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SMF Team Changes and Upcoming Releases

Started by Kindred, December 12, 2016, 08:13:10 AM

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Quote from: igirisjin on December 14, 2016, 07:15:42 PM
I do hope SMF gets itself sorted out and perhaps makes its decision making more transparent and democratic - to stop losing staff.
It is falling behind too much and failing dedicated volunteers.

The most popular portal and always in the top 4 of mods, may well be closing its doors next year because there is no demand... people are moving away from SMF and it is not attracting  people as it was before.
Another stalwart supporter of SMF with a portal has recently forked 2.1 and left in frustration.

I have been using SMF since 2010 when there was so  much optimism. I do not want to make these comments but what else can people do... the management system is not working and not fixing it will just continue to hold back SMF.
Spot on, more people need to stand up and say what is wrong.
I hope they sort it as well.

Kingdred PM LOL...............
You can't fool a sufficiently talented fool.
In Design Phase!

Mods I am designing,  No refresh Collapse Categories , Poll Redesign , Pure CSS Breadcrumb , Profile Statuses, Profile Views.


Quote from: oOo--STAR--oOo on January 27, 2017, 04:13:12 PM
Spot on, more people need to stand up and say what is wrong.
I hope they sort it as well.

Kingdred PM LOL...............

SMF 2.0 is among the best out there.   Any review, even a current review, in this space has SMF in the top 3.  Often #1.  Even when up against paid products.  That's impressive.  This team is on top of any & all issues & has an excellent track record on the security front.  Slow and steady is, in fact, winning the race. 

SMF 2.1 is on the way.  It was ambitious & needs further TLC.  I admire the team for sticking to their mission & waiting until it is ready despite the pressures. 

If anyone needs standing up against it's the critics who fling these anonymous criticisms.  It places inappropriate pressure on a volunteer team that is basically working in a fishbowl for all to see.  That unnecessarily increases the frustration felt by team members. 

People fork.  That's the purpose of open source.  If someone has a better idea & goes for it - I think we would all agree that's a beautiful thing. 

All good PMs are cranky.  Get over it. 
A question worth asking is born in experience & driven by necessity. - Fripp


I'm waiting for 2.0.14 because now my forum is on old, broken hardware and I can't migrate it because of modern OSes support only PHP7)) And I have a small question: I've found SMF2.1 branch with bugtracker, milestones etc on (so as I see beta3 will be rather soon:  8) ) But where is bugtracker, code, milestones etc for 2.0.x?


it is not public.

Also, any decent host will continue to support php5.6 for quite a while yet.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


QuoteI have to say its a more positive statement than, "it will be ready when its ready". Reapeating that for years wins no fans at all.
    Even guess-timates like 75% ready.... 80% ready, 95%, 98% (without time) is better than nothing.

We don't even know that. We may encounter some new bugs while testing a new release that makes us decrease that number.

Just like software when it installs on a pc it shows time left, and sometimes that goes backwards (gets longer). That's not a problem I think as we can see it is getting closer on average.

QuoteOr add features this late in the day that require more testing.

Seriously.... when Arantor is one of the people complaining about users moaning about more delays and saying there aren't enough resources.... then saying it could take longer if extra features are added at the last minute.

Is that really what everyone wants now? More delays while (the dwindling number of) devs left here, play around adding new features.
Well, I've seen ot all, but maybe not as this is SiMply F**ked.


As has already been said.....  NO.   I am sorry it it offends your sensibilities, but SMF never has and will never announce release dates or estimates like that.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


To comment on the post about forums not being what they used to be.  Forums haven't changed, behavior has.  I believe the day will come that people realize facebutt and the like are as childish as they really are.  An exchange of information more sophisticated than 'Yay' is what I desire.  If there's only ten people left in the world that feel the same way, that's where I will be.  Thanks for the info on the changes Kindred.


Quote from: mj. on February 12, 2017, 06:37:28 PM... the day will come that people realize facebutt and the like are as childish as they really are ...

I seriously doubt it. Too many of today's youth are brought up on it and know nothing else. It's their first online experience and that's what they'll stick with. It's only those of us who've experienced both farcebook and forums who understand how much of your privacy you're giving away these days.
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


I respect your opinion, but I see plenty of disenchantment with social media and their policies already, without even bringing privacy into the conversation.  But, this isn't really the place for this conversation so I'll zip it on this subject now.
