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Started by helldog, March 18, 2010, 11:51:43 AM

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help me with a clue where to find that file


It's in the Sources directory. You will likely need to use FTP to access it since you can't get to it through the theme editor.



array( 'title' => $txt['admin_main'], 'permission' => array('admin_forum', 'manage_permissions', 'moderate_forum', 'manage_membergroups', 'manage_bans', 'send_mail', 'edit_news', 'manage_boards', 'manage_smileys', 'manage_attachments'), 'areas' => array( 'index' => array( 'label' => $txt['admin_center'], 'function' => 'AdminHome', 'icon' => 'administration.gif', ), 'credits' => array( 'label' => $txt['support_credits_title'], 'function' => 'AdminHome', 'icon' => 'support.gif', ), 'news' => array( 'label' => $txt['news_title'], 'file' => 'ManageNews.php', 'function' => 'ManageNews', 'icon' => 'news.gif', 'permission' => array('edit_news', 'send_mail', 'admin_forum'), 'subsections' => array( 'edit_news' => array($txt['admin_edit_news'], 'edit_news'), 'mailingmembers' => array($txt['admin_newsletters'], 'send_mail'), 'settings' => array($txt['settings'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'packages' => array( 'label' => $txt['package'], 'file' => 'Packages.php', 'function' => 'Packages', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'icon' => 'packages.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'browse' => array($txt['browse_packages']), 'packageget' => array($txt['download_packages'], 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=packages;sa=packageget;get'), 'installed' => array($txt['installed_packages']), 'perms' => array($txt['package_file_perms']), 'options' => array($txt['package_settings']), ), ), 'copyright' => array( 'function' => 'ManageCopyright', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'select' => 'index' ), 'search' => array( 'function' => 'AdminSearch', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'select' => 'index' ), ), ), 'config' => array( 'title' => $txt['admin_config'], 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'areas' => array( 'corefeatures' => array( 'label' => $txt['core_settings_title'], 'file' => 'ManageSettings.php', 'function' => 'ModifyCoreFeatures', 'icon' => 'corefeatures.gif', ), 'featuresettings' => array( 'label' => $txt['modSettings_title'], 'file' => 'ManageSettings.php', 'function' => 'ModifyFeatureSettings', 'icon' => 'features.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'basic' => array($txt['mods_cat_features']), 'layout' => array($txt['mods_cat_layout']), 'karma' => array($txt['karma'], 'enabled' => in_array('k', $context['admin_features'])), 'sig' => array($txt['signature_settings_short']), 'profile' => array($txt['custom_profile_shorttitle'], 'enabled' => in_array('cp', $context['admin_features'])), ), ), 'securitysettings' => array( 'label' => $txt['admin_security_moderation'], 'file' => 'ManageSettings.php', 'function' => 'ModifySecuritySettings', 'icon' => 'security.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'general' => array($txt['mods_cat_security_general']), 'spam' => array($txt['antispam_title']), 'moderation' => array($txt['moderation_settings_short'], 'enabled' => substr($modSettings['warning_settings'], 0, 1) == 1), ), ), 'languages' => array( 'label' => $txt['language_configuration'], 'file' => 'ManageServer.php', 'function' => 'ManageLanguages', 'icon' => 'languages.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'edit' => array($txt['language_edit']), 'add' => array($txt['language_add']), 'settings' => array($txt['language_settings']), ), ), 'serversettings' => array( 'label' => $txt['admin_server_settings'], 'file' => 'ManageServer.php', 'function' => 'ModifySettings', 'icon' => 'server.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'general' => array($txt['general_settings']), 'database' => array($txt['database_paths_settings']), 'cookie' => array($txt['cookies_sessions_settings']), 'cache' => array($txt['caching_settings']), 'loads' => array($txt['load_balancing_settings']), ), ), 'current_theme' => array( 'label' => $txt['theme_current_settings'], 'file' => 'Themes.php', 'function' => 'ThemesMain', 'custom_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=theme;sa=settings;th=' . $settings['theme_id'], 'icon' => 'current_theme.gif', ), 'theme' => array( 'label' => $txt['theme_admin'], 'file' => 'Themes.php', 'function' => 'ThemesMain', 'custom_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=theme;sa=admin', 'icon' => 'themes.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'admin' => array($txt['themeadmin_admin_title']), 'list' => array($txt['themeadmin_list_title']), 'reset' => array($txt['themeadmin_reset_title']), 'edit' => array($txt['themeadmin_edit_title']), ), ), 'ads' => array( 'label' => $txt['ad_management'], 'file' => 'Ads.php', 'function' => 'Ads', 'custom_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=ads;sa=main', 'icon' => 'themes.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'main' => array($txt['ad_management_main']), 'add' => array($txt['ad_management_add']), 'reports' => array($txt['ad_management_reports']), 'settings' => array($txt['ad_management_settings']), 'credits' => array($txt['ad_management_credits']), ), ), 'modsettings' => array( 'label' => $txt['admin_modifications'], 'file' => 'ManageSettings.php', 'function' => 'ModifyModSettings', 'icon' => 'modifications.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'general' => array($txt['mods_cat_modifications_misc']), // Mod Authors for a "ADD AFTER" on this line. Ensure you end your change with a comma. For example: // 'shout' => array($txt['shout']), // Note the comma!! The setting with automatically appear with the first mod to be added. ), ), ), ), 'ezportal' => array( 'title' => $txt['ezportal_admin'], 'permission' => array('ezportal_page', 'ezportal_blocks', 'ezportal_manage'), 'areas' => array( 'ezpsettings' => array( 'label' => $txt['ezportal_settings'], 'file' => 'EzPortal2.php', 'function' => 'EzPortalMain', 'custom_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=ezpsettings;sa=settings;sesc=' . $sc, 'icon' => 'server.gif', 'permission' => array('ezportal_manage'), 'subsections' => array( 'settings' => array($txt['ezp_settings']), 'modules' => array($txt['ezp_modules']), //'import' => array($txt['ezp_import']), ), ), 'ezpblocks' => array( 'label' => $txt['ezportal_block_manager'], 'file' => 'EzPortal2.php', 'function' => 'EzPortalMain', 'custom_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=ezpblocks;sa=blocks;sesc=' . $sc, 'icon' => 'server.gif', 'permission' => array('ezportal_blocks', 'ezportal_manage'), 'subsections' => array( 'blocks' => array($txt['ezp_blocks']), 'downloadblock' => array($txt['ezp_download_blocks']), 'installedblocks' => array($txt['ezp_installed_blocks']), ), ), 'ezppagemanager' => array( 'label' => $txt['ezportal_page_manager'], 'file' => 'EzPortal2.php', 'function' => 'EzPortalMain', 'custom_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=ezppagemanager;sa=pagemanager;sesc=' . $sc, 'icon' => 'server.gif', 'permission' => array('ezportal_page', 'ezportal_manage'), 'subsections' => array( 'pagemanager' => array($txt['ezp_pagemanager']), ), ), ), ), 'layout' => array( 'title' => $txt['layout_controls'], 'permission' => array('manage_boards', 'admin_forum', 'manage_smileys', 'manage_attachments', 'moderate_forum'), 'areas' => array( 'manageboards' => array( 'label' => $txt['admin_boards'], 'file' => 'ManageBoards.php', 'function' => 'ManageBoards', 'icon' => 'boards.gif', 'permission' => array('manage_boards'), 'subsections' => array( 'main' => array($txt['boardsEdit']), 'newcat' => array($txt['mboards_new_cat']), 'settings' => array($txt['settings'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'postsettings' => array( 'label' => $txt['manageposts'], 'file' => 'ManagePosts.php', 'function' => 'ManagePostSettings', 'permission' => array('admin_forum', 'moderate_forum'), 'icon' => 'posts.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'posts' => array($txt['manageposts_settings'], 'admin_forum'), 'bbc' => array($txt['manageposts_bbc_settings'], 'admin_forum'), 'censor' => array($txt['admin_censored_words'], 'moderate_forum'), 'topics' => array($txt['manageposts_topic_settings'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'managecalendar' => array( 'label' => $txt['manage_calendar'], 'file' => 'ManageCalendar.php', 'function' => 'ManageCalendar', 'icon' => 'calendar.gif', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'enabled' => in_array('cd', $context['admin_features']), 'subsections' => array( 'holidays' => array($txt['manage_holidays'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['cal_enabled'])), 'settings' => array($txt['calendar_settings'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'managesearch' => array( 'label' => $txt['manage_search'], 'file' => 'ManageSearch.php', 'function' => 'ManageSearch', 'icon' => 'search.gif', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'subsections' => array( 'weights' => array($txt['search_weights']), 'method' => array($txt['search_method']), 'settings' => array($txt['settings']), ), ), 'smileys' => array( 'label' => $txt['smileys_manage'], 'file' => 'ManageSmileys.php', 'function' => 'ManageSmileys', 'icon' => 'smiley.gif', 'permission' => array('manage_smileys'), 'subsections' => array( 'editsets' => array($txt['smiley_sets']), 'addsmiley' => array($txt['smileys_add'], 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['smiley_enable'])), 'editsmileys' => array($txt['smileys_edit'], 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['smiley_enable'])), 'setorder' => array($txt['smileys_set_order'], 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['smiley_enable'])), 'editicons' => array($txt['icons_edit_message_icons'], 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['messageIcons_enable'])), 'settings' => array($txt['settings']), ), ), 'manageattachments' => array( 'label' => $txt['attachments_avatars'], 'file' => 'ManageAttachments.php', 'function' => 'ManageAttachments', 'icon' => 'attachment.gif', 'permission' => array('manage_attachments'), 'subsections' => array( 'browse' => array($txt['attachment_manager_browse']), 'attachments' => array($txt['attachment_manager_settings']), 'avatars' => array($txt['attachment_manager_avatar_settings']), 'maintenance' => array($txt['attachment_manager_maintenance']), ), ), ), ), 'members' => array( 'title' => $txt['admin_manage_members'], 'permission' => array('moderate_forum', 'manage_membergroups', 'manage_bans', 'manage_permissions', 'admin_forum'), 'areas' => array( 'viewmembers' => array( 'label' => $txt['admin_users'], 'file' => 'ManageMembers.php', 'function' => 'ViewMembers', 'icon' => 'members.gif', 'permission' => array('moderate_forum'), 'subsections' => array( 'all' => array($txt['view_all_members']), 'search' => array($txt['mlist_search']), ), ), 'membergroups' => array( 'label' => $txt['admin_groups'], 'file' => 'ManageMembergroups.php', 'function' => 'ModifyMembergroups', 'icon' => 'membergroups.gif', 'permission' => array('manage_membergroups'), 'subsections' => array( 'index' => array($txt['membergroups_edit_groups'], 'manage_membergroups'), 'add' => array($txt['membergroups_new_group'], 'manage_membergroups'), 'settings' => array($txt['settings'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'permissions' => array( 'label' => $txt['edit_permissions'], 'file' => 'ManagePermissions.php', 'function' => 'ModifyPermissions', 'icon' => 'permissions.gif', 'permission' => array('manage_permissions'), 'subsections' => array( 'index' => array($txt['permissions_groups'], 'manage_permissions'), 'board' => array($txt['permissions_boards'], 'manage_permissions'), 'profiles' => array($txt['permissions_profiles'], 'manage_permissions'), 'postmod' => array($txt['permissions_post_moderation'], 'manage_permissions', 'enabled' => $modSettings['postmod_active']), 'settings' => array($txt['settings'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'regcenter' => array( 'label' => $txt['registration_center'], 'file' => 'ManageRegistration.php', 'function' => 'RegCenter', 'icon' => 'regcenter.gif', 'permission' => array('admin_forum', 'moderate_forum'), 'subsections' => array( 'register' => array($txt['admin_browse_register_new'], 'moderate_forum'), 'agreement' => array($txt['registration_agreement'], 'admin_forum'), 'reservednames' => array($txt['admin_reserved_set'], 'admin_forum'), 'settings' => array($txt['settings'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'ban' => array( 'label' => $txt['ban_title'], 'file' => 'ManageBans.php', 'function' => 'Ban', 'icon' => 'ban.gif', 'permission' => 'manage_bans', 'subsections' => array( 'list' => array($txt['ban_edit_list']), 'add' => array($txt['ban_add_new']), 'browse' => array($txt['ban_trigger_browse']), 'log' => array($txt['ban_log']), ), ), 'paidsubscribe' => array( 'label' => $txt['paid_subscriptions'], 'enabled' => in_array('ps', $context['admin_features']), 'file' => 'ManagePaid.php', 'icon' => 'paid.gif', 'function' => 'ManagePaidSubscriptions', 'permission' => 'admin_forum', 'subsections' => array( 'view' => array($txt['paid_subs_view']), 'settings' => array($txt['settings']), ), ), 'sengines' => array( 'label' => $txt['search_engines'], 'enabled' => in_array('sp', $context['admin_features']), 'file' => 'ManageSearchEngines.php', 'icon' => 'engines.gif', 'function' => 'SearchEngines', 'permission' => 'admin_forum', 'subsections' => array( 'stats' => array($txt['spider_stats']), 'logs' => array($txt['spider_logs']), 'spiders' => array($txt['spiders']), 'settings' => array($txt['settings']), ), ), ), ), 'maintenance' => array( 'title' => $txt['admin_maintenance'], 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'areas' => array( 'maintain' => array( 'label' => $txt['maintain_title'], 'file' => 'ManageMaintenance.php', 'icon' => 'maintain.gif', 'function' => 'ManageMaintenance', 'subsections' => array( 'routine' => array($txt['maintain_sub_routine'], 'admin_forum'), 'database' => array($txt['maintain_sub_database'], 'admin_forum'), 'members' => array($txt['maintain_sub_members'], 'admin_forum'), 'topics' => array($txt['maintain_sub_topics'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'scheduledtasks' => array( 'label' => $txt['maintain_tasks'], 'file' => 'ManageScheduledTasks.php', 'icon' => 'scheduled.gif', 'function' => 'ManageScheduledTasks', 'subsections' => array( 'tasks' => array($txt['maintain_tasks'], 'admin_forum'), 'tasklog' => array($txt['scheduled_log'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'mailqueue' => array( 'label' => $txt['mailqueue_title'], 'file' => 'ManageMail.php', 'function' => 'ManageMail', 'icon' => 'mail.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'browse' => array($txt['mailqueue_browse'], 'admin_forum'), 'settings' => array($txt['mailqueue_settings'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'reports' => array( 'enabled' => in_array('rg', $context['admin_features']), 'label' => $txt['generate_reports'], 'file' => 'Reports.php', 'function' => 'ReportsMain', 'icon' => 'reports.gif', ), 'logs' => array( 'label' => $txt['logs'], 'function' => 'AdminLogs', 'icon' => 'logs.gif', 'subsections' => array( 'errorlog' => array($txt['errlog'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['enableErrorLogging']), 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=errorlog;desc'), 'adminlog' => array($txt['admin_log'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => in_array('ml', $context['admin_features'])), 'modlog' => array($txt['moderation_log'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => in_array('ml', $context['admin_features'])), 'banlog' => array($txt['ban_log'], 'manage_bans'), 'spiderlog' => array($txt['spider_logs'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => in_array('sp', $context['admin_features'])), 'tasklog' => array($txt['scheduled_log'], 'admin_forum'), 'pruning' => array($txt['pruning_title'], 'admin_forum'), ), ), 'repairboards' => array( 'label' => $txt['admin_repair'], 'file' => 'RepairBoards.php', 'function' => 'RepairBoards', 'select' => 'maintain', 'hidden' => true, ), ), ), ); // Make sure the administrator has a valid session... validateSession(); // Actually create the menu! $admin_include_data = createMenu($admin_areas); unset($admin_areas); // Nothing valid? if ($admin_include_data == false) fatal_lang_error('no_access', false); // Build the link tree. $context['linktree'][] = array( 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin', 'name' => $txt['admin_center'], ); if (isset($admin_include_data['current_area']) && $admin_include_data['current_area'] != 'index') $context['linktree'][] = array( 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=' . $admin_include_data['current_area'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'name' => $admin_include_data['label'], ); if (!empty($admin_include_data['current_subsection']) && $admin_include_data['subsections'][$admin_include_data['current_subsection']][0] != $admin_include_data['label']) $context['linktree'][] = array( 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=' . $admin_include_data['current_area'] . ';sa=' . $admin_include_data['current_subsection'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'name' => $admin_include_data['subsections'][$admin_include_data['current_subsection']][0], ); // Make a note of the Unique ID for this menu. $context['admin_menu_id'] = $context['max_menu_id']; $context['admin_menu_name'] = 'menu_data_' . $context['admin_menu_id']; // Why on the admin are we? $context['admin_area'] = $admin_include_data['current_area']; // Now - finally - call the right place! if (isset($admin_include_data['file'])) require_once($sourcedir . '/' . $admin_include_data['file']); $admin_include_data['function'](); } // The main administration section. function AdminHome() { global $sourcedir, $forum_version, $txt, $scripturl, $context, $user_info, $boardurl, $modSettings, $smcFunc; // You have to be able to do at least one of the below to see this page. isAllowedTo(array('admin_forum', 'manage_permissions', 'moderate_forum', 'manage_membergroups', 'manage_bans', 'send_mail', 'edit_news', 'manage_boards', 'manage_smileys', 'manage_attachments')); // Find all of this forum's administrators... require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Membergroups.php'); if (listMembergroupMembers_Href($context['administrators'], 1, 32) && allowedTo('manage_membergroups')) { // Add a 'more'-link if there are more than 32. $context['more_admins_link'] = '' . $txt['more'] . ''; } // Load the credits stuff. require_once($sourcedir . '/Who.php'); Credits(true); // Fill in the blanks in the support resources paragraphs. $txt['support_resources_p1'] = sprintf($txt['support_resources_p1'], '', '', '', '', '' ); $txt['support_resources_p2'] = sprintf($txt['support_resources_p2'], '', '', '', '', '' ); // Copyright? if (!empty($modSettings['copy_settings']) || !empty($modSettings['copyright_key'])) { if (empty($modSettings['copy_settings'])) $modSettings['copy_settings'] = 'a,0'; // Not done it yet... if (empty($_SESSION['copy_expire'])) { list ($key, $expires) = explode(',', $modSettings['copy_settings']); // Get the expired date. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php'); $return_data = fetch_web_data('' . base64_encode($boardurl) . '&key=' . $key . '&version=' . base64_encode($forum_version)); // Get the expire date. $return_data = substr($return_data, strpos($return_data, 'STARTCOPY') + 9); $return_data = trim(substr($return_data, 0, strpos($return_data, 'ENDCOPY'))); $deletekeys = true; if ($return_data != 'void') { list ($_SESSION['copy_expire'], $copyright_key) = explode('|', $return_data); $_SESSION['copy_key'] = $key; if ($_SESSION['copy_expire'] > time()) { $deletekeys = false; $copy_settings = $key . ',' . (int) $_SESSION['copy_expire']; updateSettings(array('copy_settings' => $copy_settings, 'copyright_key' => $copyright_key)); } } if ($deletekeys) { $_SESSION['copy_expire'] = ''; $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' DELETE FROM {db_prefix}settings WHERE variable = {string:copy_settings} OR variable = {string:copyright_key}', array( 'copy_settings' => 'copy_settings', 'copyright_key' => 'copyright_key', ) ); } } if (isset($_SESSION['copy_expire']) && $_SESSION['copy_expire'] > time()) { $context['copyright_expires'] = (int) (($_SESSION['copy_expire'] - time()) / 3600 / 24); $context['copyright_key'] = $_SESSION['copy_key']; } } // This makes it easier to get the latest news with your time format. $context['time_format'] = urlencode($user_info['time_format']); $context['current_versions'] = array( 'php' => array('title' => $txt['support_versions_php'], 'version' => PHP_VERSION), 'db' => array('title' => sprintf($txt['support_versions_db'], $smcFunc['db_title']), 'version' => ''), 'server' => array('title' => $txt['support_versions_server'], 'version' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']), ); $context['forum_version'] = $forum_version; // Get a list of current server versions. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Admin.php'); $checkFor = array( 'gd', 'db_server', 'mmcache', 'eaccelerator', 'phpa', 'apc', 'memcache', 'xcache', 'php', 'server', ); $context['current_versions'] = getServerVersions($checkFor); $context['can_admin'] = allowedTo('admin_forum'); $context['sub_template'] = $context['admin_area'] == 'credits' ? 'credits' : 'admin'; $context['page_title'] = $context['admin_area'] == 'credits' ? $txt['support_credits_title'] : $txt['admin_center']; // The format of this array is: permission, action, title, description, icon. $quick_admin_tasks = array( array('', 'credits', 'support_credits_title', 'support_credits_info', 'support_and_credits.png'), array('admin_forum', 'featuresettings', 'modSettings_title', 'modSettings_info', 'features_and_options.png'), array('admin_forum', 'maintain', 'maintain_title', 'maintain_info', 'forum_maintenance.png'), array('manage_permissions', 'permissions', 'edit_permissions', 'edit_permissions_info', 'permissions.png'), array('admin_forum', 'theme;sa=admin;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'theme_admin', 'theme_admin_info', 'themes_and_layout.png'), array('admin_forum', 'packages', 'package', 'package_info', 'packages.png'), array('manage_smileys', 'smileys', 'smileys_manage', 'smileys_manage_info', 'smilies_and_messageicons.png'), array('moderate_forum', 'viewmembers', 'admin_users', 'member_center_info', 'members.png'), ); $context['quick_admin_tasks'] = array(); foreach ($quick_admin_tasks as $task) { if (!empty($task[0]) && !allowedTo($task[0])) continue; $context['quick_admin_tasks'][] = array( 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=' . $task[1], 'link' => '' . $txt[$task[2]] . '', 'title' => $txt[$task[2]], 'description' => $txt[$task[3]], 'icon' => $task[4], 'is_last' => false ); } if (count($context['quick_admin_tasks']) % 2 == 1) { $context['quick_admin_tasks'][] = array( 'href' => '', 'link' => '', 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'is_last' => true ); $context['quick_admin_tasks'][count($context['quick_admin_tasks']) - 2]['is_last'] = true; } elseif (count($context['quick_admin_tasks']) != 0) { $context['quick_admin_tasks'][count($context['quick_admin_tasks']) - 1]['is_last'] = true; $context['quick_admin_tasks'][count($context['quick_admin_tasks']) - 2]['is_last'] = true; } } // Allow users to remove their copyright. function ManageCopyright() { global $forum_version, $txt, $sourcedir, $context, $boardurl, $modSettings; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); if (isset($_POST['copy_code'])) { checkSession('post'); $_POST['copy_code'] = urlencode($_POST['copy_code']); // Check the actual code. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php'); $return_data = fetch_web_data('' . base64_encode($boardurl) . '&key=' . $_POST['copy_code'] . '&version=' . base64_encode($forum_version)); // Get the data back $return_data = substr($return_data, strpos($return_data, 'STARTCOPY') + 9); $return_data = trim(substr($return_data, 0, strpos($return_data, 'ENDCOPY'))); if ($return_data != 'void') { list ($_SESSION['copy_expire'], $copyright_key) = explode('|', $return_data); if ($_SESSION['copy_expire'] <= time()) { // So sorry but that has already expired. $_SESSION['copy_expire'] = ''; fatal_lang_error('copyright_failed'); } $_SESSION['copy_key'] = $_POST['copy_code']; $copy_settings = $_POST['copy_code'] . ',' . (int) $_SESSION['copy_expire']; updateSettings(array('copy_settings' => $copy_settings, 'copyright_key' => $copyright_key)); redirectexit('action=admin'); } else { fatal_lang_error('copyright_failed'); } } $context['sub_template'] = 'manage_copyright'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['copyright_removal']; } // Get one of the admin information files from Simple Machines. function DisplayAdminFile() { global $context, $modSettings, $smcFunc; @ini_set('memory_limit', '32M'); if (empty($_REQUEST['filename']) || !is_string($_REQUEST['filename'])) fatal_lang_error('no_access', false); $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT data, filetype FROM {db_prefix}admin_info_files WHERE filename = {string:current_filename} LIMIT 1', array( 'current_filename' => $_REQUEST['filename'], ) ); if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request) == 0) fatal_lang_error('admin_file_not_found', true, array($_REQUEST['filename'])); list ($file_data, $filetype) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); // !!! Temp. // Figure out if sesc is still being used. if (strpos($file_data, ';sesc=') !== false) $file_data = ' if (!(\'smfForum_sessionvar\' in window)) window.smfForum_sessionvar = \'sesc\'; ' . strtr($file_data, array(';sesc=' => ';\' + window.smfForum_sessionvar + \'=')); $context['template_layers'] = array(); // Lets make sure we aren't going to output anything nasty. @ob_end_clean(); if (!empty($modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'])) @ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); else @ob_start(); // Make sure they know what type of file we are. header('Content-Type: ' . $filetype); echo $file_data; obExit(false); } // This allocates out all the search stuff. function AdminSearch() { global $txt, $context, $smcFunc, $sourcedir; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); // What can we search for? $subactions = array( 'internal' => 'AdminSearchInternal', 'online' => 'AdminSearchOM', 'member' => 'AdminSearchMember', ); $context['search_type'] = !isset($_REQUEST['search_type']) || !isset($subactions[$_REQUEST['search_type']]) ? 'internal' : $_REQUEST['search_type']; $context['search_term'] = isset($_REQUEST['search_term']) ? $smcFunc['htmlspecialchars']($_REQUEST['search_term'], ENT_QUOTES) : ''; $context['sub_template'] = 'admin_search_results'; $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_search_results']; // Keep track of what the admin wants. if (empty($context['admin_preferences']['sb']) || $context['admin_preferences']['sb'] != $context['search_type']) { $context['admin_preferences']['sb'] = $context['search_type']; // Update the preferences. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Admin.php'); updateAdminPreferences(); } if (trim($context['search_term']) == '') $context['search_results'] = array(); else $subactions[$context['search_type']](); } // A complicated but relatively quick internal search. function AdminSearchInternal() { global $context, $txt, $helptxt, $scripturl, $sourcedir; // Try to get some more memory. @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); // Load a lot of language files. $language_files = array( 'Help', 'ManageMail', 'ManageSettings', 'ManageCalendar', 'ManageBoards', 'ManagePaid', 'ManagePermissions', 'Search', 'Login', 'ManageSmileys', ); loadLanguage(implode('+', $language_files)); // All the files we need to include. $include_files = array( 'ManageSettings', 'ManageBoards', 'ManageNews', 'ManageAttachments', 'ManageCalendar', 'ManageMail', 'ManagePaid', 'ManagePermissions', 'ManagePosts', 'ManageRegistration', 'ManageSearch', 'ManageSearchEngines', 'ManageServer', 'ManageSmileys', ); foreach ($include_files as $file) require_once($sourcedir . '/' . $file . '.php'); /* This is the huge array that defines everything... it's a huge array of items formatted as follows: 0 = Language index (Can be array of indexes) to search through for this setting. 1 = URL for this indexes page. 2 = Help index for help associated with this item (If different from 0) */ $search_data = array( // All the major sections of the forum. 'sections' => array( ), 'settings' => array( array('COPPA', 'area=regcenter;sa=settings'), array('CAPTCHA', 'area=regcenter;sa=settings'), ), ); // Go through the admin menu structure trying to find suitably named areas! foreach ($context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['sections'] as $section) { foreach ($section['areas'] as $menu_key => $menu_item) { $search_data['sections'][] = array($menu_item['label'], 'area=' . $menu_key); if (!empty($menu_item['subsections'])) foreach ($menu_item['subsections'] as $key => $sublabel) { if (isset($sublabel['label'])) $search_data['sections'][] = array($sublabel['label'], 'area=' . $menu_key . ';sa=' . $key); } } } // This is a special array of functions that contain setting data - we query all these to simply pull all setting bits! $settings_search = array( array('ModifyCoreFeatures', 'area=corefeatures'), array('ModifyBasicSettings', 'area=featuresettings;sa=basic'), array('ModifyLayoutSettings', 'area=featuresettings;sa=layout'), array('ModifyKarmaSettings', 'area=featuresettings;sa=karma'), array('ModifySignatureSettings', 'area=featuresettings;sa=sig'), array('ModifyGeneralSecuritySettings', 'area=securitysettings;sa=general'), array('ModifySpamSettings', 'area=securitysettings;sa=spam'), array('ModifyModerationSettings', 'area=securitysettings;sa=moderation'), array('ModifyGeneralModSettings', 'area=modsettings;sa=general'), // Mod authors if you want to be "real freaking good" then add any setting pages for your mod BELOW this line! array('ManageAttachmentSettings', 'area=manageattachments;sa=attachments'), array('ManageAvatarSettings', 'area=manageattachments;sa=avatars'), array('ModifyCalendarSettings', 'area=managecalendar;sa=settings'), array('EditBoardSettings', 'area=manageboards;sa=settings'), array('ModifyMailSettings', 'area=mailqueue;sa=settings'), array('ModifyNewsSettings', 'area=news;sa=settings'), array('GeneralPermissionSettings', 'area=permissions;sa=settings'), array('ModifyPostSettings', 'area=postsettings;sa=posts'), array('ModifyBBCSettings', 'area=postsettings;sa=bbc'), array('ModifyTopicSettings', 'area=postsettings;sa=topics'), array('EditSearchSettings', 'area=managesearch;sa=settings'), array('EditSmileySettings', 'area=smileys;sa=settings'), array('ModifyGeneralSettings', 'area=serversettings;sa=general'), array('ModifyDatabaseSettings', 'area=serversettings;sa=database'), array('ModifyCookieSettings', 'area=serversettings;sa=cookie'), array('ModifyCacheSettings', 'area=serversettings;sa=cache'), array('ModifyLanguageSettings', 'area=languages;sa=settings'), array('ModifyRegistrationSettings', 'area=regcenter;sa=settings'), array('ManageSearchEngineSettings', 'area=sengines;sa=settings'), array('ModifySubscriptionSettings', 'area=paidsubscribe;sa=settings'), array('ModifyPruningSettings', 'area=logs;sa=pruning'), ); foreach ($settings_search as $setting_area) { // Get a list of their variables. $config_vars = $setting_area[0](true); foreach ($config_vars as $var) if (!empty($var[1]) && !in_array($var[0], array('permissions', 'switch'))) $search_data['settings'][] = array($var[(isset($var[2]) && in_array($var[2], array('file', 'db'))) ? 0 : 1], $setting_area[1]); } $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_search_results']; $context['search_results'] = array(); $search_term = strtolower($context['search_term']); // Go through all the search data trying to find this text! foreach ($search_data as $section => $data) { foreach ($data as $item) { $found = false; if (!is_array($item[0])) $item[0] = array($item[0]); foreach ($item[0] as $term) { $lc_term = strtolower($term); if (strpos($lc_term, $search_term) !== false || (isset($txt[$term]) && strpos($txt[$term], $search_term) !== false) || (isset($txt['setting_' . $term]) && strpos($txt['setting_' . $term], $search_term) !== false)) { $found = $term; break; } } if ($found) { // Format the name - and remove any descriptions the entry may have. $name = isset($txt[$found]) ? $txt[$found] : (isset($txt['setting_' . $found]) ? $txt['setting_' . $found] : $found); $name = preg_replace('~<(?:div|span)\sclass="smalltext">.+?~', '', $name); $context['search_results'][] = array( 'url' => (substr($item[1], 0, 4) == 'area' ? $scripturl . '?action=admin;' . $item[1] : $item[1]) . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . ((substr($item[1], 0, 4) == 'area' && $section == 'settings' ? '#' . $item[0][0] : '')), 'name' => $name, 'type' => $section, 'help' => shorten_subject(isset($item[2]) ? strip_tags($helptxt[$item2]) : (isset($helptxt[$found]) ? strip_tags($helptxt[$found]) : ''), 255), ); } } } } // All this does is pass through to manage members. function AdminSearchMember() { global $context, $sourcedir; require_once($sourcedir . '/ManageMembers.php'); $_REQUEST['sa'] = 'query'; $_POST['membername'] = $context['search_term']; ViewMembers(); } // This file allows the user to search the SM online manual for a little of help. function AdminSearchOM() { global $context, $sourcedir; $docsURL = ''; $context['doc_scripturl'] = ''; // Set all the parameters search might expect. $postVars = array( 'search' => $context['search_term'], ); // Encode the search data. foreach ($postVars as $k => $v) $postVars[$k] = urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v); // This is what we will send. $postVars = implode('&', $postVars); // Get the results from the doc site. require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Package.php'); $search_results = fetch_web_data($context['doc_scripturl'] . '?action=search2&xml', $postVars); // If we didn't get any xml back we are in trouble - perhaps the doc site is overloaded? if (!$search_results || preg_match('~<' . '\?xml\sversion="\d+\.\d+"\sencoding=".+?"\?' . '>\s*(.+?)~is', $search_results, $matches) != true) fatal_lang_error('cannot_connect_doc_site'); $search_results = $matches[1]; // Otherwise we simply walk through the XML and stick it in context for display. $context['search_results'] = array(); loadClassFile('Class-Package.php'); // Get the results loaded into an array for processing! $results = new xmlArray($search_results, false); // Move through the smf layer. if (!$results->exists('smf')) fatal_lang_error('cannot_connect_doc_site'); $results = $results->path('smf[0]'); // Are there actually some results? if (!$results->exists('noresults') && !$results->exists('results')) fatal_lang_error('cannot_connect_doc_site'); elseif ($results->exists('results')) { foreach ($results->set('results/result') as $result) { if (!$result->exists('messages')) continue; $context['search_results'][$result->fetch('id')] = array( 'topic_id' => $result->fetch('id'), 'relevance' => $result->fetch('relevance'), 'board' => array( 'id' => $result->fetch('board/id'), 'name' => $result->fetch('board/name'), 'href' => $result->fetch('board/href'), ), 'category' => array( 'id' => $result->fetch('category/id'), 'name' => $result->fetch('category/name'), 'href' => $result->fetch('category/href'), ), 'messages' => array(), ); // Add the messages. foreach ($result->set('messages/message') as $message) $context['search_results'][$result->fetch('id')]['messages'][] = array( 'id' => $message->fetch('id'), 'subject' => $message->fetch('subject'), 'body' => $message->fetch('body'), 'time' => $message->fetch('time'), 'timestamp' => $message->fetch('timestamp'), 'start' => $message->fetch('start'), 'author' => array( 'id' => $message->fetch('author/id'), 'name' => $message->fetch('author/name'), 'href' => $message->fetch('author/href'), ), ); } } } // This function decides which log to load. function AdminLogs() { global $sourcedir, $context, $txt, $scripturl; // These are the logs they can load. $log_functions = array( 'errorlog' => array('ManageErrors.php', 'ViewErrorLog'), 'adminlog' => array('Modlog.php', 'ViewModlog'), 'modlog' => array('Modlog.php', 'ViewModlog'), 'banlog' => array('ManageBans.php', 'BanLog'), 'spiderlog' => array('ManageSearchEngines.php', 'SpiderLogs'), 'tasklog' => array('ManageScheduledTasks.php', 'TaskLog'), 'pruning' => array('ManageSettings.php', 'ModifyPruningSettings'), ); $sub_action = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($log_functions[$_REQUEST['sa']]) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : 'errorlog'; // If it's not got a sa set it must have come here for first time, pretend error log should be reversed. if (!isset($_REQUEST['sa'])) $_REQUEST['desc'] = true; // Setup some tab stuff. $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array( 'title' => $txt['logs'], 'help' => '', 'description' => $txt['maintain_info'], 'tabs' => array( 'errorlog' => array( 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=errorlog;desc', 'description' => sprintf($txt['errlog_desc'], $txt['remove']), ), 'adminlog' => array( 'description' => $txt['admin_log_desc'], ), 'modlog' => array( 'description' => $txt['moderation_log_desc'], ), 'banlog' => array( 'description' => $txt['ban_log_description'], ), 'spiderlog' => array( 'description' => $txt['spider_log_desc'], ), 'tasklog' => array( 'description' => $txt['scheduled_log_desc'], ), 'pruning' => array( 'description' => $txt['pruning_log_desc'], ), ), ); require_once($sourcedir . '/' . $log_functions[$sub_action][0]); $log_functions[$sub_action][1](); } ?>

* Ha² edited the post... please wrap code in code tags.


Is that what you sought?


First up, just because I don't reply for HALF AN HOUR there's no reason to keep bumping.

1. Remove the FTP link. It shows a name and password.

2. Download the file to your PC, then use the 'Attach file' option in 'Additional Options' from the Reply screen. It's easier for me to compare it to the standard Admin.php that SMF comes with so I can see what exactly has been changed.


wasn't being impatient, rather unsure if the proper material was being sent.


Looks fine to me.

OK, interesting test time.

If you browse to www dot copdroppings dot com/forum/index.php?action=admin;area=languages what happens? (link broken deliberately; this is an admin page)


It prompts me to sign in as admin, then:

Unable to verify referring url. Please go back and try again.


OK, go to somewhere you *can* get to inside the admin panel.

In the URL, you'll see action=admin;area=something;someother=stuffherethatjustlooksawkward

Change the area=something (before the ; part) to area=languages and see what happens.


That did something NEW and EXCITING!!!   Yeah, now I see a list of languages.  English is checked as default, character set UTF-8, 65 users, da_DK.utf8 is under Locale.


as I scan through 3 pages under the language setting, I see another English one on Page 2 that has ISO-8859-1 in place of the UTF-8.  This one also has en_us under Locale.


o.O The hell?

What languages do you actually need on your forum?


I only need English.......but the fact that a Super Hero says "the hell" has me quite concerned about the fate of my forum....


Well "super hero" is just the post count title for 10k posts around here, so don't let that be a concern.

What bothers me is that you have 3 pages of languages installed, which you don't need, and it seems that at least one of those is somehow messed up.

* Arantor goes to consult the source as to how the data is loaded to figure out how to fix it.


In another post, when I sought help upgrading to RC3, the person helping me found it odd that my forum showed that it was running RC3, but listed the copyright 2006-2009......He/she said that RC3 should list a copyright ending in 2010.  That's greek to me, but it may help you understand something.  The error wasn't clearly described to me.


Well, that makes sense. The copyright is stored in the language files (not entirely sure why) and during an upgrade to 2.0 from 1.1 it should have replaced that.

Sounds like something is seriously awry with the language files.


When I upgraded to RC3, I completed the FTP transfers and came to the point where I was prompted to enter a URL with

www.copdroppings.tld somethingorother

When I did this, I received an error unable to load page, however, the forum loaded.  When attempting to access the forum, an error message appeared stating that I did not delete the upgrade.php file.  The person I spoke with instructed me to delete the upgrade.php file, and the error message was removed.  I found no other error messages until I opened the profile section of SMF.  I don't recall what the error message stated under the profile re-direct, but that is what prompted me to begin this thread.

.....hope that helps clear things up, I have no other difficulties to divulge.
