The SMF project welcomes Illori as the new PM!

Started by Kindred, February 13, 2017, 09:33:31 AM

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Congratulations Illori and, no doubt on behalf of all SMF users, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU !!!
"Put as much effort into your question as you'd expect someone to give in an answer"

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with questions on astrophysics or theology.  You will get better and faster responses by asking homeless people in the street. Thank you.

Be the person your dog thinks you are.


The configuration of my Linux VPS (SMF 2.0 with 160+ mods & some assorted manual tweaks) can be found here and notes on my mods can be found here (warning: those links will take you to a drug related forum). My (House) music DJ dedication page is here


Congratulations Illori! You will be a great Project Manager.


SMF 2.1.4 / TP 2.2.2


Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful ...

"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas


2.0.19, php 8.0.30, MariaDB 10.6.18. Mods: Contact Page, Like Posts, Responsive Curve, Search Focus Dropdown, Add Join Date to Post.
Stand with 🇺🇦


Congrats Illori!  I hope you make project managing great again!

Now let's get this thing pushed to RC!
Don't email me, PM me, IM me, contact me, look at me, breath on me, or even attempt to think about thinking of contacting me.  If you do, I will send you to the correct forum to post, where I will promptly tell you that you posted in the wrong forum.


No, I will not offer free downloads to Premium DzinerStuido themes. Please stop asking.


"You and me, inside that box, now." - The Doctor

Bite Fusion
Fusion Web Network
VG Fusion
Wrestling Fusion + Wrestling Fusion Forums



Greetings and best energy to You!

Is positive to see  that female spirits figure in so many of the products that i admire, PortaMX  feline  and now Illori in here, giving me this mystical comfort that i need.

Really needed for us, to have theoretically more life orjentated thoughts in the machine worlds we use.

for starting upgrade we can eliminate this terrible capta system (this must be world whorst one with out exeption, as being registered in more then 100 forums, i know)


The captcha is being discussed for this forum.
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


I promise you nothing.

Sesqu... Sesqui... what?
Sesquipedalian, the best word in the English language.


Congratulations to Ilori! I hope the good days are awaiting us.


Congratulations Illori.  I'm hoping that focus can be placed on Beta3 then RC1 issues in Github.


