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embedding youtube videos smf 2.0.15

Started by sam casey, February 26, 2018, 10:14:16 AM

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sam casey

hi guys i know this is a topic that has been posted over the years for different versions of smf and in regards using different methods or mods to achieve this . my question is a bit different and i have been reading as i always do but as yet i havent managed to find the answer i need .

as an admin with full permissions i can embed youtube videos by wrapping them in html , that is to get the embed link and open and close with html such as  at either end .

this works fine for me and the forum owners as we are in the same admin group with full permissions . however other groups are reporting that they cant do this . ive tested regular members group and junior admin group . and when the embed link is wrapped in html when you post the post the video is not embedded and when you go back and modify the post you find that the html wrap is gone and only the embed link remains .

i hope im making sense here . i can only imagine its a permissions issue , because the full admin group can embed these videos . but ive been through permissions for regular member group and the junior admin group and i just cant see anything obvious that i need to enable . so im clearly missing something here and id be greatful for any help with this . i should add that there are 3 smf forums on the server here owned by my friend (all smf 2.0.15 , there doesnt seem to be a problem with the other two sites , just the one above . thanks in advance .


using the html tags is a security risk... only full admins will ever have the right to that.

there are about a dozen mods that allow for embedding of videos - some for just youtube, others for a whole bunch of different sites.

SAVE is probably the most active/popular at the moment.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Marking solved then. If you have any other questions regarding this topic, by all means, mark this unsolved and let us know. :)
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sam casey

im back guys . just to explain briefly before i go further . i am an admin  for a friend who has 3 forums on the same server . all have smf 2.0.15 . one was a brand new site / new install only recently . one is the old main site , and the other a sort of backup / test site to test mods etc . the two older sites all tho they are using smf 2.0.15 had not been updated it seems correctly . in the sense that when i asked for help here with certain issues and i mentioned certain code that the excellent chaps here recognized that i had old rc code . i followed the instructions i was given to update and i did get the old sites up to date as far as smf 2.0.15 . i dont know if some of that old code may still linger in the two old sites .

so i installed the save 4.4 mod on the new site with no issues what so ever . i tried to install it on the main old site and an error popped up so i didnt continue the install .

   7.    Execute Modification    ./Sources/Post.php    Test failed
      1.    Replace    ./Sources/Post.php    Test failed
      2.    Replace    ./Sources/Post.php    Test failed

here is the error

Code: (Find) [Select]


Code: (Replace) [Select]



Code: (Replace) [Select]


seems to be the same error twice .

now i know i can click on edit and it will tell me what code needs replacing , i did that , and i looked in the sources/post.php . but i cant see '<img>'  anywhere all be it there is near 3000 lines in the code editer , so maybe im missing it but i just dont think its there .

so can anyone help me with this , maybe tell me what line number the above CORRECT code should be on . or perhaps there is another way to fix this ?.

lastly i also tried to install this mod on our third backup site ,  got no errors at all , so i only have an error on one of the 3 sites , thats our main site even tho all have smf 2.0.15 . so id appreciate any help guys . and yes the original issue here is sorted as i can now embed videos so thanks for the help there . bu  thought as the new issue was related to the original issue that it may  be best to post it here . thanks again .


but, if you are having an issue installing a specific mod, or finding the code to install that part manually, you should ask in the support topic dedicated to thta mod, sinc others may have encountered the same issue and will be better able to answer your question. :)

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


Quote from: Kindred on February 26, 2018, 10:22:39 AM
using the html tags is a security risk... only full admins will ever have the right to that.

there are about a dozen mods that allow for embedding of videos - some for just youtube, others for a whole bunch of different sites.

SAVE is probably the most active/popular at the moment.

SAVE? Never heard of that.
I would like to recommend:
Yet Another YouTube BBCode Tag

Hope this helps!
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SAVE... what an irritating abbreviation.

How does "Simple Audio Video Embedder" compare against "Yet Another YouTube BBCode Tag" ?
Quote of the day: A troll is an obstinate bloke who only hungers for your attention. If you feed him, he will puke all over you!

Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

For one, SAVE is not a BBCode tag. ;) Try it out, it's actually very easy, and works well.
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