Forum changed language by itself???

Started by crobbe, December 10, 2011, 06:57:19 PM

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Did that, the whole forum went missing except the ezportal blocks.

Cant get it back despite backup :(

Look at the screenshot, that's the forum.


I still have a language problem with my forum and it seems to just show up, and it freaks me out.

Once logged OUT the whole forum is in Swedish but once I login, the forum turns to English.

See pics below.

I´ve freakin tryed everything, reinstalled the langpacks and so on but can't get it to work.

And as you can see in the post above, when I tryed to convert the forum last time, it went completely missing
and the forum had to be restored by my website host.

What is/can be the problem? I am about to give up.


Problem solved by unticking the box where members can chose language.
