring; Facebook knapp ved tr&aring;den';
$txt['fb_admin_set1'] = '<div align="center">Innstillinger</div>';
$txt['fb_admin_set2'] = '<div align="center">Fanside valg</div>';
$txt['fb_admin_set3'] = '<div align="center">Api n&oslash;kkel og hemmelighet</div>';
$txt['fb_app_facebook_log_out'] = 'Aktiver facebook logg ut funksjon <div class="smalltext">logger ut brukeren b&aring;de fra Facebook og fra Forumet</div>';
$txt['fb_app_width'] = 'Bredde p&aring; fanboksen';
$txt['fb_app_key'] = 'Facebook Application n&oslash;kkel';
$txt['fb_app_sharetopic'] = 'Aktiver deling av tr&aring;der til Facebook';
$txt['fb_app_fans'] = 'Aktiver fanside';
$txt['fb_enable_fb_com'] = 'Aktiver Facebook kommentarer';
$txt['fb_app_connection'] = 'Antall fans som vises';
$txt['fb_app_pageid'] = 'Applications side id <div class="smalltext">finnes i URL\'en til siden</div>';
$txt['fb_app_stream'] = 'Vis fans <div class="smalltext">settes til 0 for &aring; vise bare fans og til 1 for &aring; vise b&aring;de fans og stream.</div>';
$txt['fb_app_secret'] = 'Facebook Application hemmelighet';
$txt['fb_integrate'] = 'Integrer forump&aring;logging med Facebook.';
$txt['fb_integrate2'] = 'Integrer med Facebook';
$txt['fb_update'] = 'Oppdatere din Facebook status.';
$txt['fb_admin'] = 'SA Facebook Connect';
$txt['fb_admin_main'] = 'Hovedinnstillinger';
$txt['fb_enable'] = 'Aktiver Facebook Connect Mod';
$txt['fb_enable_wt_mod'] = 'aktiver VBGamers Welcome Topic Mod <div class="smalltext">Krever <a href="">Welcome Topic Mod </a>installert</div>';
$txt['fb_invite'] = 'Invitere venner til';
$txt['fb_title'] = 'Facebook';
$txt['fb_title1'] = 'Du er n&aring; koblet til Facebook!';
$txt['fb_title2'] = 'Dette kan du gj&oslash;re n&aring;r du er koblet til Facebook';
$txt['fb_title3'] = 'Du er ikke koblet til Facebook!';
$txt['fb_title_inv'] = 'Facebook invitasjon';
$txt['fb_inv'] = 'Dette er en invitasjon fra';
$txt['fb_inv_app'] = 'application';
$txt['fb_inv1'] = 'G&aring; til A';
$txt['fb_inv2'] = 'side!';
$txt['fb_inv3'] = 'Inviter dine venner til &aring; bruke';
$txt['fb_inv4'] = 'Takk for at du inviterer';
$txt['fb_inv5'] = 'dine venner til';
$txt['fb_inv6'] = 'Klikk her for &aring; g&aring; tilbake til';
$txt['fb_inv7'] = 'har startet &aring; bruke';
$txt['fb_inv8'] = 'og synes det er <u>s&aring; bra at du ogs&aring; m&aring; pr&oslash;ve det</u>!';
$txt['fb_inv9'] = 'Legg';
$txt['fb_inv10'] = 'p&aring; din profil';
$txt['fb_avatar'] = 'Oppdater avataren din til Facebookbildet';
$txt['fb_avatar1'] = 'Facebook avatar';
$txt['fb_avatar2'] = 'din avatar er endret';
$txt['fb_avatar3'] = 'er du sikker p&aring; at du &oslash;nsker &aring; endre din avatar?';
$txt['fb_yes'] = 'ja';
$txt['fb_no'] = 'nei';
$txt['fb_or'] = 'eller';
$txt['fb_sync'] = 'Facebook Synkronisering';
$txt['fb_sync1'] = 'Er du sikker p&aring; at du vil synkronisere Facebook og Forum kontoen?';
$txt['fb_share'] = 'Dele denne siden p&aring; Facebook';
$txt['fb_fans'] = 'Fanside';
$txt['fb_fans1'] = 'Facebook fanside';
$txt['fb_haslogged'] = 'har logget inn p&aring;';
$txt['fb_haslogged2'] = 'bruker facebook connect';
$txt['fb_reg1'] = 'Facebook innlogging';
$txt['fb_reg2'] = '(du trenger kun &aring; g&oslash;re dette en gang)';
$txt['fb_reg8'] = 'Vis navn';
$txt['fb_reg3'] = 'Lagre';
$txt['fb_reg4'] = 'Legg inn brukernavn';
$txt['fb_reg44'] = 'P&aring;krevd informasjon';
$txt['fb_reg45'] = 'Tillegsinfo';
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_facebookperm'] = 'Koble til med Facebook';
$txt['permissiongroup_facebookperm'] = 'Facebook Connect';
$txt['permissionhelp_share_topic'] = 'Hvis det er tillat for brukeren &aring; dele tr&aring;der p&aring; Facebook';
$txt['permissionname_share_topic'] = 'Del tr&aring;der p&aring; Facebook';
$txt['fbshare_share'] = 'Del forum p&aring; Facebook';
$txt['fb_custom_profile'] = 'Aktiver tilpassede profilfelt';
$txt['fb_enable_avs_mod'] = 'Aktiver mulighet for VBGamers Avatar Select p&aring; Register Mod <div class="smalltext">Krever <a href="">Avatar Select On Register Mod </a>installert</div>';


With this package installed and with the facebook connect buttom below the Login area it shows that scrolling bar on the left side (see picture).

Is there any way whe can solve this, because i really dont like that scrolling bar there... :-\ , is it possible to move de button from bellow to the left side of the login area?

Thanks in advance.


you can find this show_facebook(); in index.template.php and try moving it around

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Thanks, i´ve tried to move it, but i´m a complete noob.. did not work...
Can you give me a clue where i should move it?


P.S. can whe define that header to be bigher in height? That way i think the scrool bar will not show up...


Owner of Mesozoic Haven



div#upper_section div.user
width: 50%;
float: left;
overflow: auto;

try finding that in index.css and adding a height attibute eg height: 50%; or tyr removing overflow: auto;

Kcmartz clear your forum cache?

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Cleared, browser and site, still nothing (also installed bluedevils "like" mod, Love it!)

Owner of Mesozoic Haven


Quote from: Sleepy Arcade on July 02, 2010, 05:06:37 PM

div#upper_section div.user
width: 50%;
float: left;
overflow: auto;

try finding that in index.css and adding a height attibute eg height: 50%; or tyr removing overflow: auto;

Kcmartz clear your forum cache?

Thanks, this worked perfectly!

I´ve changed the overflow to hidden....

Thanks again!!


Quote from: Kcmartz on July 02, 2010, 05:17:34 PM
Cleared, browser and site, still nothing (also installed bluedevils "like" mod, Love it!)

whats permissions on fbc/fbconnect.js

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Owner of Mesozoic Haven


Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Owner of Mesozoic Haven


and everything else in fbc dir files 644 folders 755

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-
