Post reply sometimes very slow

Started by Guy Verschuere, January 11, 2014, 03:59:14 AM

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Quote from: margarett on January 11, 2014, 11:26:39 AM
The new informations will only show to you as admin.
So, try to cause that issue and check the results at the bottom

actually $db_show_debug = true; shows to everyone and could be a security issue if left on for a long time. although there is a mod that will make it only show to admin.

and the time per page load is shown to everyone but not a security issue.

Guy Verschuere

Just had another slow load but didn't see any debug message.
Don't know if "Page created in 0.172 seconds with 31 queries." means anything using the quick reply box...

Guy Verschuere

Ooh, nice, the debug info is in black on the black background :p

Page created in 0.122 seconds with 26 queries.

Altough, the page took about 8 seconds.

The Show queries link doesn't work.

Templates: 3: index (default), Display (default), Alerts (default).
Sub templates: 6: init, html_above, body_above, main, body_below, html_below.
Language files: 1: hs4smf.english (default).
Style sheets: 0: .
Files included: 33 - 850KB. (./index.php, ./Settings.php, ./Sources/QueryString.php, ./Sources/Subs.php, ./Sources/Errors.php, ./Sources/Load.php, ./Sources/Security.php, ./Sources/Subs-Db-mysql.php, ./Sources/ActivityBar.php, ./Sources/Subs-MobileDetect.php, ./Sources/Subs-UsersOnlineToday.php, ./LikesBasics.php, ./Sources/ScheduledTasks.php, ./Themes/default/languages/index.english.php, ./Themes/default/languages/Modifications.english.php, ./Themes/default/languages/Likes.english.php, ./Sources/Subs-Pagination.php, ./Sources/Subs-Tapatalk.php, ./Sources/Alerts.php, ./Themes/default/languages/Alerts.english.php, ./Sources/Subs-SimpleColorizer.php, ./Sources/hs4smf-Subs.php,, ./Themes/default/index.template.php, ./Sources/Display.php, ./Themes/default/Display.template.php, ./Sources/TopicViewLog.php, ./Sources/Subs-Likes.php, ./Sources/AutoEmbedMediaPro2.php, ./cache/mediaprocache.php, ./analytics.php, ./Themes/default/Alerts.template.php, ./Themes/default/languages/hs4smf.english.php)
Cache hits: 18: 0,01200s for 78.501 bytes (get modSettings: 0,00005s - 0 bytes, put modSettings: 0,00661s - 53071 bytes, get user_settings-155: 0,00066s - 0 bytes, put user_settings-155: 0,00032s - 2404 bytes, get board_parents-0: 0,00020s - 6 bytes, put topic_board-5886: 0,00020s - 910 bytes, put board-21: 0,00018s - 910 bytes, get theme_settings-1:155: 0,00022s - 2931 bytes, get response_prefix: 0,00036s - 11 bytes, get parsing_smileys: 0,00031s - 1584 bytes, get menu_buttons-1_0_41_43_10_40_52_16_11-english: 0,00043s - 6440 bytes, put menu_buttons-1_0_41_43_10_40_52_16_11-english: 0,00050s - 6440 bytes, get parse:38355-4cbba5015c572c4be042f26eb9554323: 0,00029s - 0 bytes, get countreportsupdated913: 0,00033s - 8 bytes, get likes_post_38355: 0,00027s - 3759 bytes, get countreportsupdated424: 0,00038s - 9 bytes, get countreportsupdated913: 0,00029s - 8 bytes, get countreportsupdated155: 0,00041s - 10 bytes)
Queries used: 26.

[Show Queries]

In the Apache access logs I find this, wich means it took 5 seconds between the post and the start of loading the new page.

[11/Jan/2014:21:19:24 +0100] "POST /index.php?board=21;action=post2 HTTP/1.1" 302 498 ";topicseen" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36"
[11/Jan/2014:21:19:29 +0100] "GET /index.php/topic, HTTP/1.1" 200 12840 ";topicseen" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36"

Guy Verschuere

PHP Upgrade gedaan van 5.4.4 naar 5.5.8, ziet er op het eerste zicht naar uit dat het nog erger geworden is.
Door die upgrade is het nu uiteraard wel Opcache ipv APCache geworden.


I wouldn't have upgraded yet if that was me, still too many compatibility issues with 5.5 especially with some mods.

Have you tried turning off your ban system ? I couldn't help but notice that K@ said it was whizzy after you turned it off in the posts above.

Are you using the newer asynchronous adsense code ? Although that should be better and avoid latency it's actually worse for some people with the symptoms you mention (no idea why though). It might seriously be worth changing it back.

(P.S. Please write in english in the board)   ;)

Guy Verschuere

Sorry, forgot I was in the English board...

The Fail2ban system is altered so that broken img links don't count as an error anymore.
Like said before, browsing the forum is allways extremely fast. Just a posting a reply or sending a private message sometimes takes very long.
Even while deactivated the adsense code the problem persist.

Guy Verschuere

There were indeed some issues with PHP 5.5, especially the Alerts system didn't work anymore so I reverted to PHP 5.4.
It still happens and I don't seem to pinpoint when exactly it occurs. Really frustrating  :'(

Guy Verschuere

Aha, found something that could lead you guys to a solution...
It isn't actually the posting that goes slow, but the refresh of the page after that.
Found that out when I submitted a reply and my girlfriend could read it instantly while my browser was still waiting.
Btw: issue also happens when using Tapatalk. So it's a quit general issue on my forum.
