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Problem uploading attachments

Started by Dylert, August 16, 2019, 04:40:13 PM

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I am testing a 2.1 install and it looks really great! :) Great work!

I have a problem with uploading attachments. I got a very, very long red error when I try to upload a picture. This is the error:

IMG_7530.jpg <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style> img.avatar { max-width: 100px; max-height: 100px; } </style> <script> var smf_theme_url = ""; var smf_default_theme_url = ""; var smf_images_url = ""; var smf_smileys_url = ""; var smf_smiley_sets = "aaron,akyhne,hellasforum,fugue,alienine"; var smf_smiley_sets_default = "fugue"; var smf_scripturl = ""; var smf_iso_case_folding = false; var smf_charset = "UTF-8"; var smf_session_id = "2c32e369ded3a17e4c525c7a45955188"; var smf_session_var = "a5305a6"; var smf_member_id = 2; var ajax_notification_text = 'Loading...'; var help_popup_heading_text = 'A little lost? 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In my error log I can read this:
Database Error: Field 'au_hash' doesn't have a default value
INSERT INTO smf_attachments(`id_folder`, `id_msg`, `filename`, `file_hash`, `fileext`, `size`, `width`, `height`, `mime_type`, `approved`)
            (13, 0, SUBSTRING('IMG_7525.jpg', 1, 255), SUBSTRING('5d0972c39262d7945d48f4debf6e03307fc7c75c', 1, 40), SUBSTRING('jpg', 1, 8), 5093213, 3000, 2000, SUBSTRING('image/jpeg', 1, 20), 1);sa=add;a5305a6=2c32e369ded3a17e4c525c7a45955188;board=110
/customers/d/7/7/ (Line 721)

In smf_attachments in my database there is a line called "au_hash". Maybe it is from a mod I have deleted? I don't know. Please look at the attached file that shows smf_attachments.

Hopefully someone can help me with this! :) Thanks in advance! :) 


Click the edit button for that column (Endre?), there will be a tickbox for 'NULL', which will be empty, tick it and then save the column.


You made my day! It works! Thanks a lot!   
