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Started by AzaToth, September 25, 2005, 06:50:16 PM

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Quote from: HarzeM on April 16, 2006, 09:11:55 AM
This mod is great, especially for forums that are about programming, like mine :)

Thanks for everyone who brought that mod from beginning of geshi up to RC2 compatibility :)

That's why im also using this mod :) its great for coders!


Well I have another theme that usually are not default and classic. Who I can add the Geshi to my Editor? Maybe in a select menu.


I can't get it work with SMF 1.1 RC2 and i installed the posted mod for this version of SMF.

Installing this package will perform the following actions:
   Type    Action    Description
1.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/Subs.php    Test failed
2.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/style.css    Test successful
3.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/classic/style.css    Test successful
4.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/default/Post.template.php    Test successful
5.    Execute Modification    ./Themes/classic/Post.template.php    Test successful
6.    Extract Tree    ./Sources/geshi

And if i continue installing (was not recommended) i get the following error when i try to post a message which contains something like
Quote[syntax=language]some code bla bla bla[/language]
i can post but i get something like this:
as if i would include no code inside [syntax=language][/syntax]

anyone who can help me??  :'(

P.S. i tried to put up version 1.1 RC1 with the related Geshi mod version. And when i try to post, i get the following message:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: geshi in /web/htdocs/ : runtime-created function on line 14
My Projects: SOLDAT Italia


Can;t you edit the subs file manually?


Quote from: ArkServer on May 24, 2006, 07:30:29 PM
Can't you edit the subs file manually?
and how should i edit it?

i took it as it came with the whole forum.

ps: the installation of mod with SMF 1.1 RC1 is successful even if in the point 1, so it should work fine. But when i try posting or previewing a message, it gives me that error.
I do not want to find another board in which this highlighter works.
Thank you in advance
My Projects: SOLDAT Italia


What other mods do you have?


absolutely no others.

1. I tried reuploading Subs.php file to /Sources dir, with no result.
2. I am not totally stranger to programming, so i gave a look to line 1110 in Subs.php and i noticed:
'validate' => isset($disabled['code']) ? null : create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', '
global $context;

and i modified it by removing the space
'validate' => isset($disabled['code']) ? null : create_function('&$tag, &$data, $disabled', 'global $context;

3. By doing this the problem is solved, but the result i get is that if i use
Code ($language) Select
bla bla bla bla i get the same of bla bla bla bla  with absolutely no highlighting >:(

i'm sorry, i got a very good impression by this bulletin board, but for this problem i think to look forward to vBulletin because i need this problem solved as soon as possible :(
My Projects: SOLDAT Italia


It's strange to see you can't install this mod. I have this mod and it installs and works nice.

Can you try installing another mod? We should identify the problem, whether it is about this specific package or for all packages.


i tried installing other mods and all works fine. :|
My Projects: SOLDAT Italia


i am definitely back to SMF because I begin to love it and i finally succeed in installing GeSHiSmf, and it's so great mod  :-*
My Projects: SOLDAT Italia


if one would like to add new languages or update the geshi.php engine, is it enough uploading the updated geshi.php file and new (or updated) language files and modifying the list box from which select the language to highlight???
If affermative, is correct adding options to listbox like this:
<option value="languagex"> Language X </option>
where in /geshi/ there is a file called languagex.php
My Projects: SOLDAT Italia


theshown: mind sharing how you finally fixed it? I've been trying to get GeSHiSmf 0.0.8 to work on my forum for a while now, running 1.1 RC2. I'm getting the same error message you were:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: geshi in blahblah/testforum/Sources/Subs.php(1158) : runtime-created function on line 14

I haven't had any problems installing other mods, and as you can see, I even made a test forum running a clean 1.1 RC2, no other mods, with it's own database.


I remember that i got errors in installing this mod because at that time I didn't know at all the Auto Installer utility inside SMF Forum Administation. Then I simply downloaded the 0.0.8 version of the mod and uploaded the package through the form in "Dowloaded Packages" page in "Packages" section. And all  worked fine. Then i upgraded the languages come with the package with the ones of Geshi project and added the new languages to the posting form list box ;) And all worked fine again.
My Projects: SOLDAT Italia


Wow, it actually worked. Uploading the file (whether the unpacked directory or the gzipped file) through FireFTP didn't work, but using SMF's upload script did work. Strange how that works, but it works, so it's all good.

Thanks a lot, theshown.


any word on an update for RC3?


I want to upgrade to RC3..., but I want that some mods can be compatible..., and this is one of them...

Any idea when this is ok?

Quote from: Eliana Tamerin on August 23, 2008, 04:10:10 PM
SMF 7 is where it gets good. That has time travel. You can go back and post before the guy who flamed you. :P


I have updated it for RC3:

Changes from GeSHiSmf 0.0.8:

-changed the SMF indicated version from RC2 to RC3
-changed font-size from 1.3em to 1em
-removed GeSHi header and footer from highlighted code
-upgraded GeSHi version to
-added the new languages in the new GeSHi version to GeSHiSmf


Thank you so much!
PS: I found a bug.
When you want to have a "viewable" code, it wil interprete the spaces as   (That is only in preview tho :) )
PPS: Is it possible, to make it show the line number? [nonactive] [nonactive] [nonactive]


Quote from: HecKel on August 24, 2006, 10:49:37 PM
I want to upgrade to RC3..., but I want that some mods can be compatible..., and this is one of them...

Any idea when this is ok?

I jump on is ASAP.


Released now 0.0.9.

Changes form 0.0.8:

  • Compatible with 1.1 RC3
  • Updated GeSHi to
  • Reduced the font-size to 1.2 em
  • Changed the background color to more blueish
  • added theme-dependent settings to enable and dissable line numbers, headers and footers
