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Get To Know The Team - d3vcho

Started by d3vcho, December 23, 2016, 11:47:06 AM

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Name: Fran Domínguez
Age: 18
Location: Granada, Spain
Quote: "Lay away a place for me, 'cause as soon as I'm done I'll be on my way"
Position: Localizer

  • Do you have pets?
    Yes, a dog called Betty
  • What is your favorite color?
    Depends on the moment, but I really like navy blue
  • What kind of music do you like?
    Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Nu Metal and some other unnecessary Metal subgenres. My favourite bands are System of a Down, Avenged Sevenfold, Dragonforce...
  • What do you do on your free time besides spending time on SMF?
    Watching some series/films, listening to music, meet with friends...
  • What are your goals/dreams in life?
    I've always wanted to live in Finland for no reason. Before that, I'd like to get a degree on Informatic Engineering
  • What got you involved in SMF?
    I joined a popular Spanish forum using SMF around 2008. That forum used to be my "main project" until it shut down this year, and then I decided to look forward to new objectives, and I decided to get involved with SMF
  • Who do you admire? Why?
    Those who never give up
  • Are you into sports?  If so which ones?
    Yeah, a lot! I currently practice Karate (I'm black belt though) and I also play other sports as a hobbie, such as soccer. I love to watch almost every sport, but I really enjoy Formula 1, MotoGP and Tennis.
  • What is your dream job?
    Software Engineer. I know I wanted to be Software Engineer since I was 9 or 10.
  • What was your first screenname?
    -fr@nky-B (around 2007)
  • Do you have any piercings?
    Nope. Nor planning to get one.
  • Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous?
    Mostly righty, but I am able to do a lot of things with my left :)
  • Do you have any tattoo's?  If not do you wish/plan to get one?
    No and no. I hate tattoo's.
  • Do you have any siblings?  If so, how many of each?
    Yes, an older sister
  • What is your favorite website?
    KekoMundo (the one I mentioned before) and this one  8)
  • Do you play computer games?  If so, which ones?
    Not really. I used to play Warrock and SA:MP long ago but my computer usually burst when playing any game
    Back with WarRock and League of Legends (since I got a new laptop!)
  • Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones?
    I have a PS3 and I play Formula 1, Call of Duty & GTA V sometimes
  • Are you married or planing to get married?

    • If so do you have any kids?
    • How many kids?
  • How many languages do you speak?  If so which ones?
    Spanish and English fluently and bits of Portuguese and German
  • Do you drink?
    Sometimes, just in special events
  • Do you smoke?
  • Did you play hookey from class?
    Too much. Even more that I'd like
  • Do you have a license?

    • Do you own a car?
    • Have you ever been stopped for speeding?
      No(t yet).
  • Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily?
    I try to. My daily goal is to get around 8-9 sleeping hours
  • How do you sleep?
    Upside down, usually with my fist touching the floor (don't ask why lol)
  • Have you ever been on an airplane?
    Just once, this year in a trip to Italy
    2 times now, last year to Italy and last summer to Ireland (beautiful place Ireland, though)
  • Have you ever broken a bone?
  • Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear?
    If my watch counts, that's it
    Not anymore
  • How do you dress?
    I don't wear jeans too frequently, just when meeting with friends or special events. I usually wear a sweatshirt and tracksuit pants with trainers. I like to be comfortable :P
  • How many keys are on your keyring?
  • What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up?
    I try to go to bed around 10:30pm and wake up around 7:15am
    I try go to go to bed around 11-11:30pm and wake up around 8:25am
  • What's the freakiest thing you have done?
  • Do you live alone?
  • How many hours a day do you spend in the computer?
    In a school day, around 3-4 up to 12 on weekeds
  • How many hours a day do you spend in SMF?
    Depends on the day, but usually, a lot
  • What is your favorite beverage - coffee, tea, soda, beer, other?
    Sports drink & water
  • What do you hate?
    I don't hate anything in special, I just dislike a lot of things, but I try not to worry about them.
  • What do you love?
  • What is your religion?
    I'm atheist
  • What is your hair color?
  • How tall are you?
    Around 165cm
  • How much do you weigh?
    500 Newtons more or less
  • What's the feature on SMF you can't live without?

    • As an administrator?
    • As an end user?
      Quick reply :P
"Greeting Death as an old friend, they departed this life as equals"


32 is ominously left blank :).

Welcome to the team, Fran. Thanks for all your effort.
"If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody is not thinking." - Gen. George S. Patton Jr.



I hope no one would notice about 32. heh

Thank you Colin :)
"Greeting Death as an old friend, they departed this life as equals"


The obvious question from a fellow fan of Formula 1 is whether you're an Alonso fan?
Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente


Of course I am. Let's see if in this season he can do something more than the previous one, but I doubt it...

Do you like Fernando? :P
"Greeting Death as an old friend, they departed this life as equals"


I am a fan of Alonso, yes, and, had Ferrari not done such a poor job of development, he would have won the world title in 2010 and 2012, so he's unlucky not to be a four time champion.  Whether the McLaren-Honda ever becomes fast enough to give him a chance to win a world title remains very much open to doubt, unfortunately.
Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente



d3vcho isn't alone.  I also find them uncomfortable.
Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente


Perhaps me owning only relaxed fit colors my opinion. skinny jeans are uncomfy, tho...


Any type of jeans are uncomfortable for me. Nothing better than sport clothes :P
"Greeting Death as an old friend, they departed this life as equals"


Welcome man, nice to know more about you

¡¡NEW MOD: Sparkles User Names!!!


Quote from: d3vcho on December 23, 2016, 12:15:36 PM
I hope no one would notice about 32. heh

Thank you Colin :)

And therefore, it is quite disturbing. :P


Fran, do you like to read, and if so, what kind of literature? :)


I'm veery lazy, I don't usually read. I like reading because you can imagine in your mind what happens in the book, but I prefer to spend my time in other things.
I just read the books the school sets as mandatory reading, so like 2 books per year. 1 in Spanish and 1 in English.
"Greeting Death as an old friend, they departed this life as equals"


Just updated this with some fresh info (like, for example, I just got my driving license!)
"Greeting Death as an old friend, they departed this life as equals"


Quote from: d3vcho(); on October 26, 2017, 02:46:12 PM
Just updated this with some fresh info (like, for example, I just got my driving license!)
Congrats on that! :)


Quote from: d3vcho(); on October 26, 2017, 02:46:12 PMI just got my driving license!

* Steve checks to see if he's in the same country ... he's not.

j/k Congrats on the license!
My pet rock is not feeling well. I think it's stoned.


Congratulations on getting your driving licence :).
Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente


Quote from: Dzonny on October 26, 2017, 05:21:03 PM
Congrats on that! :)

Thanks! :P

Quote from: Steve on October 27, 2017, 09:36:12 AM
* Steve checks to see if he's in the same country ... he's not.

j/k Congrats on the license!

If you don't come to Granada in the near future, you'll be safe heh

Quote from: Irisado on October 27, 2017, 09:40:35 AM
Congratulations on getting your driving licence :).

Thank you :)
"Greeting Death as an old friend, they departed this life as equals"

