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Enhancements to purge inactive members

Started by davidhs, May 28, 2010, 10:16:26 PM

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This would be a GREAT scheduled task!!

Purge all members with 0 posts in 60 days.

Where the underlined items the admin could change.
What your mod does, but as a scheduled task every 30 days.

A lot of spambot/xrumer registrations register on thousands of forums for months while the IP address they are using is still good (not blacklisted yet). They don't spam yet, just register. Then 2 months later they use all those valid logins to spam the hell out of all those forums.

Being able to automatically remove all 0 post members every 30 days would reduce their ability to do gain so many valid logins before they strike. This is why we all need this as a scheduled task.

What do you think? ;)


Ok, I will see how make a scheduler task :) I don't know how this work!


Portuguese Translation for Brazil

language file

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE modification SYSTEM "">
<modification xmlns="" xmlns:smf="">

<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.english.php">
<search position="end"></search>
// BEGIN MOD PurgeMemberEnhancement
$txt['maintain_members_since1_2'] = 'Remover todos os membros que';
$txt['maintain_members_activated_2'] = 'não ativaram a sua conta por';
$txt['maintain_members_logged_in_2'] = 'não ficaram logados por';
$txt['maintain_members_registered'] = 'foram registrado há';
$txt['maintain_members_post'] = 'Remover membros que têm %s mensagens ou menos <span class="smalltext">(vazio = qualquer membro)</span>';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts'] = 'Excluir mensagens de membros removidos';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_none'] = 'nenhum';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_all_posts'] = 'Todos os posts';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_topics'] = 'Tópicos e mensagens';
$txt['maintain_members_max'] = 'Processar um máximo de %s membros <span class="smalltext">(para não exceder os recursos do sistema)</span>';
// END MOD PurgeMemberEnhancement


translation by Eletromem


Thanks :) In a few days I add your translation to my MOD.


Can somebody say to me if Portuguese Translation for Brazil by Eletromem is valid for Portugal?

Else, can somebody add Portuguese Translation for Portugal?



davidhs, i don't know Portuguese but if you need any French translation, i'd be happy to help. :) I hope you update your mod soon.


Quote from: davidhs on August 22, 2011, 07:16:57 AM
Thanks :) In a few days I add your translation to my MOD.

Friend below the other texts

Remove Inative Members = Remover membros inativos
Remove now = Remover agora
All member groups = Todos os grupos de membros

Quote from: davidhs on August 22, 2011, 12:03:50 PM
Can somebody say to me if Portuguese Translation for Brazil by Eletromem is valid for Portugal?

In fact they fully understand what is written

sorry my inglês


Quote from: Eletromem on August 22, 2011, 07:09:14 PM
Quote from: davidhs on August 22, 2011, 12:03:50 PM
Can somebody say to me if Portuguese Translation for Brazil by Eletromem is valid for Portugal?
In fact they fully understand what is written
Ok, then I will add Portuguese for Brazil and Portugal with your translation :)

Quote from: sharks on August 22, 2011, 03:43:29 PM
davidhs, i don't know Portuguese but if you need any French translation, i'd be happy to help. :) I hope you update your mod soon.
Yes, of course. All languages are welcome. In all my MODs ;)


Quote from: Eletromem on August 22, 2011, 07:09:14 PMFriend below the other texts

Remove Inative Members = Remover membros inativos
Remove now = Remover agora
All member groups = Todos os grupos de membros
These text are of SMF forum, not mine. I do not add in my MOD.

Perhaps you could write a warning to official Portuguese translator.


New version:

1.2.2   2011-08-28
+ Languages: Adds portuguese_brazilian, portuguese_brazilian-utf8, portuguese_pt, portuguese_pt-utf8, thanks to Eletromem.


Hello, davidhs!!

Here is translation for serbian_latin :

$txt['maintain_members_since1_2'] = 'Uklonite sve članove koji ';
$txt['maintain_members_activated_2'] = 'nisu aktivirali svoj račun za';
$txt['maintain_members_logged_in_2'] = 'nisu prijavljeni za';
$txt['maintain_members_registered'] = 'su registrovani pre';
$txt['maintain_members_post'] = 'Uklonite članove koji imaju %s poruka ili manje <span class="smalltext">(prazno = bilo koji broj)</span>';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts'] = 'Obriši poruke uklonjenih članova';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_none'] = 'Nijednu';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_all_posts'] = 'Sve poruke';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_topics'] = 'Teme i poruke';
$txt['maintain_members_max'] = 'Obradi najviše %s članova <span class="smalltext">(da ne prelazi sistemske resurse)</span>';

and serbian_latin-utf8 also
$txt['maintain_members_since1_2'] = 'Uklonite sve članove koji ';
$txt['maintain_members_activated_2'] = 'nisu aktivirali svoj račun za';
$txt['maintain_members_logged_in_2'] = 'nisu prijavljeni za';
$txt['maintain_members_registered'] = 'su registrovani pre';
$txt['maintain_members_post'] = 'Uklonite članove koji imaju %s poruka ili manje <span class="smalltext">(prazno = bilo koji broj)</span>';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts'] = 'Obriši poruke uklonjenih članova';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_none'] = 'Nijednu';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_all_posts'] = 'Sve poruke';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_topics'] = 'Teme i poruke';
$txt['maintain_members_max'] = 'Obradi najviše %s članova <span class="smalltext">(da ne prelazi sistemske resurse)</span>';
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


And finally ....

Here is translation for croatian:
$txt['maintain_members_since1_2'] = 'Uklonite sve članove koji ';
$txt['maintain_members_activated_2'] = 'nisu aktivirali svoj račun za';
$txt['maintain_members_logged_in_2'] = 'nisu logirani za';
$txt['maintain_members_registered'] = 'su registrirani prije';
$txt['maintain_members_post'] = 'Uklonite članove koji imaju %s poruka ili manje <span class="smalltext">(prazno = bilo koji broj)</span>';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts'] = 'Obriši poruke uklonjenih članova';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_none'] = 'Nijednu';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_all_posts'] = 'Sve poruke';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_topics'] = 'Teme i poruke';
$txt['maintain_members_max'] = 'Obradi najviše %s članova <span class="smalltext">(da ne prelazi resurse sustava)</span>';

and croatian-utf8 also
$txt['maintain_members_since1_2'] = 'Uklonite sve članove koji ';
$txt['maintain_members_activated_2'] = 'nisu aktivirali svoj račun za';
$txt['maintain_members_logged_in_2'] = 'nisu logirani za';
$txt['maintain_members_registered'] = 'su registrirani prije';
$txt['maintain_members_post'] = 'Uklonite članove koji imaju %s poruka ili manje <span class="smalltext">(prazno = bilo koji broj)</span>';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts'] = 'Obriši poruke uklonjenih članova';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_none'] = 'Nijednu';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_all_posts'] = 'Sve poruke';
$txt['maintain_members_delete_posts_topics'] = 'Teme i poruke';
$txt['maintain_members_max'] = 'Obradi najviše %s članova <span class="smalltext">(da ne prelazi resurse sustava)</span>';
Strong people don't put others down, they lift them up.
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.


Hello Branko.

Thanks for your serbian and croatian translation. :) :)

I can not wait to add these languages ​​to my mod, but I'll wait a week if anyone post more translations.


New version:

1.2.3   2011-09-14
+ Languages: Adds croatian, croatian-utf8, serbian_latin, serbian_latin-utf8, thanks to Branko..


New version:

1.2.4   2011-09-20
+ SMF compatibility: Adds 2.0.1.


Okay, just installed this one, no errors on install, but the first time I tried to use it I got this:

QuoteUnknown column 'id_member' in 'where clause'
File: /home/.../public_html/forums/Sources/Subs-Members.php
Line: 428

Any advice?



Quote from: imno007 on September 24, 2011, 12:06:46 PM
Okay, just installed this one, no errors on install, but the first time I tried to use it I got this:

QuoteUnknown column 'id_member' in 'where clause'
File: /home/.../public_html/forums/Sources/Subs-Members.php
Line: 428

Any advice?

What is your SMF version?
Can you attach the file Sources/Subs-Members.php of your forum?


New version:
1.2.5   2011-12-24
+ SMF compatibility: Adds 2.0.2.


PortaMx is probably the best SMF portal!


Nice mod, thanks for sharing it!

BTW, it would be too complicated to add an option, of sending a Private Message (with a customizable text body and subject?) to that members, instead deleting them?

The idea is to remind them about the forum, and try to catch them again... to be active members again
No me agradan los foros que no te dejan borrar TU PROPIO usuario, como por ejemplo
E incluso te mandan emails no solicitados, de los cuales, quizá, no puedas escapar porque NO te dejan posibilidad a deshabilitarlos (a menos que NO te tengan en su lista negra).
