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Theme Issues

Started by Majik_Imaje, August 14, 2019, 02:05:47 PM

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 The 404 links are from web sites   that  went down and are no longer.

If I had something to hide.........I would have been in jail 20 years  ago - I am Mr. Squeeky Kleen

We stay home and carve Ivory. 

We work with FOSSIL ivory, it's very rare and people pay through the nose  for this stuff

Sir Osis of Liver

Walrus ivory?

You might find this forum interesting (or not).  They work with gemstones, don't know if they sell them.

If you have javascript disabled in FF, top menu disappears.
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


Yeah I know that about java.. my menu's were  collapsed 1/8 of an inch thick.

Yeah I live with Eskimo's in the Arctic

Kivalina  Alaska 90 miles above the Arctic circle

Sir Osis of Liver

Does sound like you're having a js problem with FF.  It installs out-of-box with js enabled, you'd have to do something deliberate to disable it.  SMF uses js, but disabling it in FF doesn't affect login.,_Alaska

"The island on which the village lies is threatened by rising sea levels and coastal erosion. As of 2013, it is predicted that the island will be inundated by 2025."
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


Well I sure thanks for your help, I am afraid to dump my cashe will that  effect all of my sites. All my sites know my log  on details and passwords.. I don't want all that erased

by  the way........I love..............your name. (chuckle)

Sir Osis of Liver

If you clear all browser history in FF or IE, you have to login to all sites again, but there's an option to select which history you want cleared, so you can save cookies.  Don't use Chrome, but I believe it has the same option.  One of the problems we sometimes see here is login failure due to corrupt cookies.  The usual advice is to change cookie name in Server Settings, that logs out everyone and drops clean cookie when they log back in.  This only affects the forum, does not require clearing history.  Your original login problem was due to missing session check in Core theme, that should be fixed.
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


I was just going to ask you if there is any way I can test it..  so you want me to change the theme to core ?  Ok  I can do that, but usually that is when I get e-mails saying they can't log in

I will try it and see if people show up..


Quote from: Antechinus on August 16, 2019, 06:36:18 PM
That file should be correct, according to the instructions. Are you saying it still doesn't work?

If it's no good, that means they must be trying to log in via one of the other forms in the software. For example, the Login button on the menu takes you to Login.template.php, and that would need editing too if that is what they are doing.

The edit to index.template.php only works if they are trying to log in via the "quick log in" form in the theme header (the one that is visible on all pages).

For reference:  I changed the one in index.template.php, This one I just tidied up because the code was already there and added by Majik_Imaje.   There was another which I also added the session check, in boardindex.template.php this one is for the login bar which resides below the Info Center at the bottom of forum index. 

echo '
<div class="infocenter_section">
<h4 class="titlebg">', $txt['login'], ' <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=reminder" class="smalltext">', $txt['forgot_your_password'], '</a></h4>
<div class="windowbg">
<p class="section">
<a href="', $scripturl, '?action=login"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/icons/login.gif', '" alt="', $txt['login'], '" /></a>
<div class="windowbg2 sectionbody">
<form id="infocenter_login" action="', $scripturl, '?action=login2" method="post" accept-charset="', $context['character_set'], '">
<ul class="reset horizlist clearfix">
<label for="user">', $txt['username'], ':<br />
<input type="text" name="user" id="user" size="15" class="input_text" /></label>
<label for="passwrd">', $txt['password'], ':<br />
<input type="password" name="passwrd" id="passwrd" size="15" class="input_password" /></label>
<label for="cookielength">', $txt['mins_logged_in'], ':<br />
<input type="text" name="cookielength" id="cookielength" size="4" maxlength="4" value="', $modSettings['cookieTime'], '" class="input_text" /></label>
<label for="cookieneverexp">', $txt['always_logged_in'], ':<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="cookieneverexp" id="cookieneverexp" checked="checked" class="input_check" /></label>
<input type="submit" value="', $txt['login'], '" class="button_submit" />
<input type="hidden" name="', $context['session_var'], '" value="', $context['session_id'], '" />

Both those files need the session check added.  ;)


I have no idea     what a sessions check is
I am starting to wonder if my site is even working....
No one has been logged in  since yesterday morning.


Quote from: Majik_Imaje on August 17, 2019, 12:29:58 PM
I have no idea     what a sessions check is
I am starting to wonder if my site is even working....
No one has been logged in  since yesterday morning.

Nothing for you to worry yourself over.  ;)

That info was just for others thinking about fixing the Core theme for 2.0.15.  Just pointing out you have to add the fix to both those files.

As for no one logging into your site, well that's par for the course, mine are dead too.   ;)

Sir Osis of Liver

Just registered, forum is running 2.0.15 Curve, no problem logging in/out.
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


I   can't thank you enough...  Are you Krash ??

Whoa  wowza  I just been to your web site ........I am super impressed and speechless

Sir Osis of Liver

Yeah, that's me.  Can you switch to Core theme, or make me admin and I'll play with it.
When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


I just switched to core...
How do I make you admin (just asking) This is our first date - I'm not THAT easy.

Sir Osis of Liver

Login works fine in Core.  Do yourself a favor and pick a nice shiny responsive theme.  Core is a legacy, it was default theme for 1.1 branch, over 10 years old, some mods will not install in it and it's not responsive.  Couple of my guys are still using it, basically because their forums go back that far and their members are comfortable with it.  Doing some customizing with SychO's Nightbreeze here, he's put up several nice responsive themes.

Going offline shortly.  Do Eskimos play guitar?  Here's something for you -

When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


Where do I get "responsive"  themes ?  this is over my head.

Sir Osis of Liver

When in Emor, do as the Snamors.
                              - D. Lister


I just installed a GORGEOUS THEME (responsive)
I dunno why everything   crashed   

How do I make you admin ...I know how to make a moderator

do the same  thing but add admin  or administrator in your profile


Quote from: Sir Osis of Liver on August 18, 2019, 01:30:27 AM
Login works fine in Core.  Do yourself a favor and pick a nice shiny responsive theme.  Core is a legacy, it was default theme for 1.1 branch, over 10 years old, some mods will not install in it and it's not responsive.  Couple of my guys are still using it, basically because their forums go back that far and their members are comfortable with it.  Doing some customizing with SychO's Nightbreeze here, he's put up several nice responsive themes.

Going offline shortly.  Do Eskimos play guitar?  Here's something for you -

Yes quite a few Eskimo's play guitar,  The Patkotak  sisters are very famous


Quote from: Sir Osis of Liver on August 18, 2019, 12:59:50 AM
Yeah, that's me.  Can you switch to Core theme, or make me admin and I'll play with it.

I've already done that exactly that.  Added the session checks. Core theme works as expected. 

The fact that Curve was set to default from the start means that wasn't the issue in the first place, but as Majik_Imaje expressed an interest in Core, I went ahead and fixed it.

Quote from: Sir Osis of Liver on August 18, 2019, 01:30:27 AM
Login works fine in Core.  Do yourself a favor and pick a nice shiny responsive theme.  Core is a legacy, it was default theme for 1.1 branch, over 10 years old, some mods will not install in it and it's not responsive. 

That I can agree with.  Why anyone would want to use Core nowadays is beyond me.  A responsive theme, or at the very least the "Responsive Curve Mod" would be on my shopping list.  ;)
