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Simple Audio Video Embedder

Started by Team, August 09, 2010, 10:42:47 PM

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Nao 尚

Quote from: vbgamer45 on August 12, 2010, 05:34:18 PM
Well what else to call it. Auto embed is what is it is. Skipped Video since I thought it be doing music/audio too. Tacked on pro to make it sound better. On MyBB they call it Auto Media
Naming I am not that good at. Auto Media Pro. Embeded media system. Auto Embed Media System.
I told you. No "Auto Embed" or "Media" in the name.
You may use "Embed" though, as, well, that's what it does. But "Auto Embed" is a word made up by Karl AFAIK and it really stands for what Aeva does.
How about "Multimedia" instead of "Media"?
Multimedia Embedder, something like that.

Edit: how about a made up brand name? Like "Embedo" which sounds like "Albedo".
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Nao, As you know, I completely understand your side on this..

but your banning the word "Media" from been used in another mod, please explain?

SMF 2.0 RC5

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Nao 尚

The mod doesn't need to have a common word with mines. Remember I want to avoid confusion when it comes to the name. I've seen enough of this before. He can use "Embedo" for instance, and then describe what it does in the description. It will be hit by search engines, and will confuse less when it comes to the name.

If I renamed SMF Gallery Pro to Aeva Media, it's ALSO because I wanted to avoid using the "Gallery" keyword in the name (only in the description). You guessed it: I wanted to avoid confusion with SMF Gallery. So, I did it for Aeva Media, now vbgamer45 should do it for Auto Embed Media Pro.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.

青山 素子

Forbidding a common word like embed? Seriously?

Heck, it's even the name of the HTML tag that is used for this type of thing.

Likewise with "media", except it's not a tag.
Director, Simple Machines

Note: Unless otherwise stated, my posts are not representative of any official position or opinion of Simple Machines.

Nao 尚

I'm not FORBIDDING it. *Edit* I'm saying he shouldn't use "Auto Embed". I *did* recommend "Embedo" in my previous post.

I'm saying that, in the interest of USERS, it would be best NOT to make our mods confusing. We already went through this with SMF Gallery and SMF Media Gallery. I've seen SO MANY TIMES people post in the SMG topic asking support for SGL, and people post in the SGL topic asking support for SMG. This never happened again after I renamed the mod.
I don't think either vbgamer45 or I want this to happen again. So, just as I renamed SMF Media Gallery to Aeva Media (because SMF Gallery was there first, and therefore had called dibbs on the name), I expect him, with his new mod which was only made by the Customizer team TO PUT PRESSURE ONTO ME (otherwise I would have gotten a PM from said team asking me whether they should proceed with a replacement mod), to *stay away* from anything that could *confuse* users into thinking it's related in any way to Aeva (Auto Embed Video & Audio) and Aeva Media (Media).

I don't see what's WRONG with my request.
Of course, at this point you look like you only want to piss me off as much as you can, instead of thinking of USERS.
I'm trying to find a common ground with vbgamer45 on a sensitive topic. If you're not going to help, then you shouldn't try to make it even worse.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Personally i don't see the big deal with having 2 mods that are similar, there are loads of mods on the Mod site that are similar and do the same thing... it gives the users much more choice, which is better.

Nao, your mod does much more than this mod, because you have your Gallery with it and other add-ons, so i don't see why you feel so threaten by this mod, look at the stats tons of people use your mod, including me.

Personally i don't see any confusing with the naming of Both mods... Most people don't know what AEVA stands for and they may see AVEA as a brand name. It's isn't like vB has used an abbreviation for his mod name, if he did then i could understand confusion...

If people can't tell the difference between Auto Embed Media Pro 1.0.2  & AVEA Media, then they are pretty dull.

Nao 尚

Quote from: SN on August 13, 2010, 05:16:16 AM
Nao, your mod does much more than this mod, because you have your Gallery with it and other add-ons, so i don't see why you feel so threaten by this mod, look at the stats tons of people use your mod, including me.
(Right now my stats are zero.)
And this mod is a competitor to Aeva Lite, not to Aeva Media.
I don't "fear" competition. I couldn't give a damn.
I dislike:
1/ how AEMP was part of a procedure to force me into putting Aeva back online at the mod site (which worked, so it annoys me even more :P),
2/ how AEMP has a very similar name and is thus destined to confuse users
3/ how I couldn't even explain myself on the Chit Chat board -- the topic has been locked because I allegedly "insulted people". (Where? It isn't said, of course. That wouldn't be fun.)

QuotePersonally i don't see any confusing with the naming of Both mods... Most people don't know what AEVA stands for and they may see AVEA as a brand name.
Well, they can't even spell Aeva correctly, just as you did lol... So they might just as well confuse Aeva with AEMP...

QuoteIt's isn't like vB has used an abbreviation for his mod name, if he did then i could understand confusion...
Generally, the longer the mod name, the quicker people are in devising an abbreviation.

QuoteIf people can't tell the difference between Auto Embed Media Pro 1.0.2  & AVEA Media, then they are pretty dull.
These are the same people who have trouble spelling Aeva in the first place.  O:)
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Quote from: Nao 尚 on August 13, 2010, 05:28:30 AM
Quote from: SN on August 13, 2010, 05:16:16 AM
Nao, your mod does much more than this mod, because you have your Gallery with it and other add-ons, so i don't see why you feel so threaten by this mod, look at the stats tons of people use your mod, including me.
(Right now my stats are zero.)
And this mod is a competitor to Aeva Lite, not to Aeva Media.
I don't "fear" competition. I couldn't give a damn.
I dislike:
1/ how AEMP was part of a procedure to force me into putting Aeva back online at the mod site (which worked, so it annoys me even more :P),
2/ how AEMP has a very similar name and is thus destined to confuse users
3/ how I couldn't even explain myself on the Chit Chat board -- the topic has been locked because I allegedly "insulted people". (Where? It isn't said, of course. That wouldn't be fun.)

QuotePersonally i don't see any confusing with the naming of Both mods... Most people don't know what AEVA stands for and they may see AVEA as a brand name.
Well, they can't even spell Aeva correctly, just as you did lol... So they might just as well confuse Aeva with AEMP...

QuoteIt's isn't like vB has used an abbreviation for his mod name, if he did then i could understand confusion...
Generally, the longer the mod name, the quicker people are in devising an abbreviation.

QuoteIf people can't tell the difference between Auto Embed Media Pro 1.0.2  & AVEA Media, then they are pretty dull.
These are the same people who have trouble spelling Aeva in the first place.  O:)

It's obviously just a typo Nao, no need to be a jerk about it... and by the way i know what aeva stands for. Instead of jumping all over a typo, my point still stands, most people will not get confused with the 2 mods names.

You honestly believe that vB made this mod so people do not use yours?... that's pretty cynical.

By the looks of things, there no sign of your mod on the mod site at all now. So its understandable that vB has been force to put some kind of replacement in place, because most new users will not have any clue about aeva now, if its no where to be seen.

Most actions taken are to benefit users, you removing aeva from the mod site doesn't benefit anybody. You are just taking something away from people who are innocent in this whole saga


Quote from: SN on August 13, 2010, 05:40:24 AM
By the looks of things, there no sign of your mod on the mod site at all now. So its understandable that vB has been force to put some kind of replacement in place, because most new users will not have any clue about aeva now, if its no where to be seen.

Nao only removed the downloadable file: the mod page was still there, with instructions on where to download it.

Then AEMP was released and a Staff Member removed Nao's mod page (that's why it disappeared from the mod site)...or visa versa...I'm too tired to remember which came first.


I get this error after installing it to a fresh version of RC3:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: file_put_contents() in /Forum/Sources/AutoEmbedMediaPro2.php on line 181

I'm no wizard in php but I know this error is pointing at a .php file that is specific to the mod and wouldn't conflict with any other mods.

I understand the mod was updated yesterday, so theres a chance something got goofed up, just giving a heads up and if there is a solution, please let me know. :3

Nao 尚

Oh, my...
Should we really start again?

Quote from: SN on August 13, 2010, 05:40:24 AM
It's obviously just a typo Nao, no need to be a jerk about it...
I wasn't jerking... I'm just amused by the frequency of that particular typo. It's always Aeva/Avea. I don't know why this typo in particular.

Quotemy point still stands, most people will not get confused with the 2 mods names.
I won't take the chance.

QuoteYou honestly believe that vB made this mod so people do not use yours?... that's pretty cynical.
No. He made it because there was a rule that duplicate mods are not allowed, and because I removed the downloadable file off my mod page (not the mod page itself), he used the opportunity to make his own version with a similar name. And then, my mod page was shut down. Doesn't it sound strange? That he never even answered to these issues?

QuoteBy the looks of things, there no sign of your mod on the mod site at all now.
My mod page was removed by the Customizer Team (vbgamer45 and SlammedDime) two days ago. I told them if they did that, current users of Aeva Lite wouldn't be able to update their sitelist, leading into page crashes.
So he basically forced me to restore my downloadable mod on the page to get it back online.
(Of course, it still isn't. From my perspective, the team's policy has always their own interests in mind, rather than their users'.)

QuoteSo its understandable that vB has been force to put some kind of replacement in place,
He put it online before my mod page was shut down. Mods have to go through an approval process. It usually takes several weeks to get a mod online. His mod was online immediately after he finished the first version, meaning he approved it himself, as a member of the Customizer team, and he didn't go through the approval process. This was mentioned by several people already. That's called double standards. He's using the team to his advantage.

THEN, after he approved his own copycat mod, *my* mod page was shut down because I complained that his mod was a duplicate of mine.

Okay, did you, or did you not, follow the conversation that happened right here?

Quotebecause most new users will not have any clue about aeva now, if its no where to be seen.
Apart from it being used on over 10 thousand SMF websites, over than that, yeah, no clue.
See, I still had the mod page. It linked to the off-site page where one could directly download said mod.
The team then brandished a rule they just made up, saying I couldn't have a mod page without a downloadable mod and only a link to it. Actually, they argued that I only offered a commercial file, which is entirely false. I always kept the free version online.
See, I got quite a lot of bull****** to live with in these last 2 days. You should read earlier discussions before you start criticizing my reactions.

QuoteMost actions taken are to benefit users, you removing aeva from the mod site doesn't benefit anybody.
Yes it does.
With Aeva off-site, here is the list of pros and cons to the SMF team:
- CONS: The mod is not available on their website. Oops. Blunder.
- PROS: they can apparently make up new rules against me.

To me:
- CONS: I still have to update the version number on the mod site page once I have a new version online. Big deal.
- PROS: I can use Aeva Media's download system itself to offer my downloads. It's easier to maintain than SMF's mod site. I can update my files/text files silently without making it look like they're a proper update (good for maintenance.) I can properly describe both Aeva Lite and Aeva Media on the same page right below their download links (avoids confusion.) I don't have to cope with the SMF team policies. I don't waste as much time as before. I don't have to reupload all of the files when uploading Aeva Media crashes and suddenly deletes all files available on the page (I've seen that happen to me several times on the SMF mod site.) Better statistics management.

To users:
- CONS: They have to click one extra click. So hard. No direct access to the parser. Use SMF's package manager or an external parser (there are several), or just your brains.
- PROS: They get new releases of Aeva Media, which sounds like the most important thing of all. Because, well, this all gave me the *desire* to resume work on it, didn't it? They can also comment directly on the files. They can rate them. They can download all of the files/mods in a single click ("Mass download" -- soon to come as a quick-moderation feature for all)

I don't know about you, but it sounds to me like there's really NO POINT in letting the SMF Team establish a rule that a mod page should have downloadable files on it. I have yet to read a valid argument about it being a good thing.

QuoteYou are just taking something away from people who are innocent in this whole saga
Even if that were true... If I was taking something, I would be taking it *back*, not *away*.
I have no desire to deprive anyone from Aeva. The customizer team removed the mod page, not me. The customizer team prevents me from offering MY MOD in MY preferred way. Which, as long as it doesn't hurt users, should be allowed just the same.

PS: there are no insults in this post. If I get banned/censored for it, just remember, the team did it for their your own good.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


I thought a thread was created for this Nao ?
This is supposed to be the support thread for this mod.
I suggest you use the other thread for the complains until something is done.

As i can see, SMF team are not really interested in removing this mod here.

Nao 尚

Quote from: Afro on August 13, 2010, 06:28:01 AM
I thought a thread was created for this Nao ?
This is supposed to be the support thread for this mod.
I suggest you use the other thread for the complains until something is done.
Just as I said. The topic was locked while I was away. I didn't even get a chance to answer to the team's comments... -_-
I simply replied to SN's questions.
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


Oh, i see now. You may try arantorhome.
A whole lot of people feel you were mistreated.
I suggest that instead of being over angry about this, Relax a little and think about your next move.


!Renamed to Simple Audio Video Embedder
!Fixed issue with php4 support no longer using file_put_contents
+Added support for
+Added support for
+Added support for MySpace
+Added support for Mefeedia
+Added support for Crackle
+Added support for DailyMotion
+Added support for
+Added support for
+Added support for clipmoon

In regards to featured mods enotify,prettyurls where from mods I took over and they were already featured.
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I don't care about the mods being featured at all doesn't matter much they can stay or be removed i don't care really.
No I did not approve my own mod. Mod approvals are about 2 weeks in most cases but all the mods had topics. I had some fixes that I had to do and replied to get approval.
I really don't know how to spell Aeva so if I i misspell it is not an insult or just forgot.

I just did you a big favor in renanming the mod I didn't have to do that.
You don't see me ******ing and moaning in public when people create a mod that does the same thing as mine or is similar named.
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Nao 尚

Quote from: vbgamer45 on August 13, 2010, 09:43:37 AM
I don't care about the mods being featured at all doesn't matter much they can stay or be removed i don't care really.
No I did not approve my own mod. Mod approvals are about 2 weeks in most cases
Last I heard, the mod queue was in the hundreds...
You won't make me believe that from the day you mentioned you would "think" of it, that is late at night on July 29, until the day you actually decided to get started on it, then write it, then add more video sites, document the mod and then submit it, you had enough time to actually wait 2 weeks for the mod to be approved and published here. Especially because exactly 12 days went by between July 29 and the publication date. You tell me of any other user who can actually get their mod approved so quickly, especially a mod that has regular expressions and requires thorough testing. You know what? Customizers always get lazy when it comes to approving mods with regular expression. Yes... That's it. Customizers. Only customizers can approve their own mods by themselves...

QuoteI just did you a big favor in renanming the mod I didn't have to do that.
Well, it was that, or something ugly was going to happen.

QuoteYou don't see me ******ing and moaning in public when people create a mod that does the same thing as mine or is similar named.
No, but you could. Just because you don't doesn't mean you can't, or aren't entitled to. You could very well have asked Dragooon to rename his SMF Media Gallery mod to something else when he released it. I told him several times, but at the time he thought it was already too late to rename it (I proved him wrong.)
I will not make any deals with you. I've resigned. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

Aeva Media rocks your life.


You have had way more special treatment then anyone else. If I would have said half the things you have said in pubic I would have been banned long long ago

You even had your own board on the official smf site which is way more visibility than any featured mod rotation area. No other person had their own board for a mod ever.  And the board was created mainly due to arguments in the avea support topic

You basically bundled the Auto Embed mod to promote the gallery. The auto  embed mod got so many hits due to updating the site definitions files which is why it was the most downloaded mod.
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青山 素子

Can this discussion be taken to Chit Chat rather than pollute the topic here where people are asking for support? There is a poor forgotten soul here needing support that is nested between the banter.

Seriously, I don't see this kind of flaming going on in any mod topics other than when Nao decides to participate. That should say a lot.
Director, Simple Machines

Note: Unless otherwise stated, my posts are not representative of any official position or opinion of Simple Machines.


Quote from: Flashwerewolf on August 13, 2010, 06:13:50 AM
I get this error after installing it to a fresh version of RC3:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: file_put_contents() in /Forum/Sources/AutoEmbedMediaPro2.php on line 181

I'm no wizard in php but I know this error is pointing at a .php file that is specific to the mod and wouldn't conflict with any other mods.

I understand the mod was updated yesterday, so theres a chance something got goofed up, just giving a heads up and if there is a solution, please let me know. :3
This error due to php4 has been fixed in the 1.0.3 update released today
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