Forum Title

Started by antler, June 28, 2013, 04:12:52 PM

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Is there a way to increase the Font size of the "Forum Title" in code somewhere? I know you can't do it in admin "server settings" but suspect there is a way.


Don't quote me, on this, coz I could be very, very wrong and I haven't tested it... ;) So, keep a copy of the file, as a backup, OK?

In the theme's index/template.php, find this:

<div id="wrapper" style="width: ' . $settings['forum_width'] . '">' : '', '
   <div id="header"><div class="frame">
      <div id="top_section">
         <h1 class="forumtitle">
            <a href="', $scripturl, '">', empty($context['header_logo_url_html_safe']) ? $context['forum_name'] : '<img src="' . $context['header_logo_url_html_safe'] . '" alt="' . $context['forum_name'] . '" />', '</a>

And change the"h1" bits, in red, to "h2", "h3", or whatever floats your boat.  :)

(I avoided using code tags, so that the red bits show up, so the formatting won't be right).


try index.css (about line 1375)

h1.forumtitle {
line-height: 45px; <=============== edit this ##
font-size: 1.8em;
font-family: Geneva, verdana, sans-serif;
margin: 0 0 0 40%;
padding: 0;
float: left;

I use an image - not text - and I made my image be 50px tall to fit in the space
not sure if you make title tooooooooooo tall
it might overflow the color scheme

another thought
forum title and other 'frills' consume user experience space
ergo - not make title to big IMHO


K@  I can find     <div id="wrapper" style="width: ' . $settings['forum_width'] . '">' : '', '
                         <div id="header"><div class="frame">
but none of the rest of the code. I am using Actualism 204

Dragon   same story, the code doesn't exist in index.css

Thanks for trying though

