Edit Newsletter default

Started by kaydrive, June 10, 2011, 04:52:51 PM

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You know when you get ready to send out a neswletter you pick the email address or groups to send to then you click next and it has the default text in the newsletter box i would like to change that text, Can that be done?

If so How and where would i do that?

Running 2.0RC5


You can change it right there.
Make the subject whatever you want it to be, add the body you want, {board_url} inserts a link to your site

.. or was there something special you were wanting to do?


Yes i know that, i was hopping to permanently change default text what is all ready there with my own text.

i am all most sure i would have to change a PHP file code but i would like to ask before i try to make a change
and fubar the site.

thanks for any help you can give.



No, As good as that mod is and it looks like we might on a right track.

Mybe a newsletter Template Editor is there such a thing.


I just checked it and was about to edit my post :P
