Better Page Index For Mobile (2.1)

Started by Elf_Bloke, September 15, 2017, 06:43:44 AM

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I understand that this is a break in SMF tradition, however I believe this needs to be done.

Currently the page index ([1] 2 3 ...) is very hard to use on mobile, the link texts are very small and close together, making it hard to tap them accurately.

Considering that 2.1 is a big update introducing responsive design,
I would propose not only increasing the size of them, but also possibly using the button class to make them easier to tap (or click, as either way I feel they are too small).

Your thoughts?


2.1 is still in beta, so it still has many details that could be improved. But good catch, I'll add this to my todo :)


There will be more work towards UX in beta/RC stage, I just need more real-usage data from users to shape it.





yes .. it's from our Forum system ..
and is one of many features we implement  ;)
