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SMF 2.1 Beta 2 Released

Started by Oldiesmann, July 16, 2015, 05:45:30 PM

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Nope, 2.1 now includes reCAPTCHA, though it does also include some of the measures that were added to Misc Anti Spam and it also includes the multi-language/multi-answer Q&A features.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Multi language Q&A and reCAPTCHA added.


I thought I already pointed this out? I know the multi-language Q&A is in 2.1, it has been for nearly 3 years. I also know my CAPTCHA isn't integrated, because it was never retooled for the changes in 2.1 e.g. the different fonts.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on February 24, 2017, 04:29:13 PM
But it's not a completely new version and calling it 3.0 is mispresentative.

2.1's theme is an evolution on top of 2.0's, so much so that it is literally called 'Curve 2'. I also suspect that someone will remake the 2.0 theme for 2.1 with all the goodies and shiny things like much improved mobile support (like 2.1 already has out of the box and that 2.0 can't do with its current theme)

2.1 is also built directly on top of 2.0, in a way that a 3.0 wouldn't be.

Though I find it interesting that the look is the only comment, and not any of the new features, like draft posting, or alerts, or new CAPTCHA to improve registration or... but that your only observation is how it doesn't look like something that was designed 10 years ago and was already out of date when it did finally appear in the first place.

Everything for Users is about LOOK.

"It's the same book, but we changed from black&white to colored pictures. So it is the same book. But, by the way, you have to read it from page bottom to page top."

For You, as developper, all the arguments may be right and You all are proud of what You got out at the end. But please, try also thinking a little bit as a "user since years"! If the "optic" / "surface" is completely different for the users (like MS Office 2003 to Office 2010), let us know that important point by giving it a new version number.

You and Your team grew up over the years with all the new features and optical changes.

We, the admins, have to live AND understand AND explain it to our longtime 1Vxx to 2Vxx clients within days. THEY, our users, have to find their way in the new design. Not YOU. You know it better than ..... Sorry.

You may be right, but I like my opinion better. (Du hast vielleicht Recht, aber meine Meinung gefällt mir besser)  :)

BTW: the differences in optic between 1Vx and 2Vx was ..... nearly nothing .....

Still best regards from GE, your sincerely kubMCC
- Man hat niemals zu viele backups
- Vertraue KEINEM Wiederherstellungspunkt ..
- Der Kopf ist rund damit das Denken die Richtung ändern kann! (Francis Picabia)
- Kein Backup; kein Mitleid!


And yet, you would be wrong, kubMCC...

as an admin or user, you don't get to pick the version numbers.
We use the versioning system which makes sense based on the code...
And 2.1 is closer to 2.0, code-wise, than 2.0 was to 1.1

(And, as proven time and time again...   opinion is fine, except when it is contradicted by fact... and fact always wins)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


The difference visually between 1.0 to 1.1 was huge, 1.1 to 2.0 was huge. 2.0 to 2.1 was less huge for me.

And my experience of users is that once they realise there are new tools for them to post and new ways to work better with the forum, the visual change is far less of a problem.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Well, do mind that 2.1 is responsive, so for thosee who now enter from mobile, will see a huge difference in functionability.
"Greeting Death as an old friend, they departed this life as equals"


Damn, it's tooking more than 1,5 years from BETA 2 to BETA 3. BETA!

Anyway, maybe someone can tell where people can see currently % how much till finish Beta3? I'm not asking for date.


Given that the team has been adding features in recent times, it's really hard to say because they keep moving the target...
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Shkic on March 26, 2017, 05:45:36 PM
Anyway, maybe someone can tell where people can see currently % how much till finish Beta3? I'm not asking for date.

Date or % - that's the same question.
It's impossible to say precisely how far through a task is, as it is an evolving thing.

I'm not sure how often that has to be mentioned on this forum... but evidently several million times....
"Put as much effort into your question as you'd expect someone to give in an answer"

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with questions on astrophysics or theology.  You will get better and faster responses by asking homeless people in the street. Thank you.

Be the person your dog thinks you are.



Quote from: Dylert on March 27, 2017, 01:41:02 AM
It's 1% left and it has been that for 1,5 month.

1% until the team decide to add something, you mean.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Yes, a file was added 4 days ago and the status was 98%. That file was completed quickly. Now there's only one file and, quote "I am shooting to have this out next weekend. Sorry, external work has been a bit busier the past few weeks. Status: In Progress" (written 29/1 2017).


It's "99%" because there is only one issue outstanding out of 135 tagged as beta 3. Given the team keep changing their minds about what beta 3 entails... don't expect that to change.

At present rate, expect a gold release in 2020. When I predicted that in 2012, it seemed funny, five years on and it seems prophetic.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


99.9%. We want to get our 2.0.14 first and then shipping Beta 3 is next in line. There has been a lot of good progress and we are nearly there. Hang tight.
"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody is not thinking." - Gen. George S. Patton Jr.



Thanks a lot for the great work you do! I love SMF 2.0.x and I will love 2.1! :)


Quote from: Colin on March 27, 2017, 03:10:46 AM
99.9%. We want to get our 2.0.14 first and then shipping Beta 3 is next in line.

I'm happy to hear that - as it's getting very expensive for me to rent a second dedicated server to run my PHP 7 applications on.


Quote from: Colin on March 27, 2017, 03:10:46 AM
99.9%. We want to get our 2.0.14 first and then shipping Beta 3 is next in line. There has been a lot of good progress and we are nearly there. Hang tight.

Excellent news !  I'm anxious to get my forum to 2.0.14 also.


Beta3 is now 100% complete:
Does that mean that it is finished and no issue will be added??


Quote from: Dylert on March 27, 2017, 11:30:47 AM
Beta3 is now 100% complete:
Does that mean that it is finished and no issue will be added??

I hope that means 2.0.14 is going to be released soon?

They did say they wanted to get 2.0.x done first before shipping beta 3.
