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SMF 2.1 RC2 Released

Started by Sesquipedalian, March 30, 2019, 12:32:25 PM

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lol even the spambots are impressed!


That's not exactly anything new, they're impressed by everything. :P
Gary M. Gadsdon
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Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

They are the easily impressed type.
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Quote from: Sesquipedalian on March 30, 2019, 12:32:25 PM

Modification and theme authors are encouraged to check the roadmap for our upcoming development milestones when deciding how to update their modifications and themes for SMF 2.1.
So next version is going to be RC3, not final?
Former Lead Support Specialist

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Well, maybe i'm bold enough to upgrade. :) RC is RC.
Former Lead Support Specialist

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Topic split.  The discussion about 2.1's design and development can now be found here.
Soñando con una playa donde brilla el sol, un arco iris ilumina el cielo, y el mar espejea iridescentemente


Congratulations to the team. finally


Nice to see the progress on Github towards RC3 :)


Unfortunately the visible progress stopped few months ago. I'm looking forward to RC3 to install it on the prod env. and start fixing translation mistakes, but... :(

Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen

Quote from: Pyrhel on October 18, 2019, 12:42:32 PM
Unfortunately the visible progress stopped few months ago. I'm looking forward to RC3 to install it on the prod env. and start fixing translation mistakes, but... :(
That's only because temporarily 2.0 got priority for "reasons".
"Before you allow people access to your forum, especially in an administrative position, you must be aware that that person can seriously damage your forum. Therefore, you should only allow people that you trust, implicitly, to have such access." -Douglas

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The reason being that 7.2 is going away and some compatibility patches are being worked on, along with a permanent fix for the infamous 2.0.14 login error, and some GDPR features. This, fairly obviously, needed priority for production systems over pre-production (RCs are not generally suggested for production unless you can patch/maintain it yourself)
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.



Quote from: Pyrhel on October 18, 2019, 12:42:32 PM
Unfortunately the visible progress stopped few months ago. I'm looking forward to RC3 to install it on the prod env. and start fixing translation mistakes, but... :(
Alright. And true: Almost 7 months have now passed since RC2 had been released.
Nothing ever since. Even the last 2.0 release (SMF 2.0.15) turns 2 years old soon.

What is taking so long or what slows down progress so immensely. Is that public, so we could discuss or help to bring things forward?
Quote of the day: A troll is an obstinate bloke who only hungers for your attention. If you feed him, he will puke all over you!


At least this needs to be done for SMF2.1 RC3.
At least this needs to be done for SMF2.1 Final.
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That and the fact that 2.0.16 is in extensive testing where it adds a significant change for GDPR.
Holder of controversial views, all of which my own.


Quote from: Arantor on October 22, 2019, 10:02:14 AM
That and the fact that 2.0.16 is in extensive testing where it adds a significant change for GDPR.
What is GDPR?


It's a European Union law dealing with privacy and personal data.
Michael Eshom
Christian Metal Fans


Quote from: Oldiesmann on November 02, 2019, 01:56:10 PM

It's a European Union law dealing with privacy and personal data.

Ok, that's what I thought but I wasn't sure. ;-)

I imagine that this explains why there has been no change in the milestone on 2.1 RC3 for the last 3 weeks.


Quote from: DenDen60 on November 02, 2019, 02:00:31 PM
I imagine that this explains why there has been no change in the milestone on 2.1 RC3 for the last 3 weeks.

"This is really a generic concept about human thinking - when faced with large tasks we're naturally inclined to try to break them down into a bunch of smaller tasks that together make up the whole."

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