Global SMF social network

Started by, February 26, 2013, 03:24:51 AM

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QuoteDo you think that just saying "you are wasting their time with your nonsense" would be enough and sustainable to make a topic unreasonable and to get the neck out of the trap?

I don't know, let's try it.

*clears throat* Johann B, you are wasting our time with your nonsense.

Please, either say what you actually mean, in simple language, or leave us alone.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on March 03, 2013, 10:47:55 AM

*clears throat* Johann B, you are wasting our time with your nonsense.

Please, either say what you actually mean, in simple language, or leave us alone.

From what I have read, I am not sure that either is possible?  ???
No, I will not offer free downloads to Premium DzinerStuido themes. Please stop asking.

Just read, ARG:
Why argue? Just state your point and move on. If we all held the same opinions, everyone would be an idiot.

Arantor, yes let's try it. Tell me if it has not worked.


It apparently is working thus far, you're posting one line comments that actually make sense. Please keep it up.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Johann B on March 03, 2013, 12:10:57 PM
Just read, ARG:
Why argue? Just state your point and move on. If we all held the same opinions, everyone would be an idiot.

I believe that's exactly what I did.  ;)
No, I will not offer free downloads to Premium DzinerStuido themes. Please stop asking.


Had no idea it got so feisty on this polite techie forum. ???

I'm sure I'll be corrected, this idea sounds similar to this one....

Quote from: Unruler on December 09, 2012, 10:51:28 AM
Is there any app or way to collect new topics form multiple forums and display it in one place so you don't need to visit each of them separately?

That question is not only about SMF forums but including those too.

This idea of linking in this way sounds a bad idea on compatibility issues but also identity issues. And, anyone for some spam?

Okay so maybe I'm not the most constructive person around here for this topic, but I call a problematic idea when I see one. You're welcome. O:)

I feel I'd be shamelessly rehashing my old post if I elaborated so I'll opt for a short post. And press Post before I change my mind.


Quote from: Irisado on February 28, 2013, 12:16:55 PM
Quote from: Johann B on February 28, 2013, 08:41:08 AM
So if there is still a language trauma, just think in "english Global social network" dimensions. The other should be no problem later on, if desired. Or?

The only language trauma is trying to interpret what you mean when you reply.  My suggestion, if you want to be taken seriously by the people who work on SMF, would be to address the questions they ask you directly using as succinct a form a language as you can.  You might find people are more receptive to what you have to say if you adopt this approach.

I didn't want to say anything as I thought I was the only one with this language barrier. Remember, you can answer point-by-point by stripping quotes to a few words that you can directly answer. I'm not an idiot, I understand English but it's hard to focus here.

Quote from: Johann B on March 01, 2013, 04:56:56 AM
Sometimes serious is good to release form seriousness, sometimes serious could increase seriousness. So its more a matter of taking it easy and serious and lesser a matter of taking it serious but not easy. But when we stuck, we stuck. We would let go, if we would let go, what would be left?

Thanks for your care, I will try to be more serious but no idea how to increase it even more.
Maybe it's good if you make the topic not depend on an assuming if the starter might be serious or not. Just the topic, nothing else.

Because of this and the above, I will let this thread go.

Quote from: ARG on March 03, 2013, 12:34:34 PM
Quote from: Johann B on March 03, 2013, 12:10:57 PM
Just read, ARG:
Why argue? Just state your point and move on. If we all held the same opinions, everyone would be an idiot.

I believe that's exactly what I did.  ;)
Oh yes, I see that's the problem with believe, we just believe.

Quote from: enypsrozar on March 03, 2013, 12:48:57 PM
Had no idea it got so feisty on this polite techie forum. ???
I feel sorry, Enypsrozar,  if your impression is like we would act feisty with each other, but like always it's a matter of the observer. For sure it is correct that we tease each other a little, but that is just to get the cache empty.
So please do not see and ill-will behind each post.

Quote from: enypsrozar on March 03, 2013, 12:48:57 PM
I'm sure I'll be corrected, this idea sounds similar to this one....

Quote from: Unruler on December 09, 2012, 10:51:28 AM
Is there any app or way to collect new topics form multiple forums and display it in one place so you don't need to visit each of them separately?

That question is not only about SMF forums but including those too.
Somehow yes. A little similar as it is made on Facebook for example and I guess we do not need to talk about the success.

Quote from: enypsrozar on March 03, 2013, 12:48:57 PMThis idea of linking in this way sounds a bad idea on compatibility issues but also identity issues. And, anyone for some spam?
Of course it is something that needs to be well developed, and needs a Simply Machine behind. Like the development of SMF in rearguard of permissions is developed already, it does not seem to be a problem. You can allow a guest or member group to post or not, if there is a Global-SMF-membergoup it should be no problem at all. If you would set your permissions for  "Global-SMF-membergoup" equal with those of a guest, there is no different at all. The second level of this idea would be a "Join adventure - forums - memeber group", so for example the membership of "XYZ-Forum" which was added by inter-bridging to another forum.

Quote from: enypsrozar on March 03, 2013, 12:48:57 PMOkay so maybe I'm not the most constructive person around here for this topic, but I call a problematic idea when I see one. You're welcome. O:)
I would not say so. Every expressed doubt is better as not expressing it. Of course it make only sense (for the individual person) if one is interested in getting involved. Nevertheless, even not really interested and more on the level "Just state your point and move on." can help those who are open to ideas even it was meant with some aversion or greed.
If you intention was good, even critical expressions will be supportive for your self. Nobody is able to pump good intentions into somebody else. One needs to see the useful stuff by one self, no other way at all.

Quote from: enypsrozar on March 03, 2013, 12:48:57 PMI feel I'd be shamelessly rehashing my old post if I elaborated so I'll opt for a short post. And press Post before I change my mind.
Remorse is the protector of the world, so it's always good to listen to it. But there is also wrong and right shame. One should not have shame to do or say right and good things, even if the group pressure inducts different fear because it is not usual at all. But this fear (shame) is merely a egoistic and lesser what is meant by moral shame.
Sure, sometimes group shame and conducts do not compare with ones personal development of moral shame. If one just to follow the group pressure or keeps his heart open even it goes against the stream is a always a matter of courage. But I guess run to much off topic even this is of course a subtle issue in regard of Global-SMF as well. A good group pressure as well as a let it run and follow the mainstream, both has impact of each other. A non-group is a group as well.

Quote from: enypsrozar on March 03, 2013, 01:03:10 PMBecause of this and the above, I will let this thread go.
I know this promises well. One step inside and you are caught. If a simply declaration would be that easy that whole life would be easy. Letting go is not so easy as it seem. Displace might work for a good while but as you had seen, even a 3 month old post came back to your mind. So it was simply displaced and still not having let go of it. (that is called trauma, small or large is not the question, but the process is the same)
Now or later. You are in, whether you want or not. And there is nothing bad with it, actually the opposite if made wise.


*buries head in hands, muttering a prayer to his false deities*

Quotethat's the problem with believe, we just believe.

I have no idea what you believe. You seem to believe that obfuscating what might have been a useful discussion with clouds of nonsense is helpful.

I believe you need to smoke something quite possibly illegal that will mess with your mind for you to understand what is so wrong here - it's like you're just not on the same level of thinking as normal people.

Quoteif your impression is like we would act feisty with each other, but like always it's a matter of the observer.

Any other observer in this discussion would conclude that you're talking utter nonsense and the rest of us are getting increasingly pissed off with wasting time trying to get through to you.

QuoteFor sure it is correct that we tease each other a little, but that is just to get the cache empty.

<insert string of profanities> NO FOR ****** SAKE NO.

There's no teasing going on. There is you talking ****** and there is us wasting time trying to understand you. The only teasing is the amount of time you're wasting in our lives. I know one moderator today has threatened to close this thread but hopes in vain that you'll start to make sense. CLEAN *YOUR* CACHE. We're not the ones who have a communication problem.

QuoteIf you would set your permissions for  "Global-SMF-membergoup" equal with those of a guest, there is no different at all. The second level of this idea would be a "Join adventure - forums - memeber group", so for example the membership of "XYZ-Forum" which was added by inter-bridging to another forum.

If only you had any inkling of what was wrong with your logic, but suffice to say, it doesn't work like that and no I'm not going to explain my logic to you until you start talking simple English.

QuoteNevertheless, even not really interested and more on the level "Just state your point and move on." can help those who are open to ideas even it was meant with some aversion or greed.

I'm open to ideas. I'm not open to ideas dressed up in six tons of crap that I have to wade through to get to the idea. The only aversion is to YOUR ATTITUDE.

QuoteLetting go is not so easy as it seem.

That's certainly evident in dealing with your moronic posting. I am running out of words to describe it.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Hey Johann B, it's funny that you attempt to put yourself off as some sort of intelligent being but your spelling and grammar bypasses your disguise as it is second only to a fourth grader. Make sure to register at my new site when it opens so I toss your IP into the Ban wagon.

Thanks.  ;)
No, I will not offer free downloads to Premium DzinerStuido themes. Please stop asking.

Dear Shenita574, ARG, Arantor, other participators,

I am used to it, but I appreciate your honesty. Maybe you give me about 3 or 4h and I will try to explain its function and benefit in another way. Simply on topic.


Maybe you give me about 3 or 4h and I will try to explain its function and benefit in another way...

Please don't.


I made it a little shorter as estimated....

Note: This is a SMF Feeback - Forum. It might be that some points here will be not interesting for you or for you and maybe even not pleasant. Actually it's directed to the management, who ever feels in charge of it and it would be natural that not everybody understands what is meant or values it.

Its a wish for feedback forum and such is very important even it might itchy sometimes, it is at least also a pool of giving back. It could be, that you as a reader are not able to receive or get something out of it and even others who actually like to have critical feedback and hints will not have an easy to take out the essential.

Here we go for a last time (estimated)

The whole concept is based on simply estimations and all numbers are fictive as well as it is just a simply presentation. Over all I don't think that even a one million dollar project studies would lead to general different results. But that is assumed as well. Maybe good maybe not so good.

Current Situation (estimated)

SMF User (fictive licences & factor per lisence)

100.000 lisences / 500 user per lisence

Enduser 50.000.000 -> participating in Community & Development 0,04% =    20.000
Developer 2.000 - > participating in Community & Development 50% =    1.000
Forum Admin 200.000- > participating in Community & Development 50% =    100.000
Forum Owner  50.000 - > participating in Community & Development 50% =    25.000
Others, secondary user, interested persons   ................................................................4.000
"Active Members" in the community   .........................................................................150.000

(Note: if Forum Owner = Forum Admin it is counted under Forum Admin)

SMF- Quality:
Dependency and Interaction

Interactive participation   Active User   value in Persons   value in %

60 % Developers............1.000........600   2%
25 % Forum Admin......100.000....25.000   87%
10 % Forum Owner........25.000......2.500   9%
>5 % Enduser...............20.000.........500   2%

The main group of interaction are Forum Admins and the whole system of development depends on the Forum Admins. There will to interact, their integrity, their virtue...

Technical Input quality in regard of the kind of participator

Qualification   value (interaction)   value   Input value
Developers 100%.......2   200   21%
Forum Admin 50%......87   435   46%
Forum Owner 30%.....9   210   22%
Enduser 50%.............2   100   11%
Sum..................................945   100%

Also here it is visible that the whole system stands and falls with the Admins, their quality and will to participate.

Developers are merely a minority but are the most integrated and with it most powerful part on the system. Of course there is also strong dependency between Forum Owner and Forum Admins and the developer if they are financial dependent on them.

The participation and flow back from the end uses is very low. How ever this group has a long time impact on SMF but the impact is actually very temporally delayed and hard to estimate form the SMF team as there is also no real feed back and measure system.

Current flows of Information, Feedback and release availableness.

This graphic may show the current situation of participating and flow in regard of the different kinds of SMF community members.

Abstract of the current situation:

The present SMF – Society can be compared with a liberal feudal system. While the King (SMF team) gives rights (free) to the Forum Owner, the Admins are like the ministers of small realms. The community of developers could be compared with mercenaries who merely work in regard of the wishes from the sponsors or in regard of their joy with the work it self.
The end user plays only a minor rule in the whole system but is the at least the supplier. The bonding of the supplier (end user) is primarily torward the Forumadmin (& / or Owner). As long as the end user gets the food he expected and as long as the Forum admin is active involved to provide this food, the whole system works good.

If the Forum admin (&/or owner) is no more able to fit the wishes of the end user, he will lose them easy if other landowner offer alternative and more attractive playground.

One great danger in a feudal system is the fall into corruption of the dukes (Admin & Owner). If they fail to supply an balance of giving and taking indirectly between end user and the king but work simply for their benefit it limits the prosperity below them as well as under them at the same time while the king and the end user might be not aware oft the situation and the break down of the whole empire is a merely spontaneous.

The second danger of such an empire is the dependency of an honored king (SMF team). If this king dies or his policy is not able to guide the dukes (admins and owner) well, the Kingdom easily splits and finally disappears. The dukes will remain how ever.

Also the mercenaries are playing a very important rule and as long as they feel obligated at least to the king (whether he is the one who feeds or gives the value of honorable indirectly –see: Sub-fonding of mod - developers from the mothership).

The fourth danger is the danger of organizational blindness as the whole team in charge is mainly a technical team and especial technical specialist have a huge tendency to what is called "nerd" (somebody how might be a guru in his profession but has no ideas of what is going on beside of it and mostly less general knowledge). That is normal within an organization and if the management is able to use it well there is no danger, but if the whole management is of the same color, it leads easy to simply global maverick-hood within a community. A kind of community blindness.

All this dangers are not so big if there is a kind of direct interacting or a feeling of togetherness. The only reference for the user is the duke or his realm but there is mainly no identification with SMF. If the identification with the duke or his forum fails there is not a little bound to SMF it self.

So the end user is easy to move away from SMF at least and his bondage simply exists within the forum and its qualities among the dukes' possibilities and effort.

The current advantages and disadvantages of SMF form a end user view:

As long as the admin and the owner are very active and also supply the demands of the developer SMF is a very good field to feed and play. The dangerous limit is if the owner and admin fail to bring constant new wind and participator as a static community never last long and need its alternations and fresh inputs.
The big advantage of SMF or forums general is that they enable a good administrate-able field of discussion. That is the big lack of the most social systems.

The disadvantages of SMF or forums generally are, that the spectrum of food is limited to a small realm and dependent on its function. Users are coming and going and I guess the normal time of duration of participating is not more as 5 Month on one forum. Then the ordinary user changes two or three times and after 3 years he/she will abound the participation on forums totally as it is of course also not easy to keep ones avatar long lasting within a particular community.

Comparison with Social networks:

Social networks have the opposite tendencies like SMF for example. They pull the flow out and forums are mainly suppliers but nearly never in the other direction.
While most social networks have focused on much individualism the end user need the participation in groups and discussions are loved. Most lack on a good system but there (as much as I know) are many efforts to make it to a different on facebook for example where are experiments of quoting to a particular post (maybe it already exists, it was a half a year ago as I heard about it).
Today leaders are blogs, as they also supply some interacting between individuals and cross postings, but they are little limited in regard of communities.
SMF and forums are mainly group adventures and have less value on the individual. That is of course the reason why there are more and more forums. As soon as one jumps of  a group he/she founds his own forum. So forums will grow more and more, but will also reach a level where the interaction will be missed and as there is no possibility within the global forum community they will search for alternatives.

Solution to prevent for future or maybe already existence tendencies:

SMF has actually a hidden costumer quantity which is not small and counts for sure millions of participators who are not actively involved or bound to SMF.

A GLOBAL SMF membership would satisfy the end user, the duke and the king as well and could create a huge side social system of a different kind and in an environment of giving and taking and not simply consuming.

It would allow and encourage even to more and smaller communities without the disadvantage of losing the connection to a bigger group, no exactly the opposite. While it would bring the possibilities of join adventures among existing boards, it opens the SMF end user to stay within the community of SMF.

If a commercial social network would develop such it would properly need some million dollars to bring it to the end user, within the SMF community it simply needs the participation and valuing of the current active community members.

The threefold bounding in a network of giving and taking:

It's very important to understand that actually nothing in this world is free and it is good to transport it honest to the end user as well. It might be, even it is rare, that somebody likes to give something for free, but that does not mean that there will be a receiver who is able to take it.
Sometimes we see that system, sometimes not and there is a reason why people sometimes even get angry if they are given to much which they are not able to return.
Facebook is a sample. If you can not give something back – for example through identification and honor – you might even be angry and like to blame the giver for having bad intentions while giving. Actually one has taken to much but sees no possibility to pay it back as it might be that it is not possible to honor and value this or that way of acting.

A good community exists when the giving and taking is balanced. A simply consuming society will live joyful for a while but face a bad future as the past merits will run out sooner or later.

Currently there is only one real bound and that is on the base of the software license and all around it depends on the effort and involvement of the participator. So there is just a contract between the king and the duke and even his further actions are mainly out of range of the king.

The threefold bounding of Global SMF would exist without touching or change the current policy in regard of SMF software but offer a free participation in a different social network.

A participating of the forum on an network of GLOBAL –SMF a little similar like the news-feed or support system now but more in direction of better feedback.

GLOBAL SMF Forum – Join Adventure:
Within the participation on the big SMF community ones forum is listed and free to connect with others or the mother community.
With it there will be much more interacting between the boards as well as feedback stream to the mother community. General conducts of usage could be bound to the use of this tool. That goes in direction of the quality of forum owner and user as well especially in regard of virtue. For example if somebody is using the software to deal with drugs, sexual misconducts, hacker paradise or bootleg "fine", but not possible within the GLOBAL SMF Forum membership. The closer interacting of the single forums will regulate some good amount of reputation for the SMF users.

GLOBAL SMF User Accessibility:
Within the individual regulations of the single boards SMF GLOBAL USER have the possibility to access other forums and cross post with relation to their home board. The home board could be the mother community of SMF as well.
A user would not need to leave the SMF sphere if he/she does not find food on particular boards but will find connection to others as well. Of course there is some amount of advantage in regard of permanent misuses as well. But the accessibility direct to the particular boards would also hinder the danger of global mobbing as well.

Closing rate:

I guess the further development is good left within the SMF-community and the SMF-Team it self and I guess it is a field of joy with great work and individual ideas. Of course it could be developed this a firm and executable requirement specification as well but that you take the join within community work and collective creativity.
At the end even somebody would come and threat with a 200.000 + 2.000 dollar bill and that would make nobody happy as only own work will bring real and lasting joy.

I hope I could finally transport some points and the need of "Sub fonding for developers" development of language issues and real "multilingualism" and the very need of waking up the huge potential of the end user and their capacity to make it to a long lasting and heal "global community". All of them are simply small parts and steps within a simply machine and maybe there will be soon a social button around the websites of the internet realm.

Why make it complicate if you can have your own Simple machine?


well, a few things...

1- your model is just plain wrong. That's not how things are.
2- your concept, as we have already explained - while there could be interested between 2-3, maybe even 5 different forums to share - there is no point no interest (I would go so far as to say active DISinterest) in making sn SMF webring across "all smf" sites.
3- you just don't listen/read  ---   or maybe more to the point, you actively dismiss anyone who (and ignore any concept which) disagrees with your preconceived notion of how you think the world SHOULD work.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."

Remember those things in latest two years.


what on earth was all that?  SMF meets a very drunk Shakespeare?
