Simple Audio Video Embedder

Started by Team, August 09, 2010, 10:42:47 PM

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On a free forum no it would not be included. I have this mod built into though but no settings for it.
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I have what is probably a newbie type of question.

I had 2.01 installed and now noticed that the new version 2.05 is available. I downloaded it and clicked 'upgrade' in the package manager. All seemed to go well! Thanks!!

Now for the question, the package manager still shows that 2.01 is installed (in addition to version 2.05 being installed), but shows an 'upgrade' button.  What's the proper way to deal with it? Do I 'delete' it? I assume if I click 'upgrade' it would reinstall itself and actually downgrade me from 2.05? I always wonder what to do with left over (older) packages in the package manager.

I did a quick search for upgrade instructions (should I have removed the previous package first, etc.) but didn't find them.

Thanks for this mod and any help or guidance you can give me.



Keep the older packages in the package manager unless you uinstalled the old one. Otherwise it is safe to keep it there.
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So is the best way to install the new version to uninstall the old one, and then install the new one?

Thanks for the quick answer.


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Can you update zippyshare for new player?

actual code for zippy player:
<script type="text/javascript">var zippywww="20";var zippyfile="38521664";var zippytext="#000000";var zippyback="#e8e8e8";var zippyplay="#ff6600";var zippywidth=850;var zippyauto=false;var zippyvol=80;var zippywave = "#000000";var zippyborder = "#cccccc";</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

url to that file


Hi vb, i had nao's mod intalled but it stopped working for some reason yesterday, so i deleted it then installed ur mod and now ur's isnt working either, it installed just fine and nao's uninstalled with no problems either, but all i am seeing when trying to embed a video is the link, all the box's are ticked in the setting area and i am using the new version 1.03 and smf 2.0 RC3 any help would be appreciated, thanks.


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Hi , i had nao's mod intalled but it stopped working for some reason yesterday, so i deleted it then installed ur mod and now ur's isnt working either, it installed just fine and nao's uninstalled with no problems either, but all i am seeing when trying to embed a video is the link, all the box's are ticked in the setting area and i am using the new version 1.03 and smf 2.0 RC3 any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Really no photobucket love? I saw several users on here ask about photobucket but no replies. On my forum, everything seems to work except the PB links. Everyone just gets a stupid blank box with a question mark in it and it asks for a plugin to be installed. Installing plugin does nothing.

Superpimp embedder dude, BTW.


Is there a way to turn the auto-embedding off for individual links?

I used to be able to get round this on YouTube by choosing carefully which link to use but this doesn't seem to be possible since the last lot of YouTube changes.


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Having an issue where if you go back into the topic to edit it, and have more than one video posted the videos aren't converting back to bcc code, so when you save your edit, it removes the video that was originally there.

SMF 2.0.2, otherwise, it's working beautifully


I saw something similar, but it happens when switching beetween edition modes (plain text or nicer mode)

Do not remember if that happenend when you had the nicer mode on by default, en modifying the post (links are erased)
No me agradan los foros que no te dejan borrar TU PROPIO usuario, como por ejemplo
E incluso te mandan emails no solicitados, de los cuales, quizá, no puedas escapar porque NO te dejan posibilidad a deshabilitarlos (a menos que NO te tengan en su lista negra).


Quote from: luuuciano on April 06, 2012, 01:26:34 PM
I saw something similar, but it happens when switching beetween edition modes (plain text or nicer mode)

Do not remember if that happenend when you had the nicer mode on by default, en modifying the post (links are erased)
When I tested it, I was in the nicer mode, it just had a gap where the video USED to be.


Just following up my previous post.

You can prevent a YouTube video from embedding by posting the link in the following format:[********]& where [********] is the share code given by YouTube.


Great mod!

Would it be possible to add [nonactive], the non-flash version of the Vimeo player that's compatible with the iPad and iPhone? The code looks like this:

<iframe src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="601" height="338" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>


Not working for dailymotion videos for my SMF 2.0.2  :(

this is the only mod/package I've installed


Quote from: bestfriendavinash on April 14, 2012, 11:57:58 AM
Not working for dailymotion videos for my SMF 2.0.2  :(

this is the only mod/package I've installed
Example links posted?
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I need help with zippyshare 1 & 2 code
I modify code for new player.
db_query("REPLACE INTO {$db_prefix}mediapro_sites
(ID,title, website, height,width,  regexmatch, embedcode)
(68, 'Zippyshare', '', 300,20, 'http://([A-Z0-9]*)[A-Z0-9]*)/file.html','" . '
<object></object><script type="text/javascript">var zippywww="$1";var zippyfile="$2";var zippytext="#de04de";var zippyback="#540b54";var zippyplay="#080808";var zippywidth=850;var zippyauto=false;var zippyvol=80;var zippywave = "#de18de";var zippyborder = "#170217";</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
' . "'),
(69, 'Zippyshare 2', '', 375,500, 'http://([A-Z0-9]*)" . '\\' .'\\' . "?locale=([A-Z0-9]*)" . '\\' .'\\' . "&amp;key=([A-Z0-9]*)','" . '
<object></object><script type="text/javascript">var zippywww="$1";var zippyfile="$3";var zippytext="#de04de";var zippyback="#540b54";var zippyplay="#080808";var zippywidth=850;var zippyauto=false;var zippyvol=80;var zippywave = "#de18de";var zippyborder = "#170217";</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
' . "')

When I put links in new message and save. The player is showing but not playing.
When I click to download new tab is showing.
Only URL is changed to different server why?

Original URL
When I click to download URL is like:

All file are  http://www51.zippyshare/v/number/file.html
Any ideas?
