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Menu Icons

Started by Mick., December 13, 2010, 05:13:55 PM

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Menu Icons 1.0
By Mick G.


To install on custom themes, tick the themes you want this mod to appear upon installation. If you forget, simply copy the "menu_icons" folder to your theme's image folder.

Bug Fixes / Updates
1.) Created v.1.0 on December 12th 2010
2.) Added 'ALT' tags to make images valid xhmtl.   December 13th 2010
3.) Fixed an Undifined error December 16th 2010
4.) Added support to rc2 & rc3. December 17th 2010
5.) Added support to RC5. March 2011
6.) Updated to SMF 2.0 | June 2011
7.) Updated to SMF 2.0.2 | December 2012
8.) Updated to SMF 2.0.15 | July 2018

This mod installs a set of icons on your SMF menu.

Images used: Fam Fam Fam Icons

If you need support or need customize help, please post in the thread at and @ Thanks!


For those using mods like: gallery, arcade, etc..


For SMF Gallery mod:

'title' => $txt['smfgallery_menu'],

Replace with:
'title' => '<img align="absMiddle" src="'. $settings['images_url']. '/menu_icons/yourimage.png" alt="'.$txt['smfgallery_menu']. '"/>&nbsp; ' . $txt['smfgallery_menu'],

For SMF Arcade mod:

'title' => 'title' => $txt['arcade'],

Replace with:
'title' => '<img align="absMiddle" src="'. $settings['images_url']. '/menu_icons/yourimage.png" alt="'.$txt['arcade']. '"/>&nbsp; ' . $txt['arcade'],

For custom menus....

'title' => '<img align="absMiddle" src="" alt="My websites" />&nbsp; ' .'My Websites',



'title' => empty($txt['sp-forum']) ? 'Forum' : $txt['sp-forum'],

'title' => '<img align="absMiddle" src="'. $settings['images_url']. '/menu_icons/yourimage.png" alt="'.$txt['sp-forum']. '"/>&nbsp; ' .  $txt['sp-forum'],

-'My Websites' with your own menu title.
-'yourimage.png' with the name of your image of choice.
-'' with your own URL.

Load your images to:

Image list:

Icons ZIP included below....


Awesome idea it looks great on the default install will be adding it to my sites or something similar.
Community Suite for SMF - Grow your forum with SMF, Gallery,Store,Classifieds,Downloads,more! - Paid Modifications for SMF

EzPortal - Portal System for SMF
SMF Gallery Pro
SMF Store SMF Classifieds Ad Seller Pro


Quote from: vbgamer45 on December 13, 2010, 05:22:35 PM
Awesome idea it looks great on the default install will be adding it to my sites or something similar.

Thank you vb.  I saw a couple support threads asking about images on the menu. I figured why not. ;)




Nice idea.  Looking forward to the writeup on adding to custom menus.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.


How about rc3 brother?Please can you provide a tutorial on how to do it manually? I have gallery,downloads,smf portal installed


Quote from: tfs on December 14, 2010, 01:22:10 AM
Nice idea.  Looking forward to the writeup on adding to custom menus.

I will today ;)

Quote from: kadhafi on December 14, 2010, 06:41:32 AM
How about rc3 brother?Please can you provide a tutorial on how to do it manually? I have gallery,downloads,smf portal installed
Click on advanced at the bottom of your mod list and change it to rc3. Then install. ;)


I found a bug on rc4

IF you have some of the menu tabs hidden then it files up the error logs like mad   here are my menu tabe i use

    * Admin
    * Moderate
    * Home

    * Search

    * Profile
    * My Messages
    * Members
    * Logout

my site action=admin
Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: modsettings_title
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file
File: F:/xampp/htdocs/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 4095

my site action=shoutbox;sa=get;xml;row=0;restart
Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: modsettings_title
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file
File: F:/xampp/htdocs/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 4095

my site /index.php?
Apply Filter: Only show the errors with the same message
8: Undefined index: modsettings_title
Apply Filter: Only show the errors from this file
File: F:/xampp/htdocs/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 4095

here is line 4095


'title' => '<img align="absMiddle" src="'. $settings['images_url']. '/menu_icons/joystick.png" alt="'.$txt['modsettings_title']. '"/>&nbsp; ' . $txt['modSettings_title'],

unistall it no errors at all in my logs  no matter what i do i dont get errors

install it and im full of error  even if i stay on the log page and just click  refresh

it installs  perfect on rc4  no alerts on installing



Do you have $txt['modSettings_title'] = 'Features and Options';
in Themes/default/languages/index.english.php ??


yes i do  have

$txt['modSettings_title'] = 'Features and Options';


A bump on this if i may ?



Load your Subs.php file so I can take a looksie.


Is this what your after ? i did look for subs.php but could not see it.


Quote from: tesser on December 16, 2010, 05:05:02 PM
Is this what your after ? i did look for subs.php but could not see it.


Look in Sources/Subs.php

also please list your mods installed here..


mods installed

1.    Effectively Remove SMF Logo    1.2    [ Uninstall ]
2.    SubAccounts Mod    1.0.1    [ Uninstall ]
3.    Registered Links    3.0    [ Uninstall ]
4.    Copyright & Footer Links | S-Ace    3.1    [ Uninstall ]
5.    Member Color Link    3.0.8    [ Uninstall ]
6.    Tidy Child Boards    1.3    [ Uninstall ]
7.    Menu Buttons    1.1    [ Uninstall ]
8.    InformationBar    1.0    [ Uninstall ]
9.    Add Honey Pot to Track IP    1.1    [ Uninstall ]
10.    Hide Edited Line    1.0.0    [ Uninstall ]
11.    Favicon    1.3    [ Uninstall ]
12.    Alternate User Posting    1.0    [ Uninstall ]
13.    ResizeImagesToFitScreen    0.1.6    [ Uninstall ]
14.    Errors in Who's Online    1.0    [ Uninstall ]
15.    Attachment MP3 Player    1.0.1    [ Uninstall ]
16.    Remove XHTML, RSS & WAP2 Links in Footer    v1.1    [ Uninstall ]
17.    sa_downloads    0.3.1 Rev23    [ Uninstall ]
18.    InLine Attachments    1.08    [ Uninstall ]
19.    Add IP2Location to Track IP    1.3    [ Uninstall ]
20.    SMFPacks Shoutbox    1.0    [ Uninstall ]
21.    Users Online Today    1.5.6    [ Uninstall ]
22.    SoLoSMiLeYS    1.0    [ Uninstall ]
23.    Search Focus Dropdown    1.51    [ Uninstall ]
24.    Read Sticky Topics    1.0.3    [ Uninstall ]
25.    Project Snow 1.1    1.1    [ Uninstall ]
26.    PM Sent Notification    1.0.5    [ Uninstall ]
27.    New Topic Button    1.0    [ Uninstall ]
28.    More Spiders    1.2    [ Uninstall ]
29.    Menu Order    0.2.5    [ Uninstall ]
30.    LMGTFY BBcode    3.0    [ Uninstall ]
31.    Install & Uninstall Mods Quickly    1.3    [ Uninstall ]
32.    H1 BBCode    1.1    [ Uninstall ]
33.    ENotify    2.0    [ Uninstall ]
34.    Align text with Smiley    1.1    [ Uninstall ]
35.    2-SI Chat    rev34

edit: i should point out Menu Icons is on my server but unistalled


Im going to look at your file but my guess is this mod is affecting it. 

29.    Menu Order    0.2.5     ......Dont know yet.....brb.


Its not your file.  Its a mess up of my part in the code.  I will update the zip in a minute.

'title' => '<img align="absMiddle" src="'. $settings['images_url']. '/menu_icons/joystick.png" alt="'.$txt['modsettings_title']. '"/>&nbsp; ' . $txt['modSettings_title'],

Notice "modsettings_title" ?  It should be "modSettings_title".


Ty very much as this is one cool mod it realy makes a different look

Wonders how come no one else noticed the errors ???
