oops... Anyone know how to take away post buttons?

Started by olivestab, June 15, 2012, 07:03:48 PM

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so i recently contacted someone regarding information about packages,
and how I had these 3 weird lines showing up on my reply to post box.

they where originally there for a save draft option that was deleted during a previous issue,
however they somehow lingered despite me replacing everything from backups.

I wanted to reinstall the mod now that everything was fixed, but it had "Failed Tests" errors.
I thought they where because of the 3 lines showing on the posting box, turns out they where just void boxes.
Unaware of this at the time, i decided to install the mod anyway, and all those boxes are now filled, and i can't find a way to delete them.

These are my attempts are reinstalling the mod,
apparently, afar the first one, it never deleted, even though i deleted every file from FTP.
Also, I cannot find anything in index.css or rtl.css


