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Started by SychO, September 22, 2018, 10:12:35 PM

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Quote from: whoey on November 09, 2018, 12:34:01 PM
index.css has an error on line 1707:
0: 0.9em
assume it's meant to be "font-size"
Nice catch

Quote from: whoey on November 09, 2018, 12:34:01 PM
the posted fix did nothing for me, and looking at the CSS I could see where it is set but commented out, and some other CSS seems to be disallowing the change.

If you comment that part out, than you have to remove the block of code beneath it.

Quote from: whoey on November 09, 2018, 12:34:01 PM
Any reason there's 2 line breaks as well as CSS margin at the bottom of the header? (IMHO  makes for a big unnecessary gap between header and main content)

I don't disagree, I do think there's too much space there, also I should drop the line breaks.
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze


Another thing I'm not sure about, the thread starter avatar showing up even in the reduced mobile views of the thread listing, and the CSS rounded corners on avatars (if they aren't square it comes out oval instead of round)

Otherwise, it's been a sheer pleasure to use in testing coming from a heavily customized version of an earlier release of ShelfLife even with the many mods we use not yet implemented and only some minor changes.


I really love this theme but my signatures aren't showing up.  They are coming up as a letter or a number instead, and in the signature field it reads 'Array' .  I have re-installed already once and curious to know what I am doing wrong.  Any tips or advice would be much appreciated.  Thanks!

My profile when I want to add a signature reads 'Array' and if I replace it with text or code it keeps showing up as 'Array'.


Quote from: soaiceland on November 30, 2018, 12:30:40 PM
I really love this theme but my signatures aren't showing up.  They are coming up as a letter or a number instead, and in the signature field it reads 'Array' .  I have re-installed already once and curious to know what I am doing wrong.  Any tips or advice would be much appreciated.  Thanks!

My profile when I want to add a signature reads 'Array' and if I replace it with text or code it keeps showing up as 'Array'.

That's weird, do the signatures work on the default theme ? Are you using a mod that does something to signatures ?
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze


Hi, thanks for responding!

I had a mod for the random signature but I uninstalled it.  A text signature works on the default.


It is still reading 'Array' in the profile section though.


Quote from: soaiceland on November 30, 2018, 01:19:29 PM
It is still reading 'Array' in the profile section though.

It isn't a problem with the theme though, whatever mod you used/using is the problem, you have to manually uninstall it by looking at the changes it does
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze


okay I did uninstall the mods and delete them.  I will keep trying and see what is going on. 


I think I got it.   :)


As with any new theme - mods will need to be uninstalled and then reinstalled ----  or manually installed into the new theme.

Please do not PM, IM or Email me with support questions.  You will get better and faster responses in the support boards.  Thank you.

"Loki is not evil, although he is certainly not a force for good. Loki is... complicated."


After recently moving hosts I started testing more our old setup was php5 and new is php7, one of the things I noticed when I switched to Sunrise for testing is that for some odd reason when I first load the forum with the theme selected, all the fontawesome icons are broken.
This happens if I got to any other website, then load the forum, going to any other page on the forum will fix them.

I updated to the Fontawesome css  to latest available, and found this

seems in the theme they are defined class="fas fa-iconname"
and based on that post they should always be class="fa fa-iconname"


fa has been deprecated in FontAwesome 5, fas is the new default, there is also fab for brands and far, fal available on the PRO version.

My guess is your problem is related to SSL(if you have it setup) but It's only a guess, I'd need a link to your forum to see for myself.
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze


Yeah we have SSL setup, and did previously, I'll have a look when I get back home


indeed, seems my old bookmark was without SSL, and our old host had http redirecting to https. Just added a force https to the .htaccess and problem is solved.

jeremy b

Two questions:

Is there a way to edit the orange sun image? Would like to make it lighter or more transparent.

Can I have two separate header images that change with the day and night modes?


for the sun color take a look at .sunmoon and .sunmoon.sunrise and .sunmoon.midnight in index.css and .sunmoon in midnight.css

as for the header images they are in images/custom directory
light mode : sr_sunrise.png
dark : sr_midnight.png
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze

jeremy b


I'm trying to figure where to increase the font size of the text that appears when you type in the post field (i.e. what I see as I'm typing right now).


This theme looks so good! Premium look. All your themes, not just this one. Thanks for everything!


Quote from: jeremy b on January 03, 2019, 07:05:41 PM

I'm trying to figure where to increase the font size of the text that appears when you type in the post field (i.e. what I see as I'm typing right now).

Look for
textarea {
    font: 100%/130% "Noto Sans", verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;

You probably want to change 100% to 13 or 14px
textarea {
    font: 14px/130% "Noto Sans", verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;

Quote from: Freevy on January 04, 2019, 02:36:58 AM
This theme looks so good! Premium look. All your themes, not just this one. Thanks for everything!

Thanks, enjoy
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze

jeremy b

That worked. Thanks!

How do I increase the font size of the topic summary text? The recap of the thread that shows up when you're posting. (See below.)
