Custom BBCode content and output are escaped

Started by Prodibi, April 15, 2018, 09:00:22 AM

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Hello, I wrote a simple mod to replace a BBCode by some HTML, but the input and output are escaped with " and  

I use this command

'tag' => 'prodibi',
'type' => 'unparsed_content',
'content' =>'<div><script>document.currentScript.parentElement.setAttribute("data-prodibi",\'$1\'.replace(/&quot;/g, "\\"").trim())</script></div>'

the $1 variable is suppose to be some json input like { "width": 3590, "height": 5384, "heightMode": "aspectRatio", "id": "2ej1ko0dd7gddd" } but looks like
{ &quot;width&quot;: 3590, &quot;height&quot;: 5384, &quot;heightMode&quot;: "aspectRatio", &quot;id&quot;: &quot;2ej1ko0dd7gddd&quot; }

How can I get the raw content instead of the escaped one?

and when I set the 'content' with something like

     <script />
</ div>'

it results in something like that that is not working

&nbsp;&nbsp;<script&nbsp; />

how can I output raw HTML?

Thank you by advance  :)
