MySQL 5.0.12 Compatibility patch

Started by Compuart, November 06, 2005, 09:19:38 PM

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@ ss4vegito

It seems like you didn't overwrite all the files when you downloaded the upgrade package.  Also you did not run upgrade.php.  You will need to download 1.1 RC1 again the upgrade package, not install nor update.  Then using your FTP client overwrite all the files, run upgrade.php.  Then apply this patch.

NOTICE: Doing this will remove any mods that you have installed.
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I used the 'over write your files' method.  unzip/FTP works like a champ...

Now, if I can get that damned email thang worked out....



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I have been getting errors with my new SMF install.  I am using PHP 5.1.1 and MySQL 5.0.

When i try to go into my boards i get: Database error Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.

When i try and 'find and repair' errors i get the following:

Unknown column 't.ID_TOPIC' in 'on clause'
File: c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Sources\RepairBoards.php
Line: 1390

Could this be along the same lines as some of the issues posted here?  Must admit much of it went over my head.

Any help you can give would be great, thanks.


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Yeah, got it and it worked a treat.



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"HELP!!! I've fallen and I can't get up"
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On sorting PMs by "from" I get the following error:

QuoteUnknown column 'pm.ID_MEMBER_FROM' in 'on clause'
File: ***\forum\Sources\InstantMessage.php
Line: 175

Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum files are currently at version SMF 1.0.5, whereas your database is at version SMF 1.0. It is recommended that you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.

Wouldn't upgrade.php have run when I updated to 1.0.5 and won't running it again undo any MySQL 5 corrections made to the db?

I suspect this error is another MySQL 5 incompatibilty in the SMF code.

The code of InstantMessage.php at and before line 175:

// Load the messages up...
$request = db_query("
FROM {$db_prefix}instant_messages AS pm" . ($context['folder'] == 'outbox' ? ($context['sort_by'] == 'name' ? "
LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}im_recipients AS pmr ON (pmr.ID_PM = pm.ID_PM)" : '') : ", {$db_prefix}im_recipients AS pmr") . ($context['sort_by'] == 'name' ? ("
LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.ID_MEMBER = " . ($context['folder'] == 'outbox' ? 'pmr.ID_MEMBER' : 'pm.ID_MEMBER_FROM') . ")") : '') . "
WHERE " . ($context['folder'] == 'outbox' ? "pm.ID_MEMBER_FROM = $ID_MEMBER
AND pm.deletedBySender = 0" : "pm.ID_PM = pmr.ID_PM
AND pmr.deleted = 0") . "
ORDER BY " . ($_GET['sort'] == 'pm.ID_PM' && $context['folder'] != 'outbox' ? 'pmr.ID_PM' : $_GET['sort']) . ($descending ? ' DESC' : ' ASC') . "
LIMIT $_GET[start], $modSettings[defaultMaxMessages]", __FILE__, __LINE__);

Sorting by "subject" or "date" works fine only sorting by "from" gives this error...

NOTE: still running 1.0.5 here.


I get the same results Bonk and have notified the developers.


Stupid MySQL. Replace with:

// Load the messages up...
$request = db_query("
FROM ({$db_prefix}instant_messages AS pm" . ($context['folder'] == 'outbox' ? ($context['sort_by'] == 'name' ? ")
LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}im_recipients AS pmr ON (pmr.ID_PM = pm.ID_PM)" : ')') : ", {$db_prefix}im_recipients AS pmr)") . ($context['sort_by'] == 'name' ? ("
LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.ID_MEMBER = " . ($context['folder'] == 'outbox' ? 'pmr.ID_MEMBER' : 'pm.ID_MEMBER_FROM') . ")") : '') . "
WHERE " . ($context['folder'] == 'outbox' ? "pm.ID_MEMBER_FROM = $ID_MEMBER
AND pm.deletedBySender = 0" : "pm.ID_PM = pmr.ID_PM
AND pmr.deleted = 0") . "
ORDER BY " . ($_GET['sort'] == 'pm.ID_PM' && $context['folder'] != 'outbox' ? 'pmr.ID_PM' : $_GET['sort']) . ($descending ? ' DESC' : ' ASC') . "
LIMIT $_GET[start], $modSettings[defaultMaxMessages]", __FILE__, __LINE__);
I'm only a half geek really...


Note the first post has also been updated. You can simply run the modification called smf_mysql_5.0.12_patch2 if you prefer.
I'm only a half geek really...


Quote from: MikeMill on December 12, 2005, 01:59:22 PM
I get the same results Bonk and have notified the developers.

Thanks. I supect those joins are the issue as that was changed in MySQL 5, I just forget how right now...


Quote from: Grudge on December 12, 2005, 02:31:21 PM
Stupid MySQL. Replace with:

// Load the messages up...
$request = db_query("
FROM ({$db_prefix}instant_messages AS pm" . ($context['folder'] == 'outbox' ? ($context['sort_by'] == 'name' ? ")
LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}im_recipients AS pmr ON (pmr.ID_PM = pm.ID_PM)" : ')') : ", {$db_prefix}im_recipients AS pmr)") . ($context['sort_by'] == 'name' ? ("
LEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.ID_MEMBER = " . ($context['folder'] == 'outbox' ? 'pmr.ID_MEMBER' : 'pm.ID_MEMBER_FROM') . ")") : '') . "
WHERE " . ($context['folder'] == 'outbox' ? "pm.ID_MEMBER_FROM = $ID_MEMBER
AND pm.deletedBySender = 0" : "pm.ID_PM = pmr.ID_PM
AND pmr.deleted = 0") . "
ORDER BY " . ($_GET['sort'] == 'pm.ID_PM' && $context['folder'] != 'outbox' ? 'pmr.ID_PM' : $_GET['sort']) . ($descending ? ' DESC' : ' ASC') . "
LIMIT $_GET[start], $modSettings[defaultMaxMessages]", __FILE__, __LINE__);

Coolness! Thanks bunches. That fixed my copy of 1.0.5 just fine. I can sort my PMs by sender again!  :D

California Dreamin

I get this error when I click on a forum message:  HELP!

Database Error
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
File: /home/rrhs/www/forum/Sources/Display.php
Line: 546

Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum files are currently at version SMF 1.0.5, whereas your database is at version SMF 1.0.2. It is recommended that you execute the latest version of upgrade.php. 


QuoteIt is recommended that you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.
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California Dreamin

Quote from: Wizard13335 on December 22, 2005, 04:29:05 PM
QuoteIt is recommended that you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.

I have tried to upload with the package manager.....the  patches ( and smf_1-1-rc1_upgradeand I keep getting this error  :

An Error Has Occurred!
The package you tried to upload either is not a valid package or has become corrupted. 



I just went with the MySQL manual file upload option for 1.1. RC1.

Is there any way to tell that this update is "Good to go".  Like at the bottom it says the version of SMF.

Anything like that regarding the MySQL update?  Like "Currently running MySQL compatibility update 5.0.12" or some feedback from the site.

Also, in trying to get the package manager to work, I think my problem may have been the 'local path to SMF'.  How do I find this out for the future when there are other package updates?



Hi all...

I need a little bit of help here and I hope I have one.

So I'll make as mach as possible simple. Since I changed my server because they shut me down first time ( don't know reason ) I changed to a VPS server. I'm happy with it but the only problem is that i receive some strange characters when someone Quote someone else and some old post from the previous server, just some of them was totally a mes. This problem was when I had characters like ë and Ç used before and instead of them now I can see Squares and and some other characters that I don't know how they comming.

One example:

This is problematic:
QuoteTermi ?gnostik딠i referohej nj렧rupi heterogjen i ardhur nga rryma filozofiko-fetare antike, - t렣il봠pat뮠nj렰벨apje렴렭adhe n렳hekujt II-III-t묠pas Krishtit, - n렰벧jith볩 t렶endosur n렺onat m렫ulturore t력pokes, - sic ishin Roma dhe Aleksandria. Disa prej k봹re sekteve gnostike, kan렮j련istori t렭ir뤯kumentuar, nd벳a t렴jerat t렬뮡 n련ije, - n렫uptimin q렮uk njihen as themeluesit e tyre.

After I change the View/Encoding/Western European ( Windows ) is OK

QuoteTermi "gnostikë" i referohej një grupi heterogjen i ardhur nga rryma filozofiko-fetare antike, - të cilët patën një përhapjeë të madhe në shekujt II-III-të, pas Krishtit, - në përgjithësi të vendosur në zonat më kulturore të epokes, - sic ishin Roma dhe Aleksandria. Disa prej këtyre sekteve gnostike, kanë një histori të mirëdokumentuar, ndërsa të tjerat të lëna në hije, - në kuptimin që nuk njihen as themeluesit e tyre.

So as you can see I saw to many this kind of mistakes and I'm tyrerd fixing them one by one and the problem is that they steel hapening if somone quoted someone else but not so many just a few small problems.

I really don't know what's the problem and I need help.

I saw that those problems now are stored to the database. Hope is not serious.  :(

Any halp ???


how and in what way is this patch important?
