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Started by SychO, September 22, 2018, 10:12:35 PM

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Quote from: SychO on February 20, 2019, 03:04:44 PM
Quote from: natcip on February 20, 2019, 11:16:09 AM
Thank you for this amazing theme, I love it. 8)

I'd like to make the quote button lead the user to the full reply page instead of the quote going into quick reply. I'm sure that's possible but I'm not sure which file to edit.

Also, it seems like signatures disappear on lower screen resolutions. How do I make it visable all the time?

1. Hide the quick reply box, the button will take you to the full editor
2. open responsive.css go to ligne 281, remove .signature,
Thank you, it worked. :)

Another thing. How do I remove the drop down menu for the quick buttons (quote/modify/remove etc.) on lower resolutions. It's a nice feature, but not necessary for my users because they only have the options quote and edit. I'd like to have the buttons next to each other.


I'm afraid the amount of editing is too much for me to explain
Checkout My Themes:

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How do I make the theme show no image at all instead of the default avatar if the user doesn't have an avatar?


in index.template.php, change this
/* Set the default avatar image */
if($context['sr_mode']['value']==0) {
$settings['sr_default_avatar'] = '<img src="'.$settings['theme_url'].'/images/default_avatar.png" class="avatar sr_switchable" width="110" height="110"/>';
} else
$settings['sr_default_avatar'] = '<img src="'.$settings['theme_url'].'/images/default_avatar_midnight.png" class="avatar sr_switchable" width="110" height="110"/>';

to this $settings['sr_default_avatar'] = '';
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze


Thank you very much SychO  ;)


How do I make the avatars in threads not round?


add .poster img.avatar {
    border-radius: 0;

to index.css
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze



Hi SychO,

Congrats and many thanks for this great theme! We really enjoy it!
And now... the questions of course.  :)

- Is it possible to center the logo of the forum? For now, I cheated: I put a logo of the same width as the forum. Which looks good on computer but not on mobile because it is too reduced.
- On a board index, how to remove the column containing the 45x45 avatars? And increase the width of the column containing the thread titles.
- How to make the news text still? Even if it limits the length of the text to the width of the forum, we would like to be able to do it.
- How do we know when a new version of the theme is available for download?

Many thanks in advance. Greetings.  :)


Quote from: Square on March 19, 2019, 05:56:45 AM
- Is it possible to center the logo of the forum? For now, I cheated: I put a logo of the same width as the forum. Which looks good on computer but not on mobile because it is too reduced.
- On a board index, how to remove the column containing the 45x45 avatars? And increase the width of the column containing the thread titles.
- How to make the news text still? Even if it limits the length of the text to the width of the forum, we would like to be able to do it.
- How do we know when a new version of the theme is available for download?


- Use a normal image than add this to index.css .imgHead {
    text-align: center;

- Messageindex.template.php, you'll have to change this<th scope="col" class="first_th" width="2%" colspan="2">&nbsp;</th> to this <th scope="col" class="first_th" width="2%">&nbsp;</th> and delete this if(!empty($topic['first_post']['member']['id']) && $topic['first_post']['member']['id']!=0) {
// Get The Avatar the easy Way
$last_poster = $topic['first_post']['member']['id'];
<td class="icon2 ', $color_class, ' avatared">
', !empty($memberContext[$last_poster]['avatar']['image']) ? $memberContext[$last_poster]['avatar']['image'] : $settings['sr_default_avatar'], '
} else {
<td class="icon2 ', $color_class, ' avatared">
', $settings['sr_default_avatar'], '

- index.template.php & boardindex.template.php delete this <script>jq(\'.marquee\').marquee({
//speed in milliseconds of the marquee
duration: ', empty($settings['newsmarquee_time']) ? '14000' : $settings['newsmarquee_time'], ',  pauseOnHover: true

- You can compare the changelog here to the changelog.txt file in your theme folder/package
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze


Thank you very much, SychO! I'll try at home, tonight.
I'm following this thread. Could you please post something when a new version is available? Now I have the latest one but a notification would be great.
Have a nice day.  :)


Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze



Sometimes the icons are displayed like this. Sometimes they're normal.
On PC, Windows10, Chrome and Firefox latest update. Cable, not wifi.
Also on Android tablet and phone, Chrome and Firefox.
Any idea?


Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze


Thanks. I did some tests, it's a https problem, indeed. There is a redirect but it doesn't work perfectly. I'll tell the webmaster.  :)



First off, LOVE this theme!  Great work!

Couple questions:

1.  I want to change stars location.  I found the .mosunmo .sr_star background color in the applicable sunrise/midnight css.  However, can't for the life of me figure out how you placed the stars where they are (and move them), although I found reference to them in the php.

2.  Saw earlier in this thread how to alternate #forumposts .windowbg2 color.  How do I do similarly for the board topics themselves?  And maybe even the boards on the index page if got even crazier?   :o

Thank you!!


1. starting at index.css line 4323
.mosunmo .sr_star:nth-child(4) {top: 1em;left: 10em;width: 8px;height: 8px;}
.mosunmo .sr_star:nth-child(5) {top: 2.5em;right: 35em;left:unset;width: 10px;height: 10px;}
.mosunmo .sr_star:nth-child(6) {top: 50%;left: 50%;width: 4px;height: 4px;}
.mosunmo .sr_star:nth-child(7) {top: 1em;left: 10em;width: 8px;height: 8px;}
.mosunmo .sr_star:nth-child(8) {top: 2em;left: 40em;width: 7px;height: 7px;}
.mosunmo .sr_star:nth-child(9) {top: 4em;left: 25em;width: 3px;height: 3px;}
.mosunmo .sr_star:nth-child(10) {top: 5em;left: 65em;width: 6px;height: 6px;}
.mosunmo .sr_star:nth-child(11) {top: 2em;left: 10em;width: 4px;height: 4px;}
.mosunmo .sr_star:nth-child(12) {top: 6em;left: 48em;width: 10px;height: 10px;}

2. You could apply this but it will mess up the sticky and locked topics backgrounds
.topic_table tr.windowbg:nth-child(even) td, #boardindex_table .content tr:nth-child(even) td {
    background-color: #000;
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze


Thank you SychO, much appreciated! Will give it a try.


Awesome theme! I've been using this for a week now and loving it. Thank you, SychO! :)

Questions though:

1. How can I disable the night theme so that users will be forced to just see the day theme and not have the option to switch to the night theme?

2. The stats on the homepage seem to be messed up. I don't know why but the data about number of topics, members, and posts are not in straight line and have varying font sizes. (See screenshot) How to fix this?

Thank you!


Quote from: geezmo on April 07, 2019, 03:22:10 PM
Awesome theme! I've been using this for a week now and loving it. Thank you, SychO! :)

Questions though:

1. How can I disable the night theme so that users will be forced to just see the day theme and not have the option to switch to the night theme?

2. The stats on the homepage seem to be messed up. I don't know why but the data about number of topics, members, and posts are not in straight line and have varying font sizes. (See screenshot) How to fix this?

Thank you!

Thank you,

1. There currently isn't an option to prevent users from switching modes, I'll be adding an option in a future update though

2. That seems to be a bug in the theme, until I fix it in a future update you can avoid it by either turning ON "Show statistics on board index:" in the theme settings, or turning ON "Show latest member on board index:"
Checkout My Themes:

Potato  •  Ackerman  •  SunRise  •  NightBreeze
