SA Facebook Integration

Started by Team, February 12, 2010, 01:36:11 PM

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its gimme when i allow facebook app. on smf page The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: name whats the solution ?
my url =


Quote from: Sleepy Arcade on July 25, 2010, 10:41:27 AM
Quote from: Greenman on July 25, 2010, 01:08:34 AM
Fatal error: Uncaught CurlException: 28: Connection time-out thrown in /forum/fbc/facebook.php on line 512

It went to the facebook screen where I allow the access, but then nothing happens. When I go to the facebook page to login, it jsut times out with that.. ^

Help? (SMF2 RC3)
that heppens sometimes it is facebook not the mod

Weird.. I have yet to get it working. Not even once. It just times-out everytime. Hmm.. ???


-Yemeklerin niye bu kadar lezzetli?
-Sana koyuyorum.
-Hmm ben diğer ustalara söyliyim onlar da sana koysun.


Quote from: erorcun on July 25, 2010, 05:31:16 AM
Quote from: MATTEK on July 25, 2010, 05:03:13 AM
Still same error

Try this file.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /homepages/46/d274007555/htdocs/fbc/fbmain.php on line 10

SMF 2.0.1

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Hello, I've followed all the instructions, and I can't seem to get it to work.

An error occurred with [nonactive]. Please try again later.

API Error Code: 100
API Error Description: Invalid parameter
Error Message: next is not owned by the application.

That is what I get when I click on the facebook connect button


@ MATTEK  you need to update your php version to php5

@psybadek and you have setup you facebook application?

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


SMF 2.0.1

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Quote from: Sleepy Arcade on July 25, 2010, 11:15:23 AM
ok i think it may be your php version cos i use php5 and connot replicate this can you ask your host to update your php version? they should do it for you

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


SMF 2.0.1

Like Comics, Books, Movies or T.V. Shows? Read about them here!!


Hi Sleepy,

Very good mod. Thank's :)

The French translation for this mod.

// FB Connect Beta 1.0 Beta4-1
$txt['fb_app_uinfo'] = 'Informations Utilisateurs';
$txt['fb_app_uid'] = 'Id Utilisateur';
$txt['fb_app_uname'] = 'Nom';
$txt['fb_app_ulink'] = 'Lien';
$txt['fb_app_ulink1'] = 'Votre Profil';
$txt['fb_app_bday'] = 'Anniversaire';
$txt['fb_app_location'] = 'Localisation';
$txt['fb_app_uemail'] = 'Courrier';
$txt['fb_app_ugenl'] = 'Genre';
$txt['fb_app_e_uinfo'] = 'Autoriser les Informations Utilisateurs';
$txt['fb_app_ypages'] = 'Vos Pages';
$txt['fb_app_yf'] = 'Vos Amis';
$txt['fb_app_unsync_accounts'] = 'Désynchroniser les Comptes';
$txt['fb_app_e_comment_ssss'] = 'Commentaires';
$txt['fb_unsync'] = 'Désynchroniser Facebook';
$txt['fb_make_sure_unsync'] ='Désynchroniser le Compte du Forum et de Facebook Maintenant!';
$txt['fb_unsync_sure'] = 'Etes-vous certain de vouloir Désynchroniser le Compte du Forum et de Facebook Maintenant ?';
$txt['fb_app_e_drop'] = 'Autoriser le menu déroulant';
$txt['fb_app_e_stream1'] = 'Direct Stream';
$txt['fb_app_menu'] = 'Menu';
$txt['fb_app_fbbook_fp'] = 'Amis';
$txt['fb_app_stream_boxid'] = 'Votre Boîte de dialogue Direct Stream XID<div class="smalltext>L\'identificateur est unique pour cet ensemble de commentaires. Les commentaires peuvent contenir des caractères alphanumériques (Aa-Zz, 0-9), traits d\'union (-), pourcentages (%), ponctuations (.), et soulignements (_) (en effet, le résultat de tout url encodée peut être un XID valide). </div>';
$txt['fb_admin_stream_box'] = '<div align="center">Options de votre boîte de dialogue Direct Stream</div>';
$txt['fb_app_e_stream'] = 'Autoriser le Direct Stream';
$txt['fb_app_e_rec'] = 'Autoriser les Recommendations';
$txt['fb_app_e_fp'] = 'Autoriser Facepile';
$txt['fb_app_Rec'] = 'Recommendations';
$txt['fb_app_liketopic'] = 'Autoriser comme sujet de fond';
$txt['fb_app_id'] = 'L\'id de votre Application Facebook';
$txt['fb_title123'] = 'Intégrer avec Facebook';
$txt['fb_enable_fbc_menu'] = 'Afficher Facebook dans le Menu <div class="smalltext">Si il n\'est pas défini il s\'affichera au dessus de l\'avatar</div>';
$txt['sa_fbc_live'] = 'SA Mods Live';
$txt['sa_fbc_version'] = 'Version Info';
$txt['sa_fbc_cversion'] = 'Version Courante';
$txt['sa_fbc_lversion'] = 'Dernière Version';
$txt['sa_fbc_smfversion'] = 'Version de SMF';
$txt['sa_fbc_downloadl'] = 'Télécharger Maintenant';
$txt['sa_fbc_credits'] = 'Crédits';
$txt['fb_admin_main2'] = 'Main';
$txt['fbc_crdits'] = '<p><b>Développeur & Créateur:</b> <a href="">SA Mod Development Site</a></p>
  <p><b>Remerciements Spéciaux à :</b><br />
  <a href=";u=53"><º}}}>( </a> Beta Testeur<br />
  <a href="">Dismal Shadow</a> Beta Testeur<br />
  <a href=";u=115">NIBOGO</a> Beta Testeur<br />
  <a href=";u=91">Spoogs</a> Beta Testeur<br />
  <a href=";u=179">Nend</a> Beta Testeur<br />
  <a href="">??t? </a> Traduction Turque<br /><br />
  Pour tout les autres, Merci!';
$txt['fb_dispwp'] ='Autoriser les Messages du Mur quand on se connecte avec Facebook';
$txt['fb_regusername'] ='Nom';
$txt['fb_regpass1'] ='Choisir un Mot de Passe';
$txt['fb_regpass2'] ='Vérifier le Mot de Passe';
$txt['fb_regallready1'] ='Déjà Enregistré ? Cliquer';
$txt['fb_regallready2'] ='Ici';
$txt['fb_regallready3'] ='pour vous Connecter';
$txt['fb_make_sure_avs'] ='Mise à jour de votre Avatar avec votre image Facebook!';
$txt['fb_make_sure_sync'] ='Synchroniser le compte du Forum et Facebook Maintenant!';
$txt['fb_admin_nofb_user'] ='Il n\'y a aucuns utilisateurs de facebook enregistrés à présent';
$txt['fb_custom_fbr'] ='Facebook Renvois de liens';
$txt['fb_custom_regdischo'] = 'Choisir un Nom à Afficher';
$txt['fb_custom_enable_ref'] = 'Autoriser le Support Pour jblazes Referals Mod<div class="smalltext">Vous devez avoir <a href="">Referrals Mod </a>Installé</div>';
$txt['fb_reg_real_name_error'] = 'Désolé le nom que vous avez choisi existe déjà veuillez en choisir un autre';
$txt['fb_admin_logs'] = 'Logs Facebook';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_member'] = 'Membre';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_memberid'] = 'Membre ID';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_dr'] = 'Date d\'enregistrement';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_fuid'] = 'Votre Id Facebook';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_name'] = 'Votre Nom Facebook';
$txt['fb_admin_logs_pro'] = 'Votre Profil Facebook';
$txt['fb_admin_commets_box'] = '<div align="center">Options pour la Boîte de Commentaires</div>';
$txt['fb_admin_commets_post'] = 'Nombre de Commentaires à Afficher dans la Boîte de Commentaires';
$txt['fb_app_comments_boxid'] = 'Votre Boîte de Commentaires XID<div class="smalltext>L\'identificateur est unique pour cet ensemble de commentaires. Les commentaires peuvent contenir des caractères alphanumériques (Aa-Zz, 0-9), traits d\'union (-), pourcentages (%), ponctuations (.), et soulignements (_) (en effet, le résultat de tout url encodée peut être un XID valide). </div>';
$txt['fb_admin_setsh1'] = 'Autoriser le partage de Sujets sur Facebook de ce Forum';
$txt['fb_admin_setsh2'] = 'Autoriser ceci affichera une icône du sujet pour facebook';
$txt['fb_admin_set1'] = '<div align="center">Options Principales</div>';
$txt['fb_admin_set2'] = '<div align="center">Options pour la page de Fans</div>';
$txt['fb_admin_set3'] = '<div align="center">Api Key et Secret</div><div class="smalltext">Cliquer ceci <a href="">ici</a> si vous ne possédez pas encore votre code</div>';
$txt['fb_app_facebook_log_out'] = 'Autoriser la déconnexion Facebook <div class="smalltext">vous déconnecter de facebook et vous reconnecter vers le site</div>';
$txt['fb_app_width'] = 'Fan box avec';   
$txt['fb_app_key'] = 'Facebook Application Key';
$txt['fb_app_sharetopic'] = 'Autoriser le partage de sujets';
$txt['fb_app_fans'] = 'Autoriser la Page des Fans';
$txt['fb_enable_fb_com'] = 'Autoriser le système de commentaires Facebook';
$txt['fb_app_connection'] = 'Fans à Afficher';
$txt['fb_app_pageid'] = 'Votre id application pour les pages <div class="smalltext">doit-être définie dans l\'url de votre application</div>';
$txt['fb_app_stream'] = 'Afficher les Fans <div class="smalltext">Mettre 0 pour afficher juste les Fans ou 1 pour afficher les stream et fans</div>';
$txt['fb_app_secret'] = 'Facebook Application Secret';
$txt['fb_integrate'] = 'Intégrer votre compte du forum avec Facebook';
$txt['fb_update'] = 'Mise à jour de votre Status Facebook.';
$txt['fb_admin'] = 'SA Facebook Connect';
$txt['fb_admin_main'] = 'Configuration Générale';
$txt['fb_enable'] = 'Activer le module Facebook Connect';
$txt['fb_enable_wt_mod'] = 'Autoriser le Support pour VBGamers Welcome Topic Mod <div class="smalltext">Vous devez avoir <a href="">Welcome Topic Mod </a>Installé</div>';
$txt['fb_invite'] = 'Inviter les Amis à se Joindre';
$txt['fb_title'] = 'Facebook Connect';
$txt['fb_title1'] = 'Vous êtes connecté avec succès avec Facebook!';
$txt['fb_title2'] = 'Voici quelques choses que vous pouvez faire avec Facebook Connect';
$txt['fb_title3'] = 'Vous n\'êtes pas Connecté avec Facebook!';
$txt['fb_title_inv'] = 'Facebook Invite';
$txt['fb_inv'] = 'Ceci est une invitation de';
$txt['fb_inv_app'] = 'application';
$txt['fb_inv1'] = 'Aller vers';
$txt['fb_inv2'] = 'Page!';
$txt['fb_inv3'] = 'Invitez vos amis à l\'utiliser';
$txt['fb_inv4'] = 'Merci pour votre Invitation';
$txt['fb_inv5'] = 'de vos Amis sur';
$txt['fb_inv6'] = 'Cliquez ici pour revenir à';
$txt['fb_inv7'] = 'a commencé à utiliser';
$txt['fb_inv8'] = 'et c\'est une pensée <u>tellement cool que vous devriez essayer</u>!';
$txt['fb_inv9'] = 'Mettez';
$txt['fb_inv10'] = 'sur votre profil';
$txt['fb_avatar'] = 'Mettez à jour votre avatar à Votre image Facebook';
$txt['fb_avatar1'] = 'Facebook Avatar';
$txt['fb_avatar2'] = 'Votre Avatar est bien changé';
$txt['fb_avatar3'] = 'Etes-vous sur de vouloir mettre à jour votre Avatar ?';
$txt['fb_yes'] = 'oui';
$txt['fb_no'] = 'non';
$txt['fb_or'] = 'ou';
$txt['fb_sync'] = 'Facebook Synchronisation';
$txt['fb_sync1'] = 'Etes-vous sur de vouloir synchroniser votre Facebook avec votre compte du Forum ?';
$txt['fb_share'] = 'Partager ce Site sur facebook';
$txt['fb_fans'] = 'Page de Fans';
$txt['fb_fans1'] = 'Facebook Fan Page';
$txt['fb_haslogged'] = 'est connecté à';
$txt['fb_haslogged2'] = 'utilise facebook connect';
$txt['fb_reg1'] = 'Connexion Facebook';
$txt['fb_reg2'] = '(vous ne devrez le faire qu\'une fois)';
$txt['fb_reg8'] = 'Afficher le Nom';
$txt['fb_reg3'] = 'Va';
$txt['fb_reg4'] = 'Veuiller entrer votre Nom Utilisateur';
$txt['fb_reg44'] = 'Informations Requises';
$txt['fb_reg45'] = 'Informations Additionnelles';
$txt['permissiongroup_simple_facebookperm'] = 'Facebook Connect';
$txt['permissiongroup_facebookperm'] = 'Facebook Connect';
$txt['permissionhelp_share_topic'] = 'Si l\'utilisateur est autorisé à Partager des Sujets sur Facebook';
$txt['permissionname_share_topic'] = 'Partager les Sujets sur Facebook';
$txt['fbshare_share'] = 'Partager le Forum';
$txt['fb_custom_profile'] = 'Autoriser le Support Pour Personnaliser les Champs du Profil';
$txt['fb_enable_avs_mod'] = 'Autoriser le Support Pour VBGamers Avatar Select On Register Mod <div class="smalltext">Vous devez avoir <a href="">Avatar Select On Register Mod </a>Installé</div>';
// FB Connect Beta 1.0 Beta4-1

Pas de support par PM ou Courrier...Veuillez utiliser le forum pour vous avoir une réponse rapide à votre demande d'aide. Merci.
Amitiés et à Bientôt...
No support by PM or Mail...You will get better and faster responses in the support forums. Thank you.
Have a nice day...


Quote from: Sleepy Arcade on July 27, 2010, 09:41:45 AM
@psybadek and you have setup you facebook application?

nevermind, it seems it will not work if the www is not included in the connect url


I've upgraded to php5, cleared cache, and performed all other maintenance and I'l still getting :

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /homepages/46/d274007555/htdocs/fbc/fbmain.php on line

SMF 2.0.1

Like Comics, Books, Movies or T.V. Shows? Read about them here!!


you have to undo the changes you made to fbmain.php

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Quote from: Sleepy Arcade on July 27, 2010, 08:52:43 PM
you have to undo the changes you made to fbmain.php

lol. Now I'm getting

Fatal error: Uncaught CurlException: 6: name lookup timed out thrown in /homepages/46/d274007555/htdocs/fbc/facebook.php on line 51

SMF 2.0.1

Like Comics, Books, Movies or T.V. Shows? Read about them here!!


in fbc/facebook.php find

public static $DOMAIN_MAP = array(
    'api'      => '',
    'api_read' => '',
    'graph'    => '',
    'www'      => '',

and replace with

public static $DOMAIN_MAP = array(
    'api'      => '',
    'api_read' => '',
    'graph'    => '',
    'www'      => '',

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


SMF 2.0.1

Like Comics, Books, Movies or T.V. Shows? Read about them here!!


Actually, scratch that. I didn't follow through with the integration myself, because I hate Facebook, so I stopped. Now I can't see any of the buttons the mod includes such as share, login in, integrate, etc.,
SMF 2.0.1

Like Comics, Books, Movies or T.V. Shows? Read about them here!!


Hi Sleepy Arcade,

First of all, Many thanks for a such a nice MOD!!!!!

I went through the installation, everything went fine and no errors so far.

But I need a very minor modification. first of all i am a noob, using SMF only for 2 days.
tried for an hour to find a way, but wanted to ask before crush the whole site :D

I want to delete or hide (get rid off) the facebook login at the top of the page next to the textbox, and still be able to keep the facebook connection at "login page" and "User Info"

pls refer to the attached file, if i am not making sense or ple take a look at the forum at [nofollow]

Thanks much beforehand!!


Ben modun 2. yazarıyım.

Şunu türkçe anlatırsan dediğin şeyi yapabilirim, ingilizceyi çok iyi bilmiyorum da. :D
-Yemeklerin niye bu kadar lezzetli?
-Sana koyuyorum.
-Hmm ben diğer ustalara söyliyim onlar da sana koysun.
