Halo 2 Stat Mod....

Started by Xarcell, June 08, 2005, 08:34:24 PM

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Ok, Emerica created a mod that showed a summary of a players Halo 2 Stats that could be used with mambo. Example: http://www.projectxnetwork.com/index.php?option=com_stats&Itemid=93

I tried doing it myself (no php knowledge) by following the same steps used to install my FlashChat.


However, I get the error:

Direct Access to this location is not allowed.

Please don't laugh, I have no clue what I'm doing, but I gotta try. Anyone wanna help port this over?

[EDIT: I didn't realize I didn't give ya a link to the mod]




The file to display the feed is there, any ideas on how I can display that page? I tried renaming it to HTML, but then it deoesn't display it properly because it's in php.

How can I make this file viewiable vis browser? Sorry but I don't have any php knowledge. Only HTML and a bit of css.





Anyone, any suggestions at all?

What I need is there, just need to make it viewable in a browser.


Well, if you remove the line

"defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );" from halo2stats.php and make sure to put the lastrss.php file in a subdirectory "components/com_halo2stats/", then something happens.  You still get an error, though.

It looks like _VALID_MOS is some server variable that makes sure you only access the Halo stats from the Mambo portal and not directly.  I don't know if it is good to remove or not.


Ya, I tried that and tinker with it a bit. No luck though....
