SA Facebook Integration

Started by Team, February 12, 2010, 01:36:11 PM

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read the reply i allready anserd

Quote from: Sleepy Arcade on August 19, 2010, 05:09:00 PM
Quote from: savek on August 19, 2010, 06:09:22 AM
I try to read all 35 pages of this topic, but I'm not sure now this mod worked on SMF 1.1 RC 2???

1.1 RC 2 you sure?

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


Thx Spoogs,
and I'm sorry, Sleepy, I just notice your answer :-[

I checked smf version from Administration center, it shows 1.1.2.

I try followed steps link below to add facebook connnect on my website.
(I select, and choose version 1.1.2 in Manual Install Instructions for SMF)

but it not work, it's not show facebook icon, when I click on topic in forum, it show error like 'contact admin', and it have not file portalblocks.php in my smf directory.

PS.Sorry for my bad english.



I tried to put inside the index.template.php the global bla bla bla but always the same result.

I made the modification you suggest, but I don't have the showfacebook function inside the sub.php but cut the showfacebook from the core template.
And again I can see thelike only with admin and moderator, I can assure you that the permission for members is set to allow.

Also a new test I made is to unistall the MOD and after re-install in all template again.. Now I take care about error on my template and the error are:


echo !empty($settings['forum_width']) ? ' <div id="wrapper" style="width: ' . $settings['forum_width'] . '">' : '', '

Add Before[Select]
if ($context['user']['is_logged'] && !empty($modSettings['fb_enable_fbc_menu'])) { global $boarddir; include_once $boarddir.'/fbc/facebook_init_main.php'; }

if (!empty($modSettings['enableOpenID'])) echo ' <br /><input type="text" name="openid_identifier" id="openid_url" size="25" class="input_text openid_login" />'; echo ' <input type="hidden" name="hash_passwrd" value="" /> </form>';

Add After[Select]

global $boardurl;
   echo'<script src="'.$boardurl.'/fbc/fbconnect.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
      var mod_settings_fb_app_pageid = "',$modSettings['fb_app_pageid'],'";   
      var mod_settings_fb_app_stream = "',$modSettings['fb_app_stream'],'";
      var mod_settings_fb_app_connection = "',$modSettings['fb_app_connection'],'";
      var mod_settings_fb_app_width = "',$modSettings['fb_app_width'],'";
      var mod_settings_fb_com_xid = "',$modSettings['fb_app_comments_boxid'],'";
      var mod_settings_fb_li_xid = "',$modSettings['fb_app_stream_boxid'],'";
      var mod_settings_fb_com_show = "',$modSettings['fb_admin_commets_post'],'";
      var forum_name = "'.$context['forum_name'].'";
      var site_slogan = "'.$settings['site_slogan'].'";
      var like_layout = "', empty($modSettings['liketopiclayout']) ? 'standard' : 'button_count', '";
      var like_verb = "', empty($modSettings['liketopicverb']) ? 'like' : 'recommend', '";
      var like_colour = "', empty($modSettings['liketopiccolour']) ? 'light' : 'dark', '";
      var live_hight = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_stream_hight'].'";
      var live_width = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_stream_width'].'";
      var fp_width = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_fp_width'].'";
      var fp_row = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_e_fp_row'].'";
      var rec_width = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_rec_width'].'";
      var rec_hight = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_rec_hight'].'";


Comments Box Options

what to put in Your Comments Box XID   ??


@ eng_HK and you also added it to your custiom themes index.template.php

@talktoanil read the descriptin it tells you there basicly anything will do eg in mine i have sa_comments but dont use that cos i think you will end up with my comments lol maybe talktoanil_site_comments will do?

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


sllepy, sorry, but I don't understand.
Add what?? the point 1 ? the point 2 ?? where I can add it in the index.template.php ? manually? in wich point?at the end of file? or from the global board untill /script? and this must be added to indextemplate.php ???




global $boardurl;
echo'<script src="'.$boardurl.'/fbc/fbconnect.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var mod_settings_fb_app_pageid = "',$modSettings['fb_app_pageid'],'";
var mod_settings_fb_app_stream = "',$modSettings['fb_app_stream'],'";
var mod_settings_fb_app_connection = "',$modSettings['fb_app_connection'],'";
var mod_settings_fb_app_width = "',$modSettings['fb_app_width'],'";
var mod_settings_fb_com_xid = "',$modSettings['fb_app_comments_boxid'],'";
var mod_settings_fb_li_xid = "',$modSettings['fb_app_stream_boxid'],'";
var mod_settings_fb_com_show = "',$modSettings['fb_admin_commets_post'],'";
var forum_name = "'.$context['forum_name'].'";
var site_slogan = "'.$settings['site_slogan'].'";
var like_layout = "', empty($modSettings['liketopiclayout']) ? 'standard' : 'button_count', '";
var like_verb = "', empty($modSettings['liketopicverb']) ? 'like' : 'recommend', '";
var like_colour = "', empty($modSettings['liketopiccolour']) ? 'light' : 'dark', '";
var live_hight = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_stream_hight'].'";
var live_width = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_stream_width'].'";
var fp_width = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_fp_width'].'";
var fp_row = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_e_fp_row'].'";
var rec_width = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_rec_width'].'";
var rec_hight = "'.$modSettings['fb_app_rec_hight'].'";

goes after

echo $context['html_headers'];

in index.template.php

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-


I dont understand the link at te top of the forum "Facebook Connect Integrate forum account with Facebook."  ???
I get this anyway when anyone clicks it...
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/content/c/r/u/me1/html/theforum/fbc/fbmain.php on line 7

Also when you click on the like button, the small comments section underneath dosnt show up properly..

I am using the curve default on 2.0 RC3


Quote from: Spoogs on August 19, 2010, 08:39:31 PM
Go back to your application on facebook and make sure you set the connect url
whats your web address

Where is this option? I don't watch this option!

My web is hosted in a free hosting like and if I put the domain in "Web Site" in "Site URL" and "Site Domain" facebook shows this message : "Site Domain: is not a valid domain."

Or. "URL must point to a directory (i.e., end with a '/' or a dynamic page (i.e., have a '?' somewhere)."

I don't understand nothing! :S :( Help!

Can anybody tell me the reason why? Thanks!!!


Quote from: PortalGamers on August 20, 2010, 06:23:59 PM
Quote from: Spoogs on August 19, 2010, 08:39:31 PM
Go back to your application on facebook and make sure you set the connect url
whats your web address

Where is this option? I don't watch this option!

My web is hosted in a free hosting like and if I put the domain in "Web Site" in "Site URL" and "Site Domain" facebook shows this message : "Site Domain: is not a valid domain."

Or. "URL must point to a directory (i.e., end with a '/' or a dynamic page (i.e., have a '?' somewhere)."

I don't understand nothing! :S :( Help!

Can anybody tell me the reason why? Thanks!!!
Sent you a Pm about this yesterday


Sleepy, Please

Quote from: savek on August 19, 2010, 10:54:01 PM
Thx Spoogs,
and I'm sorry, Sleepy, I just notice your answer :-[

I checked smf version from Administration center, it shows 1.1.2.

I try followed steps link below to add facebook connnect on my website.
(I select, and choose version 1.1.2 in Manual Install Instructions for SMF)

but it not work, it's not show facebook icon, when I click on topic in forum, it show error like 'contact admin', and it have not file portalblocks.php in my smf directory.

PS.Sorry for my bad english.


Why are you using smf 1.1.2? You must get latest version!
-Yemeklerin niye bu kadar lezzetli?
-Sana koyuyorum.
-Hmm ben diğer ustalara söyliyim onlar da sana koysun.


Quote from: Spoogs on August 20, 2010, 09:00:06 PM
Quote from: PortalGamers on August 20, 2010, 06:23:59 PM
Quote from: Spoogs on August 19, 2010, 08:39:31 PM
Go back to your application on facebook and make sure you set the connect url
whats your web address

Where is this option? I don't watch this option!

My web is hosted in a free hosting like and if I put the domain in "Web Site" in "Site URL" and "Site Domain" facebook shows this message : "Site Domain: is not a valid domain."

Or. "URL must point to a directory (i.e., end with a '/' or a dynamic page (i.e., have a '?' somewhere)."

I don't understand nothing! :S :( Help!

Can anybody tell me the reason why? Thanks!!!
Sent you a Pm about this yesterday

Men, I follow your steps.

Ok, I'm Spanish and first of all, I was have to Change different things in the package to view the Option panel in my language. Now I can view the option panel ;) and configure it.

Now It's configured with the ID, API ID and Secret Key (bla bla bla) and now you tell me that I must set the connect url in FaceBook. OK Where can I configure This? If is in "Web" How I write it? What must write in "Site URL" and "Site Domain"?

Thanks :S
EDIT: I only see this!


Quote from: crustybum on August 20, 2010, 05:23:34 PM
I dont understand the link at te top of the forum "Facebook Connect Integrate forum account with Facebook."  ???
I get this anyway when anyone clicks it...
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/content/c/r/u/me1/html/theforum/fbc/fbmain.php on line 7

Also when you click on the like button, the small comments section underneath dosnt show up properly..

I am using the curve default on 2.0 RC3
you need php 5 to use this mod ask your host to update it they should do it for free

Quote from: PortalGamers on August 21, 2010, 05:36:51 AM
Quote from: Spoogs on August 20, 2010, 09:00:06 PM
Quote from: PortalGamers on August 20, 2010, 06:23:59 PM
Quote from: Spoogs on August 19, 2010, 08:39:31 PM
Go back to your application on facebook and make sure you set the connect url
whats your web address

Where is this option? I don't watch this option!

My web is hosted in a free hosting like and if I put the domain in "Web Site" in "Site URL" and "Site Domain" facebook shows this message : "Site Domain: is not a valid domain."

Or. "URL must point to a directory (i.e., end with a '/' or a dynamic page (i.e., have a '?' somewhere)."

I don't understand nothing! :S :( Help!

Can anybody tell me the reason why? Thanks!!!
Sent you a Pm about this yesterday

Men, I follow your steps.

Ok, I'm Spanish and first of all, I was have to Change different things in the package to view the Option panel in my language. Now I can view the option panel ;) and configure it.

Now It's configured with the ID, API ID and Secret Key (bla bla bla) and now you tell me that I must set the connect url in FaceBook. OK Where can I configure This? If is in "Web" How I write it? What must write in "Site URL" and "Site Domain"?

Thanks :S
EDIT: I only see this!

it all chnaged lol under website Site URL put your site url in there eg mine is set to

Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-



Xbox Live: smokerthecheese 360 or xbone
My Work
Piano Movers / Delivery service
QuoteMy allies are dead.
I'm 'bout to be too.
Zombies are chasing me.
F*** it, I'm screwed -___-



Hello guys, just found this critical errors in my SMF2.0 RC3 log:

August 19, 2010, 09:51:10 PM
type of error: Critical;area=connect;step
The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: name
Function: db_select_fb_nameFile: /home6/curefans/public_html/Sources/FB_Connect/FB_Connect_Subs.php
Line: 65

Any help is appreciated!


Sorry I promise this is the last question...
After Unistalling the mod I continuing to see in my theme the Facebook connect Button, but if I click it doesn't do anything because I have unistalled the mod.

To be more clear is the part on the menu dedicated to the SYNC procedure, but actually I don't have the mod installed and also the directory FBC is removed, how i can remove this ?


Quote from: dsanchez on August 21, 2010, 07:04:39 PM
Hello guys, just found this critical errors in my SMF2.0 RC3 log:

August 19, 2010, 09:51:10 PM
type of error: Critical;area=connect;step
The database value you're trying to insert does not exist: name
Function: db_select_fb_nameFile: /home6/curefans/public_html/Sources/FB_Connect/FB_Connect_Subs.php
Line: 65

Any help is appreciated!

Besides this, I found another error in my logs iconv() [<a href='function.iconv'>function.iconv</a>]: Detected an illegal character in input stringFile: /home6/curefans/public_html/Sources/FB_Connect/FB_Connect_Subs.php
Line: 16

Thanks in advance!
