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Started by anteprimorac, April 18, 2012, 02:46:59 PM

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Thanks, works pretty good.
- how to replace watermarks? I've changed the default ones in /Packages/apimage/apimage/ bot won't change. nevermind, wrong location.
- how to "Turn off APImage on a single image"?


Answare is in FAQ:
6. How to turn off APImage on a single image?
Set "off" parameter to "true":
[img off=true width=200 height=200][/img]
My Mods:
APImage v0.3

Besplatni singlovi, doublovi, listići, ... svih sportova! - BalkanTips


Still can't replace the watermark. Were exactly are located the watermark .PNGs?


thumb watermark: Themes/YOUR THEME/images/apimage/watermark.png (32x28)
gallery thumb watermark: Themes/YOUR THEME/images/apimage/small-watermark.png (18x16)
gallery viewer and show watermark: Themes/YOUR THEME/images/apimage/big-watermark.png (64x55)

CSS (Themes/YOUR THEME/css/apimage.css):
thumb watermark: find ".apimage .watermark div"
gallery thumb watermark: find ".apimage-gallery .images .list .apimage .watermark div"
gallery viewer watermark: find ".apimage-gallery .viewer .watermark div"
show watermark: find ".apimage-show .watermark div"

YOUR THEME - your current active theme or default theme
My Mods:
APImage v0.3

Besplatni singlovi, doublovi, listići, ... svih sportova! - BalkanTips


I've replaced the PNGs, but still the "ap" is being shown.
For the second part, there's no apimage.css in Themes/mytheme/css/


Clear cache in browser.
maybe Themes/default/css/apimage.css
My Mods:
APImage v0.3

Besplatni singlovi, doublovi, listići, ... svih sportova! - BalkanTips


default/css/apimage.css is there and I think no editing nedded.
I had to replace the images in Themes/default/images/apimage/
It's tricky because the watermark PNGs are present in too many locations.
One more question - is there a way to remove the effect while moving the mouse above the image? It's like loss of focus and it's annoying.


Find in apimage.css:
.apimage:hover .hover {
display: block;

and remove it.

Version 0.3.1
! Fixed gallery button description bug in SMF 2.x.x - thx rambomambo
+ Added mod description in css file
My Mods:
APImage v0.3

Besplatni singlovi, doublovi, listići, ... svih sportova! - BalkanTips


It deletes the watermark too, so no joy. I'm talking about that layer that appears over the image and changes opacity.

I've forgot to delete on }, now the watermark is displayed but the opacity is still there.


Find in apimage.css:
.apimage .hover {
display: none;
position: absolute;
opacity: .8;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .4) url(../images/apimage/enlarge.png) center center no-repeat;
z-index: 5;

replace with:
.apimage .hover {display: none}

after that clear your browser cache.
My Mods:
APImage v0.3

Besplatni singlovi, doublovi, listići, ... svih sportova! - BalkanTips


Firstly great Mod  :)

I have a Question regarding the arrows (left & right) on the gallery mode.

My Forum have a fixed width, so i have the css style ".apimage-gallery .viewer" width 100% changed to width: 83%.
The Image will now displayed right without oversized and scrollbar. But the arrows are on the image instead out of image.

How can i do this, that the arrows will displayed out of image ?

Thanks for any help


In apimage.css find:
.apimage-gallery {
add after:
width: 83%

and change ".apimage-gallery .viewer" width to "100%".
My Mods:
APImage v0.3

Besplatni singlovi, doublovi, listići, ... svih sportova! - BalkanTips


Thanks, but has no effect on the arrows. I have no idea... :(


Post here link of your forum.
My Mods:
APImage v0.3

Besplatni singlovi, doublovi, listići, ... svih sportova! - BalkanTips


// APImage
$txt['apimage_enabled'] = 'Ligar APImage';
$txt['apimage_watermark_enabled'] = 'Ligar marca d'água';
$txt['apimage_thumb_maxwidth'] = 'Largura máxima das miniaturas<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_thumb_maxheight'] = 'Altura máxima das miniaturas<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_thumb_watermark'] = 'Ligar marca d'água em miniaturas';
$txt['apimage_gallery_viewer_maxheight'] = 'Altura máxima da Galeria<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_gallery_viewer_watermark'] = 'Ligar marca d'água na Galeria';
$txt['apimage_gallery_thumb_maxwidth'] = 'Largura máxima das miniaturas da Galeria<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_gallery_thumb_maxheight'] = 'Altura máxima das miniaturas da Galeria<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_gallery_thumb_watermark'] = 'Ligar marca d'água em miniaturas da Galeria';
$txt['apimage_show_maxwidth'] = 'Largura máxima da visualização<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_show_maxheight'] = 'Altura máxima da visualização<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_show_watermark'] = 'Ligar marca d'água na vizualização';

// APImage
$txt['apimage_gallery_txt'] = 'Inserir Galeria';

// APImage
$txt['apimage_enabled'] = 'Ligar APImage';
$txt['apimage_watermark_enabled'] = 'Ligar marca de &#225;gua';
$txt['apimage_thumb_maxwidth'] = 'Largura m&#225;xima das miniaturas<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_thumb_maxheight'] = 'Altura m&#225;xima das miniaturas<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_thumb_watermark'] = 'Ligar marca de &#225;gua em miniaturas';
$txt['apimage_gallery_viewer_maxheight'] = 'Altura m&#225;xima da Galeria<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_gallery_viewer_watermark'] = 'Ligar marca de &#225;gua na Galeria';
$txt['apimage_gallery_thumb_maxwidth'] = 'Largura m&#225;xima das miniaturas da Galeria<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_gallery_thumb_maxheight'] = 'Altura m&#225;xima das miniaturas da Galeria<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_gallery_thumb_watermark'] = 'Ligar marca de &#225;gua em miniaturas da Galeria';
$txt['apimage_show_maxwidth'] = 'Largura m&#225;xima da visualiza&#231;&#227;o<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_show_maxheight'] = 'Altura m&#225;xima da visualiza&#231;&#227;o<br /><span class="smalltext">Deixe em branco ou coloque "0" para desabilitar isto.</span>';
$txt['apimage_show_watermark'] = 'Ligar marca de &#225;gua na vizualiza&#231;&#227;o';

// APImage
$txt['apimage_gallery_txt'] = 'Inserir Galeria';
Hugo "Costa" Fernandes - PT SMF
Todas as MP's a pedir ajuda são sujeitas a radioactividade, microondas, queimadas e atiradas borda fora.

"At least someone appreciates the fact that I am doing and not thinking..."
"Laziness is counter-revolutionary."


My Mods:
APImage v0.3

Besplatni singlovi, doublovi, listići, ... svih sportova! - BalkanTips


How do I delete the advertisements?


currently it is not possible
My Mods:
APImage v0.3

Besplatni singlovi, doublovi, listići, ... svih sportova! - BalkanTips

I do not see why e.g. [nonactive] ? must be an extension?

hi  anteprimorac,
Thanks for your mod, I'll installed it for my forum ( but don't loading image or loading slowly? What's wrong with this? Please help. Thank you very much.
Error with image source like this: it ok if image source like  (;topicseen#msg55369)
