Izgled foruma pitanje

Started by mark74, September 11, 2017, 01:40:54 PM

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Imam verziju smf 2,,0,14 i ok je ali imam problem..

kad idem u admin pa foru pa izradi rubrike i kategorije onda u toj sekciji su ok poredani kako se otvore i izrade i forumi i kategorije,

ali ja pocetnoj stranici foruma su poredani i forumi i kategorije po abecedi..

moje je pitanje, gdje se u forumu podesi da na pocetnoj budu forumu ne po abecedi nego poredani kako su  u sekciji admin-forum-izrada kategorija i foruma kako su i tamo poredani.


Please use English outside of the language boards. Post a translation and this can be moved to the 2.0 boards, or to the appropriate language board. Which according to Google translate would be Croatian.
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I  have a smf version 2,, 0,14 and ok but i have a problem ..

when i go to admin and foru, and then make rubrics and categories then in that section are okay to open and create forums and categories,

but the forum page is ranked by forums and categories by alphabet ..

it is my question, where in the forum you set the forum to be in the forum not in alphabetical order but ordered as in the section admin-forum-creating categories and forums as they are arranged there.
Google Prevoditelj za tvrtke:Prevoditeljski alatiPrevoditelj web-lokacija


I'm having a tough time understanding. Are you saying your forum categories are automatically ordered alphabetically?

You can change the order by going to Boards -> Modify Boards. Click on the word 'modify' next to the category name and you'll be given a page where you can select where you want that category to go.
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