Blank page in some topics after update 2.015 => 2.0.16

Started by Kolya, January 12, 2020, 11:14:23 AM

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After updating from 2.015 => 2.0.16 some topics showed a blank page. No errors were logged by SMF.
I found the problem causing this in Load.php on line 1059:

// Take care of proxying avatar if required, do this here for maximum reach
if (!empty($row['avatar']))
$row['avatar'] = get_proxied_url($row['avatar']);

I basically disabled this by adding a check ($image_proxy_enabled) that existed there previously and which is false on my board.

// Take care of proxying avatar if required, do this here for maximum reach
if ($image_proxy_enabled && !empty($row['avatar']))
$row['avatar'] = get_proxied_url($row['avatar']);

While this works, it's not a fix. So I would be grateful for any hints what might be going wrong here.


Nevermind. I figured out that the function get_proxied_url() wasn't loaded in Subs.php.
Sorry for wasting your time.
